
Douluo Dalu 1 Divine Beast

A story in which 2 reincarnated people change the story line in Douluo dalu. patreon.com/TheNigerianPhenomenon

Henrique_Almeida_ · アニメ·コミックス
8 Chs

Chapter 1 Death and Reincarnation

Throughout history, human society has been looking for ways to develop and establish itself better using technology.

And Lucas is a person who was interested in being part of projects that could guarantee the development and improvement of equipment that is part of the creation of renewable energy and something he did to mainly know and learn about this was traveling the world to several countries.

Of course, even though he was someone who participated in the study for the development of energy production equipment, he was not obsessed with it, if someone were to say one thing about him it would be that he is someone who is very distracted, an unfocused person.

When he traveled to the country he always tried to learn new factors which made him lose in favor of his research into other subjects, food, culture, Martial arts, dance, music, even legends and stories of the regions he visited.

In itself the development of the project was going very well at one level and their and their companions' capabilities managed to create a small prototype for demonstration to the companies in which they invested in them.

The projects were solar panels that were more efficient in terms of absorption capacity and duration of useful life and the other project was a giant disk that could convert energy from vibrations in a certain state, both on land and at sea, to develop electrical energy, depending on how it worked, it could be used. on Ships to change the way they sail the seas.

The project itself was wonderful and the development that came with the presentation was great, but with each passing day, each of his companions and employees of the company he worked with disappeared.

Both he and his family members simply disappeared from the map and he didn't know why this happened, as his project had already been completed and delivered, as well as being shown to the world and recorded to be posted on the Internet both on popular websites for common people and for corporate websites and obscure websites that were practically used by Hackers and rich people when they wanted to make purchases or use knowledge without any type of political collaboration.

And one day when he was in China on one of his trips around the world in search of knowledge for his own pleasure about Kung-fu and meditation he was found by people who simply took up arms against the Monks who were in the temple.

Lucas simply stood up and simply told the Monks not to get flustered and not act to defend him.

The great elder even tried to talk to Lucas about why he told them not to defend him, but when Lucas looked at his face and smiled the great Elder realized this young man did not want to bring misfortune to other people when he was about to be the one to be taken.

Thank you sir, it was good to have seen and studied a little Kung-fu, of course the practice for me was just another line of knowledge about tastes, I studied everything I could find and everything I traveled through, the old stories whether they were big or small ones are interesting which led me to think that I better finish what they started.

Wei simply couldn't resist and tears came out of his eyes when he saw a young soul that passed by him, pure and happy, ready to follow the cycle of what could be called a curse or destiny, with tears coming out of his eyes he saw the boy leave.

Lucas followed the men who came to catch him without any kind of action that he would run away which made the men who thought of picking him up and holding him along the way drop him when he asked why they were holding him.

When he arrived he saw several men near the cliff and a woman with a man lying dead beside her.

The woman simply looked at him with tears in her eyes and then looked back at the dead man.

He approached the old man who was standing near the cliff.

Isn't it beautiful? the sun is about to set and we are here having a beautiful view of the world.

A wonderful view for his death, don't you think?

Strange, seeing you so silent makes me very curious to know what you did to have a very large bounty on your head where several and several people simply tried to enter Huaxia to get it and here I am having the honor of obtaining it.

You won't say anything.

Dare to disrespect the leader.

The man behind Lucas simply hit him.

Lucas dodged the blow and elbowed him in the chest.

It's not that I can't talk, I'm just wondering why you guys came, why you just brought me here and even why you didn't kill me as soon as you saw me, I just already know that all my teammates are dead and this has been happening over a period of 1 year after the first death and 2 years after we delivered the work, but in the end I can't understand why they came to kill us, we won't achieve anything with it.

Simple, while it is alive, the speed with which the project would be put into practice will be much faster and the large conglomerates and Oil masters knew this.

They simply didn't want this sign to be so popular, it was to remain only among the richest and large companies, ensuring that people still use as much of the oil as they withdraw and sell and you ended up accelerating this.

As we couldn't hunt them all at once, we made each of his companions go to a country behind a proposal and over time each of them assumed something, an illness, a car accident, a fire, a death for taking a wife's wife. someone a death from a ship accident, a plane accident, illness, drowning, and lastly you who, out of all the models, always managed to save yourself at every last moment, you changed places, impeding the plans, so we have to make a better model direct.


I understand, but who is the girl?

Why are you interested in her?

She's crying next to you, but she also doesn't show anything for you as if she's trying to ignore you.

It's none of a dead man's business.

Hey, partner, do you want to jump with me?

At that moment she looked into Lucas's face and simply smiled.

Lucas saw her smile and smiled back.

So I'm going ahead.

Lucas ran and let go of the cliff.

She also ran and jumped off the cliff.

The two falling looked at each other and smiled seeing each other in death.

Living unknown, dead – brothers.

Douluo Continent, Xu Tian Xu Mei

Within the Duoluo Continent, in the southwest of the Heaven Dou Empire, in the Fasinuo Province.

There was a village called the heavenly village. If someone heard this name in the past, they would be extremely surprised, as it was a city ruled by a sect The Northern Sect, but now it was just a single village with a hundred families north of Nuoding City in Fasinuo Province. The reason why the village remains a layer of Celestial village is that the families are still proud of having had more than 4 Douluos in their golden age, even though that was more than 200 years ago.

Outside the Celestial village was, without exception, a vast expanse of agricultural land where grains and vegetables were produced and sent to supply the city of Nuoding and the cities relatively close to it. The city of Nuoding was located in the middle of Fasinuo Province and although it was not considered an important city, the border of another Empire was, after all, very close and, naturally, merchants from both great Empires traded there. Consequently, the city of Nuoding flourished and the lives of commoners in the villages around the city were better than elsewhere.

Barely at dawn, in the distant east, the sky was turning a pale gray color as the sun was rising. Near the top of a five hundred meter tall small mountain, adjacent to the Celestial village, there were two small, thin silhouettes.

One of the children was between 5 and 6 years old while the other was between 4 and 5. Evidently, every day she and he endured the heat of the sun. Her skin was a healthy dew color, her long black hair gave her a feeling of kindness as her clothes were well cared for, although simple, they were clean and he had caramel colored skin, his hair was also black, but His hair was so short that he could simply tell that the child was male.

Talking about the age of these children, climbing such a mountain would be an impossible feat, but strangely, when they reached the summit, their tired faces and soaked clothes were worth doing it every day, each time creating a new challenge for both of them. Even though they were completely exhausted and soaked, they both had an expression of happiness on their faces.

The two sat on the mountain near the trees that the boy managed to plant on the mountain and stared at the dawn sky that was gradually shining. Starting to slowly inhale through the nose and gently exhale through the mouth, controlling your inhalations to restore your heartbeat after your morning exercises, your continuous inhalations and exhalations, in the end, splendidly became a cycle.

During this process, the two of them suddenly widened their eyes and stared at each other. The trace of blue Qi glowed faintly in the light of the gray, growing dawn on the distant horizon. They did this every day they meditated after training and for the two who started climbing the mountain together, this happened a year and a half ago when they were both between 3 and 5 years old, they could simply notice it by looking at each other and himself with time they were shining.

The blue Qi didn't last long; when the eastern light gradually rose to become daylight, the blue Qi had completely disappeared.

Only then as they felt the Qi simply begin to be absorbed more quickly did the two close their eyes and exhale white Qi through their mouths like a piece of unfurled silk before being dispersed very slowly as if it were tea smoke coming out of a cup.

After sitting in silence for a certain amount of time, the two children opened their eyes, in the center of their eyes there was surprisingly, perhaps because of the blue Qi they released, a dark blue glow that deepened into their black eyes. Although it didn't seem like it was blue, the color simply remained as if it were a stain in his black eyes, which made people who looked at him certainly notice such a difference.

When they finished meditating, they exhaled an aura around themselves and stood up facing each other.

The girl was Xu Hua, a child who arrived in this world practically more than 5 years ago, she was exactly the unknown woman who had jumped off the cliff after her beloved was killed by her own father. When she regained consciousness in this world she simply had a warm feeling and felt like she could move, but she was always confused about it because her body was all broken, she could hear a man's and a woman's voice and she always felt warm towards them.

The boy is Xu Tian, ​​Xu Hua's younger brother, a child who arrived this year practically 4 years ago, simply Lucas from the previous world, the man who jumped to his death, after realizing that all his teammates had died and that If he didn't die, more people would die for his death to occur.

For both of them it was not clear what was happening, she thought she was practically having a beautiful dream, while he thought he was taking part in a new brain experiment.

But over time they realized that they were not dead and were not in the same world, they were not in heaven nor were they in hell.

It only took Xu Hua 1 year to learn the language of this world. Xu Tian took longer than that because the memories he had about his life only appeared after he completed 1 year of life in this world, making him unable to completely discern the language spoken and studied in this world with the languages ​​he knew. in your past life.

Relying on her impactful memory that she had about this world Xu Hua remembers that her father was called Wang Li in this world and that he is still alive, but she didn't tell Xu Tian because he was her younger brother.

She always found Xu Tian's ability to create and produce objects and other factors strange, as well as the flavors of the food her mother made for them. She had memories about her father in this world, he is someone with a face and body that demonstrated power, simply being very confusing for being so defined and at the same time not being too big as if it were a body purposely trained for that.

He was someone who always had a silly smile on his face when he was with her, a man who told stories about beasts that walked the world like wolves, tigers, cats that had 2 tails, monkeys that simply let out webs, birds that created cities and their homes beneath the earth he told her about men and women who ventured into the world.

Every time she heard about this she was happy and at the same time sad because it was only after his death that she received the blessing of having a good father.

Because of Xu Mei's characteristics, which always had a hostile face inside and outside the house, the neighbors in the village were afraid to try to get close to her completely, which made Xu Hua worried about her mother, but at the same time curious because her brother Xu Tian always approached her when she was sitting and stroked her head as they stared at the village and the people coming in and out of their houses, bringing food to the animals and the children playing.

At that moment was the moment when his mother had the most happy and worried face, her expression demonstrated that her son stroking his head is one of the strangest things in the world when he doesn't speak.

After going through all the training and meditation Xu Hua and Xu Tian decided to go down the mountain and return home.

Xu Hua said I'm going back first, don't delay.

Xu Tian nodded and smoothed the tree beside him, the tree he planted in this world after his first climb up this mountain.

Simply Xu Tian had planted 3 trees and every time he studied something new about this world he adjusted his knowledge of this world with the knowledge of his previous world with tree planting, of the three, one of them had reached 10 meters in height and was 1 meter in diameter.

The other two were 10 meters high and 0.9 meters in diameter and the other was 10 meters high and 0.8 meters in diameter.

He called one Kien-mu another Iroko and the last one Cei-Igual.

Since Xu Hua always went down first every training session, he always stayed behind and talked to them.

Kien-Mu always seemed to be the one who listened the most and always protected the other two as he seemed to grow faster every time he gave his energy to them after giving his blood to each of them creating his own secret society he kept talking like if they were your companions from the past world.

In this world he had no people other than family to talk to and not even with them, he talked to the trees. What Xu Tian didn't know was that all 3 trees would be considered spiritual plant beasts for having received spiritual energy from him for so long. time and having received conversations from him for so long they gained small awareness of the one she was supposed to protect.

The Iroko tree could simply develop spirits that could speak to the beasts of this world to bring them to the mountains.

The Kien-Mu tree was a small dimension of its own in which such a beast could be influenced by the spiritual energy field to develop faster because of the speed of time being different and gravity also being stronger depending on its level of years. One had received so much spiritual energy from Xu Tian that she was considered a 1000+ year old beast.

While the other two still had between 700 and 999 years in capacity.

Returning to Xu Tian who went down the mountain after talking to his companions, he practically jumped down even though he was using 10 kg on his entire body just like his sister.

Because when his sister started training in the yard when she was 4 years old, he was 3 years old and he helped the people in the village to plant crops.

People always thought it was strange that a little boy was helping with the plantations, but when the blacksmith saw the man using his skills to produce iron-based products, he started asking the boy to help.

The man simply wanted to reject him, but he was afraid of the old witch.

At first he left the boy to just clean the floor and help carry the materials that would be cast, over time the boy started to make deliveries and receive orders, and within 1 week the boy started to make comparisons and give opinions when he was hammering.

Which meant that each blow he gave where the boy pointed the material would come out better. After a week the boy started working on hammering with him and after 2 weeks a girl came to work with him.

This girl was the boy's older sister.

I also want to learn.

At that moment the blacksmith was surprised, but knowing the boy who helped him allowed her a chance.

Xu Hua, unlike her brother, did not have such a good ability to discern where she hammers, but she was also good at hammering so well that the Blacksmith was frightened by her exponential growth in developing the requested products.

Reaching the level that he gave iron to both of them so that each one could create their own prize before firing them.

The fact was not that they were bad, but rather that they were so good that when they left he could receive complaints from all his customers inside and outside the village.

Xu Tian and Xu Hua eventually stopped working and just focused on training every day and studying the books that their own mother had.

Every day, before going up the mountain and after returning from the mountain, Xu Hua and Xu Tian cooperated to cook and clean the house, based on the breakfast of rice in the pot and the firewood already prepared so that when you return, the porridge was well cooked.

And towards night Xu Hua and Xu Tian always cooperated in finding ways to create dishes with the little food they had.

Once they made Kimchi, where they used lettuce, onion, sauce, bread, flour, water, sugar, carrots, garlic and chili powder.

At first they washed the chard and broke it into parts with their hands.

After that they would place it in a basin and add water, add sugar and leave it for a while.

After that they focused on the carrot, they shaved the carrot as much as possible.

They shaved the garlic clove and the onion too.

They put everything in one component and added the fish sauce and mixed until it was well homogenized.

After that, they used the iron pan to heat the water with yeast while continuing to stir with a spoon.

They threw in flour and continued mixing, taking the wood off the fire and throwing in the fish mixture they had made previously.

Finishing by throwing in the chili powder and chard at the end, after that they continued mixing everything.

Until the color turned red where they knew the Kimchi was ready.

They prepared 3 very large bowls, one for each and what was left in the pan they gathered and put in jars, saving them for the next few days when they would eat again.

After finishing production, they would always prepare their mother's dish, who would stay outside watching everything around most of the time, except when she made potions with the herbs she had.

Despite being young and brilliant, their mother always had an expression on her face as if she wanted to cry, but couldn't, as if she wanted to scream, but there was no point.

At these times, none of them disturbed her and they simply placed a table next to her along with the bowl of food so that she could eat whenever she wanted.

Over time, Xu Hua and Xu Tian discovered that in this world called Douluo Dalu, this continent had two large empires, which perhaps could also be called coalitions. Because within the two empires, a large part of the territory was granted to feudal vassals, and the number of nobles with armed forces could not be counted.

Of these two empires, the one that Xu Hua and Xu Tian were in was the Heaven Dou Empire, the other was the southern Star Luo Empire.

Fasinuo Province was located near the border between the two countries, and the Celestial Village near Nuoding City was within three hundred kilometers away.

Xu Hua and Xu Tian knew from the conversations between the villagers that within the Douluo continent there were martial arts that in their previous world did not exist, but there was a certain type of thing called Spirits. It was said that everyone had their own spirit, and among them, very few people's spirits could cultivate themselves by taking up an occupation called becoming a Spirit Master. And Spirit Master was the noblest calling in the entire continent. It seemed that, according to legend, two hundred years ago, the Heavenly Village had Douluos as its rulers, in other words, famous spiritual masters; Douluo was a title for the Spirit Master level.

Spirits were subdivided into two main categories, one category was tool spirits and the other was beast spirits. As the names suggest, when a spirit was a utensil, it was called a tool spirit, and with an animal as a spirit, it was called a beast spirit. Comparatively speaking, tool spirits included a wider range, and the vast majority of people had tool spirits, and the proportion of tool spirits unable to cultivate was much higher than that of beast spirits.

Simply being what most people on the continent believed.

Among the people of the Douluo continent, the spirit was awakened at the age of six. In a few days, Xu Hua would turn 6 years old.

Both she and Xu Tian began to feel why this energy that they learned to absorb while unconsciously meditating on the mountain after having managed to climb it calmly as children stopped simply being maintained within their body at the level that Xu Tian created with his ability to control ways to make this energy create small field balls compressed inside the body that when breaking them, the energy gathered inside it would cause the body's speed to increase in proportion to how much your body was strong enough to handle, but There was also a certain risk in using such an energy absorption technique, which is simply detonating so many balls of energy in your body that it couldn't handle it or couldn't adapt in general, but rather just have more energy and not get stronger.

He discovered this when he was playing with the energy he captured and tested on his own body. When he was getting great strength growth he had increased his weight from 1 to 2 on each body part, but when he tried to do this again he gained more. energy, but it didn't get stronger causing him to use his previous energy himself to destroy the energy he acquired by suffering a certain type of injury in which the next day the mother had made a certain type of soup so bad that Xu Hua couldn't drink in full and Xu Tian had to eat her share.

After that day he began to feel that his injuries were improving at a certain rate and his energy control was improving as well, meaning that the energy he could pull was much greater at the same level of speed he had before he was injured.

The day comes when Xu Hua is returning home from training in the mountains and sees her mother standing there listening to a couple talking to her.

She took a good look at the couple's features, the woman was more or less between 40 and 45 years old because even with ordinary clothes she was pretty and had an aura of a kind person around her, the man simply had a very pretty face even though he seemed to be older than her. The lady his expression was so soft that one would doubt he lived in a village if he were in the city.

This couple was part of the village council that came to warn parents about the awakening of the spirits of children who reach 6 years of age.

"Hello, Mrs. Trinity, Mr. Neo."

So it's you child, we came to talk to your mother about awakening your spirit.

So far she has neither stated nor denied, but according to the village's rules, all children must undergo mandatory awakening.

Awakening of the spirit?

Mister Neo spoke calmly to Xu Hua:

"We all have our own spirit, which finally awakens around the age of six with the awakening ceremony. By having spirit, we can improve our skill in a certain area. Even an ordinary spirit can still help. If you happen to gain an outstanding spirit, we can talk about conducting cultivation, even to the extent that you can become a Spirit Master. The awakening ceremony is only held once a year, I can't let you miss it. It is a gentleman attendant from the Spiritual Sub-Hall of Nuoding City who personally comes to help the children of our village awaken. However, that gentleman attendant is considered a Great Spiritual Master ranked as a Spirit Master."

At this moment Xu Mei opened her mouth and said:

Alright go.

Xu Hua was very surprised to have heard her mother speak again other than about the teachings in her books.

1.  Kien-Mu: In Chinese mythology, "Kien-Mu" is the "Tree of Time" that connects heaven and earth, being a symbol of immortality.

2.  Iroko: In West African Yoruba mythology, the "Iroko" is a spiritual tree that is considered sacred and serves as a meeting place for gods and spirits.

3.  Cei-Igual: In Welsh mythology, the "Equal Cei" is a magical tree that produces golden fruits, which are desired by many heroes.


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