

"What is going on here?"

A gruff voice interrupted old Jack's thoughts. When everybody turned around, they saw a man of average height with eyes full of wisdom. He had his hands back and had a posture that was filled with pride as well as dispiritedness.

He then asked about the circumstances. Upon hearing about the situation he gave the guards a stern warning to not repeat these mistakes while looking at the trio with intrigue. He then examined the certificates and allowed them to enter the college while apologizing for the conduct.

After the trio and the man went inside san turned and thanked him mentioning him as a teacher. The man revealed that he didn't work at the college and was just freeloading here and allowed them to call him grandmaster as everybody does.

He then glanced at the triplets and asked whether they had twin spirits which surprised san. He then explained to him his observation which impressed and immediately kowtowed and recognized him as his teacher.

Along with him Chen and Yash asked whether he could take them also as disciples which he happily agreed. He then took them to the admission office and present them to director su who helped them filled their forms while he left.

After filling the admission they left to their designated dormitory room. After arriving in the room they were stopped by a boy of a slightly taller height than them. He asked," Are you working students?" to which san replied, "Yes"

Wang Shen was surprised to find out that there were so many working students. He then glanced at them and looked at Chen who looked the biggest due to his physique and asked," I am the boss here. We have a tradition of fighting to find out the strength of the newcomers. So I challenge you."

Chen knowing the truth didn't hesitate and passed his luggage to Yash while taking a fighting stance. Wang Shen seeing was surprised that he agreed quickly but didn't waste time and took out his spirit which was a tiger and attacked Chen.

If it was an ordinary person they would have been frightened of seeing a humongous tiger running towards them but as it was Chen he was ready. He met with Wang Shen punch with his own punch. He didn't need to use his spirit for a soul trainee. When the punch met a shockwave was created sending Shen a few steps back.

Taking the chance Chen dashed towards Shen. He ducked the incoming punch and swiped his legs making Shen lost his balance; he then stood up and quickly delivered a light kick lest he may injure him sending him flying away.

Before he could smash with the walls Yash flickered to him and held him and supported him falling. Everybody was surprised on seeing the power of the newcomer and cheered. Wang Shen then walked to Chen and apologized saying," As we are work students, we are constantly bullied by other rich students. For this reason, we need to be united and need a person to lead us. So I had to do this. I am very sorry for how I treated you. I also request you to be our new boss."

Chen knowing about was not surprised but rather looked at Yash, clearly knowing who was the strongest. Yash understanding his thought waved his hands motioning him to not think about it.

As they were celebrating about the new boss, a tender voice interrupted them saying," Is this dorm seven?" all the boys then looked towards the origin of the voice who turned out to be a girl.

Standing there was a beautiful girl wearing a pink dress making her look like an angel holding a bag. She had a pretty face which made people want to take a bite of it. She had long hair reaching her waist. Her eyes were very beautiful filled with curiosity and if one could see deep inside it will be revealed she is full of grief.

As all the voices were gaping at the newcomer, they were interrupted by a cough which turned out to be that of Yash who was seemingly unperturbed by her. After telling san about the situation of the dormitory Wang Shen went towards Chen and told him to perform the duties of the boss of the dormitory.

Chen knowing about it reluctantly went and told the girl about it who turned out to be Xioawu, another new work student. After knowing about the spar she was excited and got ready to fight.

As they got ready to fight Chen without giving her a chance bound her with his spirit not giving her a chance to use her flexibility. He then dashed towards her and started attacking her with a barrage of punches which she was able to evade easily.

Before he could think of a counterattack, she had already escaped from the BLUE SPIRIT EMPEROR which was very suspicious. She then went towards Chen and with the help of her soft body skill maneuvered around him and latched around his neck then threw him away effectively defeating him.

While listening to san about their spirits, which surprised everybody as it turned out to be BLUE SPIRIT GRASS which was knowingly falsified, they were not able to finish coming out of it when they found out that their boss had been already 'defeated' by the new girl.

After Xiao wu won, she was told about the rules and was very happy to know that she had become the boss of the students. She in her heart was glad to get admission to the academy.

As they were discussing where to sleep, a middle-aged teacher came and called out the new students who were the triplets and Xiao wu. After notifying them off there were duties and giving the bedding to the triplets sent b the grandmaster, he left.

As the teacher left the previous discussion continued about who will sleep on which bed. Though xiao wu didn't fight with san this time, she still decided to sleep with him after joining their beds, due to some unknown attraction she felt towards her, which in some subtle way san reciprocated when he agreed to let her sleep.

After taking care of their bedding they left their room and went to the café. As they entered they heard the laughing of the senior students, who then made their fun for being poor and then left to eat.

As xiao wu was about to go towards him, she was held back by san who then consoled him and they then left to eat. As they were eating grandmaster came and asked the triplets whether they would eat with him on the second floor to which they politely refused, understanding the reason the grandmaster didn't push and reminded them to wait for him after eating and left.

After eating everybody except the triplets went back to their dorm, who waited at the door of the dining hall for the grandmaster. After a few minutes grandmaster exited the hall with another middle-aged person accompanying him.

He wore very good clothes and had a smile on his face and was very elegant. After nearing the triplets he examined the children for a moment before looked back at the grandmaster and nodded saying," grandmaster, I wish you well." then left.

Along with that grandmaster guided the triplets to his room, which was a medium-size room with a bed on the side. There was a window on the side, and there were many books there in cupboards. There was a table where some books were neatly placed and some types of equipment were also there.

After gesturing the triplets to sit on the bead, he sat on the chair and asked them,

"Show me your spirits"


A/N- hey guys author here. as a thanks for sticking with me for a week and reaching th milestone of 10k words heres another chapter . hope you like it.

hey guys if there is any problem plx feel free to tell and please continue giving comments. also PLEASE GIVE REVIEWS