
- Coincidence

After preparing Coldin headed out right away. His first stop was the island filled with poisonous spirit beast as that seemed to be the most straightforward of the two islands.

Coldin had a plan you see as both his second and third spirit rings could be used defensively. Using his second he could cover himself in electricity and with the help from his spirit refined metal his third ring could boost his defence to the point where level 40 spirit masters had trouble piercing his skin. As for speed he had his first spirit ring.

The plan was simple, get in look and get out, her deal with the tree once he found it and had a rough idea of what it was.

Needless to say this didn't go as planned. Coldin didn't think that a pack of vipers that could spit acid from a distance would surround him leaving him with no place to go.

Looking back and forth between the vipers to try and spot a gap in their encirclement, Coldin began to sweat, the vipers where tightening the circle more and more each second, it was only a matter of time before they killed him. What was a pleasant reprieve was the fact that none of them had tried to spit acid at him after surrounding him.

Panicking Coldin began trying to think of a way out. Was he faster? No. Did he have a good way to kill from range? No. Was there a way out in the vegetation? Coldin laughed at the last thought thinking to himself that would be too simple.

In the distance a tree fell and thudded against the ground. Coldin heard this and found something unusual, the ground sounded hollow.

Now having a way out Coldin didn't jump the gun and move just yet, he wanted to figure out a way to break the ground without alerting the vipers.

Just before the circle of vipers where too close for comfort, Coldin had managed to make his plan work.

He had sent his electricity to the ground and used the essence of heat to melt away at it slowly as too not alarm the vipers.

Coldin shot through the ground and deeper into the island, passing tree roots, seeing one tree that looked like it had pierced though the ground but seeing no spirit beasts.

After a solid minute of falling Coldin finally landed, hitting his head against the ground he'd finally found, knocking himself out.

A week passed, during this time Coldin laid against the ground out cold. Normally for someone as strong as Coldin this would mean nothing but something strange was afoot.

Even though Coldin was under the ground it wasn't dark, sure there was some light coming from the hole he'd made but not enough to light up the cave if you could call it that. The cave itself was actually bigger that what the island was, it also had tunnels branching off in different directions.

If Coldin where awake he'd notice that the tree in the centre of the cave gave off a warm white glow, which spread throughout the cave in an almost pulsing manner.

These lights where being attractive to Coldin's body and it was nurturing it.

Since Coldin had passed out, the restriction on his size was released so he looked like a giant taking a nap.

If anyone else was there with him to see what he looked like they wouldn't be able to breath. His size was increasing his body expanding, with every second. His skin grew paler, his hair longer and just as the effects of the light seemed to be stopping a snapping sound could be heard.

Coldin's body shot up unnaturally and his eyes opened displaying gold pupils bordered by his eyes normal crystal blue colour.

A voice rang out "that is ENOUGH!!"
