
DOULUO DALU 2: Legend Of Zhu Tianmeng

10,000 thousand years after Tang San and The others ascended Many Things happened The God of Chaos and The Goddess of speed decided to send their 1st son in the Douluo Dalu World as the war in the god realm is still raging on He was named Zhu Tianmeng and this is his story

Lockedkid69 · アニメ·コミックス
23 Chs

Chapter 21: Finals

A few days later

The whole Xingluo City is celebrating today, because today is the last day of the world school competition

The roads are crowded and the whole arena was fully packed, today Shrek And The Sun Moon kingdom will fighg for the Championship again this year

"7 1v1 battles, 4 2v2 battles, 3 3v3 and 1 7vs7 team battle as a finale, good choice, this fight will be good" Tian Meng said

"If this kids cant win all of their matches then they are not that talented, after all we need geniuses among geniuses not just a normal genius" Bing Bing said

"Let them enjoy their free time, hopefully the flames of war is still small, and Mu Lao was still around, if he suddenly died then we must be fully prepared" Bi Ji said on the side, Xue Nu was with her

"If the great war 4,000 years ago really happen again then we have the advantage, The Sun Moon kingdoms Meng De Hall, and The Body Sect are not on good terms, our biggest problem is the dark spirit masters, when our mission is ongoing we didnt meet a titled douluo at all" Xiao Tao said

"Its true, they only used their pawns to set us into a trap, sadly they are too weak" Bing Bing said

"Their tactics are ruthless but very effective, sadly its also redundant, exploding bodies, poison gases, hidden weapons, soul bombs, their attacks have no thrill at all" Tian Meng said

"The guys of Meng De Hall got scared too, we juat wiped out 4 of their hunting team and they didnt sent out anyone at all after that, the body sect did that too, what a bunch of cowards" Tian Meng added

"Well its us who are the one hunting them after all, with our strength it will be hard to pin point who really is attacking who" Bi Ji said

"We got reports too that some of our small teams are getting attacked too by bandits, the Shrek Guardians are very active these days" Xiao Tao said

"Bandits paid by the kingdoms, we really need to show them our power so we can dominate this continent again, but Mu Lao didnt want to do it, peace and balance is important after all" Tian Meng said

"The big clans are staying silent on this, they didnt want to join this battle" Bi Ji said

"Let them be, they are scared, the Tang Sect got destroyed because they help Shrek in the battle 4,000 years ago, everyone was recovering when they are attacked, thats why the Tang Sect right now just have a small members" Tian Meng said

Tang Ya just clenched her hand, after all she already know the truth, and what really happened 4,000 years ago

"Dont worry Xiao Ya, we will not join Tang Sect but we will help you rebuild it before we leave" Xiao Tao said

"Leave? You guys are leaving Shrek?" Tang Ya asked shock

"No, Big Brother is the next in line Sea God Pavillion Master after all, we were talking about leaving this realm" Xiao Tao said

"Oh, I thought that you guys are going to leave Shrek" Tang Ya said

"Ascending will be hard, I hope that we can see each other in the Divine Realm, Xiao Ya" Tian Meng said

"After all only Gods can live forever" Bing Bing said

Everyone looked at the arena, and they saw the referee of this match and he explained how one can be a champion

The championship round have 15 battles, the team that have 8 wins will be the champion and they will be given the title of the strongest students and the most outstanding geniuses in their era

When everyone heard they became excited and their battle spirit ignited

The shrek team are just chilling, then Wang Yan heard something and he talked to the team, and the atmosphere got tense around them

Wang Yan pointed at where Tian Meng and the other is and Tian Meng waved at them with a smile, but when everyone saw that smile they became tense

"Guys, we will win this, I dont want to die yet" Xu Sanshi said seriously

"I will fight the first match, Elder brother said he wants to see my dragonification" Bei Bei said

The team agreed with him, and they sent Bei Bei to fight, Bei Bei's enemy is a rank 54 soul King who specialized in using Soul Weapons

When the match started Bei Bei quickly used his 4 rings, he is going all out,golden scales can be seen on the right side of his body and he already have 2 wings on the right side of his back

Everyone was shocked when they saw this, Golden Holy Dragon, a Holy ranked martial soul,which is super rare and a soul king that can dragonification half of his body is very rare

When Tian Meng saw this he smiled and said

"Bei Bei never disappoints me, he really is my little brother"

Bei Bei quickly finished the match he didnt even used one of his spirit bone skill, the 1v1 matches ended and the next match is the 7v7 team battle, and Shrek sent out ,Wang Dong, Yuhao,Xiao Xiao, Luo Chen, Bei Bei, Sanshi and Dai Yaochen

The sun moon kingdom picked their best members too when Xue Nu saw the Xiao Hongchen she quickly pointed at him

"Papa, its the meanie kid!" She said, Tian Meng just smiled at her, and Xiao Hong Chen heared so he looked at his back and he saw Tian Meng's group watching them

"If you cant defeat my juniors then forget about surpassing me" Tian Meng said

"Hmp just you wait, I will show you my true power!!" Xiao Hong Chen said

The match started and the two teams quickly get into their own plan, the sun moon kingdom team deployed all of their soul weapons, and Xiao Hong Chen used his martial spirit

Countless golds can be seen on his back and a lot of soul weapons are getting constructed

"Quickly Eliminate him!" Dai Yaochen comanded and they everyone charged towards him but they were stopped by the other members of the sun moon kingdom

In the end Yuhao And Wang Dong attacked him, while Luo Chen was battling two enemies, sadly Yuhao And Wang Dong's attack got negated

"You guys wont be able to destroy my shield, and when my shield disappear, all of you will be eliminated" Xiao Hong Chen said at the same time his shield disappeared and all of the Soul weapons started to shoot and bombarded the Shrek Team

Sanshi and Luo Chen quickly shielded everyone from the attack, after the bombardment the Sun Moon Kingdom redied their spirit weapons again and they bombarded the shrek team Heavily

"The Coach of the sun moon kingdom is good, now this fight is getting interesting" Tian Meng said

"This kid martial spirit is the three legged golden toad, which is very rare" Bi Ji said as she looked at Xiao Hong Chen

"This little girl's martial spirit is even better, sadly she is a member of the Royal Family, if we can recruit her to our team and cultivate her for atleast 3 years then we will have a weapon of destruction like Xiao Tao and Bing Bing" Tian Meng said, which surprised the 4 girls then they looked at the little girl

"She is Xiao Hong Chen's little sister right? Just what is her Martial Spirit?" Bing Bing said

"Wait for it, she should be the secret weapon of the sun moon kingdom" Tian Meng said then they looked at the battle who is now in a stalemate

Shrek Team decided to use their trump cards, and for the first time, Luo Chen unleashed her Ultimate Ice Staff, and she freezed 3 attackers from the Sun Moon kingdom, the three attaclers of shrek quickly attacked but the Sun Moon kingdom set a trap for them,the two are shot down and they landed down outside the arena, Sanshi and Bei Bei are eliminated

"Very good what a good tactic, looks like teacher Wang will have a difficult time winning this battle, luckily I helped them boost their strength" Tian Meng said

"Sadly I cant join, I want to test my Ultimate fire too" Xiao Tao said

"If you joined on this tournament then you will just kill these kids, the sun moon kingdom is our rival, but this kids are not Dark Spirit master, just wait for them to announce war and we can kill them all" Bing Bing said

"You two should calm down first" Bi Ji said, the a loud explosion happened in the ring, and the Shrek team lost, which surprised everyone

"Very good tactics and team work" Tian Meng said as he clapped his hands

After that the 1v1 one battle continued and the sun moon kingdom sent out the girl Tian Meng is talking about

The score now is 2-1 Shrek lead 1 point, now the Shrek Team Sent out Xi Xi, a main combatant member of the shrek, her opponent is Xiao Meng

"This will be a fast match" Tian Meng said as he looked at the arena

The referee announced to start the battle and Xiao Meng quickly used her spirit power to shoot a mist too Xi Xi, Xi Xi looked at the mist and suddenly she fell to the ground, which shocked everyone, even the Shrek Team was shocked, Xi Xi is a soul King after all

"Ho? So its that super rare martial spirit, that why you praised her so much, I really like this kid" Bing Bing said

Shrek Team sent out, Jiang Nanan, And other two members but all of them got defeated by Xiao Meng,right now its 5-2 in favor of Sun moon kingdom

"Oh I remembered now its the Red eyed Ice Toad" Bi Ji said and Tang Ya and Xiao Tao quickly asked what kind of spirit beast it is

"Its a toad known for its High Toxicity and it uses ice too" Tian Meng said, Then Shrek sent out Ling Luo Chen to the arena

"Can sister Luo Chen win?" Tang Ya asked

"This will be as simple as eating for her, it will be a miracle if she lose" Bing Bing said

"But you said that Red Eyed Ice Toads are very poisonous" Xiao Tao said

"If her ice element didnt evolved to Absolute Ice Last Night then she will loose in this fight too, but now that she have the Absolute Ice, then this will be a piece of cake for her, after all Absolute Ice cant be poisoned" Tian Meng said