
- A New Member

The whole group including En Ci where stunned. It had to be known that finding a spirit bone was extremely rare and yet a six year old giant of a boy had one and was standing right in front of them.

En Ci thought about things slowly, first Coldins titanic size and then his age. No matter what he thought about it made no sense that Coldin had a spirit bone and with nothing to loose he decided to ask "Coldin where did you get your spirit bone? I've never seen anything like it"

Coldin looked up and said "it was given to me by my aunt" after finishing his words he reached down and used his claws to dig up the snow around the herb, bringing both it and its roots up.

Stretching his arm out towards En Ci, Coldin passed the herb over him while he was still pondering how Coldins aunt could give him a spirit bone. It had to be known that not even he could just hand out a spirit bone. Then suddenly it clicked Coldins Aunt is a Title Douluo, it made the most sense out of an already confusing situation.

The green haired woman looked at what Coldin just passed En Ci and said "....icicle glass herb?" Her saying this snapped En Ci out of his confusion and looked down at what was in his hand. To his astonishment it was what she said and was the whole reason they even came to this wasteland.

"How did you find it? We've been looking for days but still couldn't catch a glimpse of it. Also Coldin would you let me meet with your aunt I have a proposal for her.." before En Ci could even finish his words Coldin began to cry. His bright blue eyes looked like they were melting due to the crystal blue colour reminding people of ice.

Chloe steps forward and tried to fix her grandfathers mistake saying to Coldin "sorry Brother he didn't mean to remind you of something sad" while saying this she walked over to Coldin and held his hand. Her hand and Coldins looked comical when put together, her hand looking like a baby's playing with an adults.

Coldin looked down and her and let out a smile "it's fine he didn't know. Grandpa my aunt passed recently. She told me it was time to start my journey. So grandpa can I come with you? I haven't really been out in the world...all I know is here." Looking at Coldin, En Ci's heart warmed, this child was so young yet had been through so much. While he was curious as to where his parents where judging from how attached he was to his aunt, he probably doesn't have any or if he does he was abandoned.

"Child you've already found what we've asked you and if you want to, feel free to follow us. Since you haven't been out of this tundra let us teach you about the world as well as how to become stronger." While saying this En Ci walked over to Coldin and tried to place his hand on Coldins shoulder to comfort him but... he couldn't reach.

An awkward silence took over the group. Everyone stood still, then the twins couldn't hold it anymore and began laughing setting the rest of the group off, even Chloe could be seen chucking at her grandfather. En Ci even though he was an old man blushed embarrassed by what he just tried "okay okay enough now, let's head back before it's dark. Coldin do you know the way to a near by village?"

Coldin smiled at the groups antics and shook his head "sorry the nearest village is two days away, even at the fasted speed. We can stop at my place for now. While it's basic it's has roof over our heads and its warm" turning round Coldin started to walk showing the group to his place. The group quickly wrapped them self's with scarfs to hide from the snow storm. They followed Coldin closely as he strolled through the storm as if it was nothing. What stunned them however was how the snow seemed to curl around his body not even touching him.

En Ci sighed thinking -this kid why does he have to be so shocking. Can't he give this old man a break-

The group reached a cave mouth that lead down into the ground, into a wide hall that had different things along the walls. Some walls had fruits lining them on shelf's of ice. On another wall was lumps of metal some a deep black in colour others light blue or green.

"Make yourself feel comfortable, the storm should pass in a day or two" after saying this Coldin walked off into a corner of the room to sit down, finally having the chance to look at his spirit.

Next chapter we’ll get a better look into Coldins spirit and what makes him special.

Brownie points to people who have guessed where Coldin is.

As always leave a comment to let me know what you think and if you have any questions I’ll answer them. :P

KuxLikesNovelscreators' thoughts