
- The Worst Bet

Long Yue and Coldin didn't spend too much time after that, before Long Yue got a spirit that was to his liking. They both said their thanks and went on their way.

The pair walked back through the building once again reminding Coldin of how annoying theses 'tiny' doors were. Upon reaching the reception the pair nodded to the receptionist who they originally talked to, in thanks, even if she didn't exactly help them.

Getting outside Coldin stretched his body out, all this ducking and kneeling made him stiff and his body released cracks as he stretched.

Laughing at him Long Yue said with new found glee, due to gaining a spirit soul he was happy with "what was it again 'screw theses tiny doors' hahaha brother they didn't build thinking that a person would be of your height, no need to get annoyed at your own weirdness"

Turning to him, Coldin's face was void of expression "what and your normal?, mr Madman. Anyway forget it, I just want to get back quick. I'm sick of the looks people keep giving me"

Long Yue slowly finished laughing "fair point and fast? Wana make a bet? Who ever gets home last has to buy the other some of miss Yao's duck dumplings" fighting spirit flashed through Long Yues eyes. This was one reasons the pair could never be left alone, they had a tendency to compete and while that is fine and can let them improve it tends to cause accidents. It doesn't take much to understand why someone with a Mountain Dragon King spirit and bloodline would cause a mess when going all out. It wasn't much better for Coldin.... a three meter tall human sprinting? The weight below each step alone would be immense nevermind if he was crash into anything along the way. And this was before even mentioning that this so called bet would be a race through the city.

"Deal but for fairness I'll give you a head start, after all you don't have a speed ability" said Coldin who had an idea forming in his head.

Long Yue didn't like others looking down on him but he had to admit that Coldin was definitely faster than him. He sighed finally realising his mood took over him and he made a bad bet.

Not waiting for a start signal he sprinted as fast as his body could take him, leaving others stunned at his speed which was aided by his spirit power.

Letting out a little chuckle, Coldin got started on his plan. Quickly he released his spirt, his first ring lighted up and his body took a beastial looking werewolf form, this would be enough to catch and pass Long Yue as it was now but he wanted to test something.

Mean while Long Yue has reached the centre of the city with he's speed, he may have no ability that could speed him up but both the density and quantity for his spirt power made up for that. Looking back he couldn't see Coldin, while most people would be happy thinking that this was an easy win, Long Yue knew better. In the two years that Coldin had been at the academy he'd pulled off some crazy things leaving everyone gobsmacked. He tried to increase his speed but it helped little -f*ck f*ck f*ck f*ck- he felt something in the air around him, knew Coldin had started and something told him it wouldn't be long till he caught up.

Back with Coldin who stood outside the spirit pavilion. People stared at the white werewolf that was Coldin and while they did so Coldin let them seep away, fully concentrating on his idea.

He activated his second spirt ring and arcs of grey electricity flowed around his body. Slowly he focused it on his lower arm, which he raised in front of him. He began to move his arm back and forth, slowly at first then gaining speed till his arm seemed to become a blur of grey electricity. He smirked thinking to himself -huh so it works, I'll have to thank the Eel later-

Slowly jogging Coldin moved forward gaining speed as he did so, finally reaching sprint leaving the people around him in a daze. Upon reaching full speed he focused his electricity towards his legs.

Moving faster and faster Coldin could feel the electricity around him ushering in new found speed and enjoyed its feeling as he sprinted through the city, easily catching up with Long Yue.

Feeling the electricity in the air Long Yue slowly realised this was the worst bet he'd ever made.


The Authors thoughts didn't have enough room so I'm putting this here.


So looked like there's more to Coldin's second ring that he first let on.

For those wondering about how Coldin knows how to uses his ability like this I'll explain in a future chapter so you'll have to hang on for that.

Feel free to ask questions, I tend to reply and will answer as long as it doesn't spoil the plot or future plans.

Also I'm going to see if I can get my friend to make a better cover so fingers crossed she says yes.

Finally it'll be back to Two chapters a day Tomorrow XP

It would be appreciated if you left a rating and let me know what you think so far and were I could improve the story.

KuxLikesNovelscreators' thoughts