
DOULUO DALU 2: Legend Of Zhu Tianmeng

10,000 thousand years after Tang San and The others ascended Many Things happened The God of Chaos and The Goddess of speed decided to send their 1st son in the Douluo Dalu World as the war in the god realm is still raging on He was named Zhu Tianmeng and this is his story

Lockedkid69 · アニメ·コミックス
23 Chs

CHAPTER 9: Wait, I'll take back what I said before

10,000 years ago

Core zone stardou forest

I giant tree can be found in the middle of a lake in the corezone of the stardou forest, near that lake is where the Jade Swan Clan lived

Suddenly they felt the whole ground shake as a hole appeared on the ground near their nests

The swans panicked and they called the warriors of their clan A giant white alligator and a Big black wolf stood near hole and they after a while they heard some kind of footsteps and a man came out he was holding a Black sword that have black lightning on its, the man looked disheveled and his eyes looks lost, he looked at the spirit beast around him and he said

"Sorry for intruding your territory but I'm here to look for the Emerald Jade Swan Empress, please I need her help" the man said

"Human hou dare enter our home uninvited and now you want to meet the empress?! I will kill you" The White alligator said as he swiped his tail and attacked the man, but the man didnt move at all, the attack of the alligator did nothing to him

The spirit beast was shocked, the jade swans quickly stepped back and they entered a special formation the alligator and the black wolf jumped back too

The man unsummoned his sword and he kneeled on the ground

"Please I beg You, I want to meet the Emerald Jade Swan Empress, I need her help" the man said again, the Jade Swans stopped their formation when they saw the man, they cant feel any sense of danger from him at all, all they can feel is sadness, and grief

Then Bi Ji arrived, together with her is another beautiful woman who was wearing black and a middle aged man who was wearing a red cape and a dragon like armor

"Human why are you here?" the middle aged man said

"You must be the Beast God Di Tian, I'm sorry for intruding you home uninvited but I badly needed that Lady's help" The man said as he looked at Di Tian

Di Tian felt primal fear when the man looked at him, it was like he was facing ten dragon gods and all of them are staring at him

"But my sister cant cure your soul anymore, the way it was divided is something her power cant heal" Di Tian said

"Its not for me, but for her" The man said as he took out a beautiful lady who was wearing a lomg black dress with gold linings

"She was hit by a soul attack, I already repaired her soul using my soul, and spirit essence, all I need is someone who have a power who can heal her, I tried everything that I can but she never woke up, and you are best choice for this, if your healing powers wont wake her up then, I have to sacrifice my life for her and be her spirit ring" When everyone heard it they became surprised, and Di Tian was now sure about his feeling

"Greetings to the All Father Divine Dragon Of Chaos" Di Tian said as he kneeled down the lady who was wearing black kneeled down too, as well as the other dragons type spirit beast

"Its not important for me anymore, Jade Swan Empress, I beg you please help me" The man said again

"All Father!" Di Tian said, the he looked at Bi Ji

"Little sister can you help the All Father?" He asked

"I will try my best, big brother" Bi Ji said

Bi Ji's thought was interrupted when she felt someone familliar is going straight here

She looked at the horizon and saw a middle aged man ho was wearing an armor like dragon scales he landed gently on the ground then he looked at Bi Ji and the beast near her, after that he looked at the 2 kids in the front he was surprised when he saw the little girl with a green hair

"Ice Scorpion Emperor, I never thought that you will take a human form and try to cultivate and be a god, you have some great guts to made that decission" the man said, Bing Bing just bowed and greeted him, this is the first time she saw him after all

Then Di Tian looked at the kid who was absorbing a spirit halo,and he was shocked he slipped on the ice, he stood up quickly and he arrived at the front of Tian Meng

"This this! This is!" He cant say what he is about to say when he saw the face of the young man

"Yes big brother you are right" a woman wearing a black long dress said

"Zi Ji you can feel it too right?" The man said and he laughed so hard after Zi Ji confirmed it

"The All Father ascended successfully as I thought" He said then he looked at the kid

"All of you can go home, I will guard him personally" He commanded and all of the beast started to head out

"Here take this pendant" the man said as he gave a pendant to Bing Bing

"That pendant will help you conceal that you are a spirit beast, when you reached level 60, humans who have the strength of a titled douluo can easily see thought that disguise, they will definitely hunt you down, but with this pendant they will not notice it at all, even a limit douluo wont notice it" the man said

"Thank you very much" Bing Bing said then he quickly wore it

"Its lucky for you that you followed him, with this kid becoming a god will be smooth sailing for you, after all his parents are already there" the middle aged man said this time Bing Bing was the one surprised

"But he said to me that he didnt know his parent at all, wait the ring" she said then all of the puzzle piece came in together

"So they send him here alone huh, its probably the All Fathers plan" the middle aged man said

"I want you to secret the things we talked about for him okay?" He said

"Alright" Bing Bing said

"Also please take care of him,do you know his spirit essences?" The man asked again

"Its Origin Sword Of Ice, and that burger" Bing Bing said

"So he inherited another sword, he was definitely the real deal" The man said

"I forgot to introduce myself, my name is Di Tian, and everyone in the Douluo Dalu world call me Beast God" Di Tian said

"So you are him, its a pleasure to meet you, My name is Bing Bing and that kid is Zhu Tian Meng" Bing Bing said

"Its real then now that I know his name its 100% real its confirmed!" Di Tian said happily like he won a million gold coin lottery

"Our line age is still alive, as long as our blood is alive the rise of the dragon clan is still possible" Di Tian said after that the 4 of them guarded Tian Meng

4 hours later

"Hahahaha!" Tian Meng's laughter can be heard in the middle of the forest

"What are you laughing at Idiot were still on the middle of the forest" Bing Bing said

"Bing Bing I your brother became more invinsible again, Big Bite Cheese Burger" Tian Meng said and a big Burger with cheese came out

"Try and eat it" he said as he gave it to Bing Bing, so she took it and had a bite, when she first bit it the flavor is very good she was about to bite when she saw that she already ate all of it

Then she felt something happening on her body, so she quickly sat down and she meditated

When Tian Meng looked around he found out that there are 3 more people here with them

"Do you want to try my burger too, how about you uncle?" Tian Meng said as he gave a Big Bite Cheese Burger to Di Tian too

"oh oh!, thank you then " he said as he bite the burger after that he quickly finished it too and he sat down on the ground too, Bi Ji and her Sister Zi Ji ate the burger too and just like that all four of them are now sitting on the ground while meditating

After a while some black sticky liquid can be seen on Bing Bing's arms after 2 hours she was fully blacked, even her hair became covered in black too, and a very bad smell like thousand of humans farted together at the same time broke out, Tian Meng quickly retreated away, then he saw that the four of them became black statues and they really smell bad

Night came and still the four black smelly statues didnt move at all, Tian Meng was sitting 200 meters away from them but he still can faintly smell that smelly thing

When morning came, the fourth black statue is the first one to break, the lady wearing a black dress smiled but when she smelled the bad odor she quickly vanished in the horizon, the next one to wake up is Bing Bing, and just like the other lady she almost vomitted when she smell herself, the lady on black returned and help her to wash herself, The next after Bing Bing,Bi Ji woke up too and she quickly cleaned herself with her skill body purification then she quickly stood away from the mess

"Little Brother thank you for helping me" She said

"Not at all big sister, its only normal to help those who help you" Tian Meng said

Then after an hour the last black smelly statue cracked, the old man pinched his nose and with a wave of his hands all of the smelly things vanished, after that Bi Ji purified him and he was all good

"Little brother thank you for that, your spirit essence burger is really strong to even have an effect with someone like me" The man said

"Oh is uncle a titled douluo, or you are a beast too?" Tian Meng asked

"Hahaha I'm a spirit beast too, like the 3 girls, my name is Di Tian" He said

"Wow you are that legendary beast, Xuan Lao and Mu Lao said that you are a dragon"Tian Meng excitedly said

"Yes I'm indeed a dragon as well as that lady too" Di Tian said as he pointed at Zi Ji

"Wow, I really wanted a dragon beast soul essence too,but the sword and this burger became more than I wanted" Tian Meng said

"You are right, your sword spirit essences is much stronger than my dragon spirit essence, a sword that can freeze even time, how terrifying is that right?" Di Tian said

"Some of the books are really talking shit, one of the books I read said that you spirit beast hate humans, but in my experience all of you are good persons" Tian Meng said

"If I was going to choose who was more evil, then it will be us the humans, we hunted you guys to be strong after all, and you guys just retaliated, but as my teacher said in this world the weak will suffer and the strong are always the winner" Tian Meng said

"Someone said that to me too in the past,and I asked him how can I be strong like him and he said to me that if I want to get stronger then I should do 1,000 kilometers running, 10,000 push ups ,10,000 sit ups and 10 000 squats everyday"

Di Tian said as he remembered those memories

"Oh that was in my training menu before that my mother gave me, if I remembered it correcrly it is 50 kilometers running and 5,000 squats everyday with just using your physical strength, trust me uncle its super effective" Tian Meng said, and Di Tian just laughed,looking at him he can remember the memories while the all father is living here with them

After they finished chatting, the two bid farewell and they vanished on the thick forest

"I want to go with him" Bi Ji said suddenly

"Big Sister you!" Zi Ji said

"Its fine, if you are sure in your decision then transform now into a full human form of an 13 years old and I will let you go,its the all father's son you want to be with after all" Di Tian said

Suddenly Bi Ji hesitated when she looked at the countless spirit beasts looking at her

"Empress your happiness is our happiness too please do not hesitate" the golden bear said then a silver colored swan landed near her

"Little sister you are now their leader, take good care of them while I'm gone okay?" Bi Ji said and the swan nodded its head

After that a blinding white light came from her body, and Bi Ji became a 13 year old girl

"You look sweet when you are this small big sister" Zi Ji said and she laughed

"Carry her and bring her to them and take this as my gift to you, remember to go back here when the marriage date is set" Di Tian said as he gave a pendant to Bi Ji too

"Thank You elder brother" She said then Zu Ji and her vanished quickly

Inside the forest

Tian Meng and Zhuqing was eating their lunch when they saw Zi Ji coming to them

"Oh big sister Zi Ji you want some food?" Tian Meng said,then a beautiful young girl walked beside Zi Ji and said

"I'll take back what I said before, you will be my big brother now?"

"Eh you are? The swan sister? Why did you become so small, and your power seems weaker?" Tian Meng said

"She did it because she want to come with us too, I think she likes you" Bing Bing said and Bi Ji's face became red

"But I already have Bing Bing, If you want to come with us you and Bing Bing must be good with each other, a team cant have someone quarrelling after all" Tian Meng said

"Its fine with me, as long as she wont hog you for herself" Bing Bing said and Bi Ji became surprised

"Okay then, then welcome to the team" Tian meng said

"From now on call me big brother" he added while laughing, this time he gained another sister again,looks like big brother Fan Yu was right, with a handsome face the little sister will come with me

"Blockhead" Bi Ji said

"Yes and an Idiot too" Bing Bing added and both of them laughed