
Chapter 2 The day the Yin Corporation arrived

Days passed as Kole remained trapped in the pit. His body accepted the rotting flesh of the corpses gladly as he feasted upon them. As there was nothing to do in the pit Kole began digging at the walls of the pit. Oblivious to when, Kole's fingers had changed to resemble hard claws. Kole didn't mind it much as the change improved his condition.

As a week passed Kole had dug out hand and footholds on the wall of the pit. As his labour neared completion, he needed to face a bigger problem. If he tried to escape from the pit the guards would catch him. If he continued to live in the pit he would run out of flesh or the guards would notice a lack thereof, leading them to catch him.

As Kole laid in the pit contemplating his options, a rumble shook the mine. It started as a slight tremor, but soon it felt like the entire cavern would collapse. Kole could hear the guards scrambling outside the pit. There was an obvious disarray in their actions.

"What's going on!"

"We don't know, all communication arrays have been cut off!"

"Get the cave crawlers, send out a scout party quickly."

"Yes sir!"

Kole crept up along his handholds until he was just below the cliff. One of the guards, the captain Kole surmised, was shouting orders. The rest of the soldiers were regaining their senses as they hurried to carry out their orders.

"You guys go keep the slaves in check, a riot now would be disastrous."

"Yes sir."

'Thanks for the information'

Kole grinned to himself. The soldiers above were rushing around to and from posts delivering messages. In all of the confusion a soldier was rushing by the body pit. Before anybody realised, he disappeared. Soon after a figure clad in a guard uniform emerged from the pit. Hidden amongst the confusion and fear of the situation, the soldier who was to short to be an adult went unnoticed.

Kole hurried through the halls of the base tracing the path he took everyday. Soon he found himself in front of the door to the cells. Kole approached the guards and called out to get their attention.

"There's an order from the captain."

Kole called out to the soldier his voice hoarse from a lack of use. The guards didn't pick up on the oddity as they approached him.


An explosion rang out as Kole and the guards were knocked to the floor. The building trembled as the force nearly collapsed the mine.

"What the hell is going o-"

One of the guards called out as he got up, only to be cut short by Kole. The guard stared in shock as Kole's claws tore through his throat. Although the guards acted haughty and superior to the slaves, they were barely more than regular men with sharp metal. They had no skill and crumbled under the threat of death.

"What the hell!"

The other guard cried out as he fumbled to pull his sword from his sheath. Kole didn't give him the chance as he quickly killed the second guard. Kole quickly searched the guards until he pulled two objects from the second guard's waist. It was the controller for the slave's shackles and the ring of keys for the slave's cells.

Not bothering with the keys Kole tore down the door with his claws. The heavy wood gave way and soon the door was nothing more than scraps on the floor. The slaves in the cells cried out and cowered in their cells.

"All of you listen up!"

Kole called out to get the slaves attention. Removing his helmet Kole approached the first cell. Quickly unlocking the cell Kole pulled the cell door open.

"Something is happening outside. Take the keys, help the rest of them, try not to die."

Leaving instructions, Kole quickly escaped from the room. Although Kole was prioritizing his own safety above all else, helping the rest of the slaves wasn't much trouble. Plus, they might make a good distraction.

Dashing through the halls, Kole searched for the exit. Before he had time to time to search more, another explosion tore through the air. The hall in front of Kole was blown to pieces and Kole was knocked back.

'What the hell was that!'

Groaning to himself Kole quickly regained his footing. The armor he had taken from the guard had been torn apart and was pretty much useless s Kole shed it quickly.

A strange hum spread through the air as an object began to push through the debris. The object was massive, easily ten meters in height. Although Kole didn't realize it, the dull metallic humanoid object approaching him was a mech suit. The mech lowered one of its arms, an energy cannon, and pointed it at Kole.

"Are you a slave."

A voice called out from the suit. Vaguely guessing the purpose of the mech, Kole quickly called out.


"Alright, do you know where the rest of the slaves are?"


"Head that way."

The mech gestured behind it. Light shone through the hole the mech had created. Kole was stunned by the sight. The mine was normally covered up by a fortress at the entrance, so sunlight never reached them. Kole nodded as he ran off towards the light. As Kole ran, numerous explosions sounded off from far away. There were several mecha traveling through the mine.

Soon, Kole reached what should have been the fortress. Blinded by the light, Kole covered his face as he approached the gaping hole where the fortress used to be.

"Hey, there's a kid."

"Probably a slave, let Captain know, we should be getting more soon."

Kole stood dumbfounded, his eyes tearing up. He couldn't remember anything that looked this beautiful. In actuality it was just a simple forest, one that had several dozen trees cleared away for the mecha to boot, but to Kole it was like heaven.

"Who are you."

Kole forced the words out of his throat. The soldier approached Kole and took his helmet off.

"We're the Yin corporation."
