
Doomsday Ascension

The world is darker than our shadows. That is what everyone assumes until they experience it themselves. This experience makes you doubt your sanity. Some years ago, the discovery of energy crystals was made. They were said to be stones carrying immense energies the world had never seen before. The crystals were later on improved and utilized to improve work both industrially and domestically. They were used to power hospitals where children were born. Children born under this light began to evolve with extraordinary powers. Throughout the years most generations without the powers perished and the planet was now run by the hierarchy of strength in power. The appearance of these crystals got the attention of other creatures around the world and the safety of the world was no longer assured. Those who weren't born in hospitals powered by these stones were left powerless to be feasted upon by society. The corrupt system must be put in check but who knew it was far worse than that? Abel was one of them. He was an orphan left to fend for himself in this world ruled by those with iron hands. Abel could have stayed at the bottom of the food chain forever but he couldn't take it any more the embarrassment had to stop for good. ------- "The world is a tragedy for one and a blessing to the other, that's why I have to get stronger and protect those who can't stand on their own", Abel said to himself as he stared at the rectangular screen in front of his eyes. [Host has been found] [The bonding process is to begin right away]

Wevolire · ファンタジー
31 Chs

Retreat is the best option

[Bonding is in session 100/100%]

[Bonding is complete]

[All wounds will now be healed by the system]

[Sleep mode activated]

These were the last messages he saw before falling into a deep slumber as the last message stated.


The next morning was quite a blur. The piercing light from the sun had permeated his windows which were now slightly opened. Squinting his sleepy eyes, Abel woke up only to find himself in his bedroom, this he had found to be odd. He was shocked to the bone by the situation he was in.

What had transpired yesterday was just a figment of his imagination, he supposed. Scratching the back of his head which possessed a jet black colour and had ran down to his shoulder bone, he had tried to reason about how he had gotten into his room.

Abel could have sworn that he knew he had gone through a lot yesterday but his body spoke otherwise. After some minutes of intense reasoning, he thought of it as just a dream, a dream which seemed so vivid to the tiniest detail, and couldn't be ignored.

That was until the same rectangular screen appeared in his line of sight. He was now lost for words as he stared sheepishly at the screen. Hopes of thinking of everything as just a simple dream had gone south, with the eeriness still lingering, like a wounded animal.

[Sleep mode has been deactivated]

[User's energy has been replenished]

[Welcome user]

What the hell is this?

He swung his hands, trying his utmost best to dispel the screen. All his effort were futile and the screen still remained unscathed and unmoved by his desperate actions. He thought of closing his eyes but the same outcome was obtained.

Scratching the back of his head was all that he could do to reduce his tension, echoes of what had happened yesternight was biting into every nook and cranny of his brain cells. The screen was something he knew he had not the money to purchase.

A digital graphical advancement system like that was likely to cause a world war, if they knew something like it existed. Seeing one in front of him was just an implication of the thought that he had sleepwalked and acquired one. He had useful things to use his money for, and he was certain that purchasing this technological crap, was not part of those useful things.


His heart had pounded heavily for some seconds, the feeling of frustration and paranoia were digging into his skin. His once normal and undisturbed body was now in a complete shock of what was happening to it, within these second all the details about what had happened the day before was pouring back into his poor brain.

He fell on the ground, held his head and screamed as it began to throb painfully. His head had succumbed to burning sensations of all sorts, from the ones which felt like the bite of soldier ants, to the ones which felt like the sting of a concentrated acid, all were now evident in his body.

Several moments passed and he was up, everything had returned to normal. What was that?

he asked rhetorically as he held his neck. He rubbed his hand against his throat as he realized that he had been stabbed within that area a day before. Swallowing a huge lump of saliva, he had regretted going on that package delivery, he had lost more than he could ever gain because that simple delivery.

Was I sold out?

The thought had entered his head all of a sudden and there was no way of sending it away.

Who was that guy again? What right did he have to try and end my useless life? Although its useless, no on has the right to take it away. Not even the gods, I decide my own death no matter what; that is why I want to get stronger, so that people like that can't and will not have the right to decide my fate.

Annoyance was written all over his face when he had mouth out these words. The resolve was remarkable but the efforts made towards it was what really mattered.

[The system admires the user's attitude]

[High esteem and pride are necessary tools for building your confidence]

[Since you want to get stronger the system has agreed to help you]

[User's status:

Name: Abel


Race: human

Class: non-evolved

System level: 1

Height: 5.2 inches]

Abel had his mouth wide open after seeing this. The system had every thing about him, all his information including his height and class. This was something he had never expected to see with his naked eyes.

This! and you want me to believe that you're not human? This is absurd! Is the police spying on me?

he asked with a feeble voice since he was recovering from the shock. Another one was yet to unfold right in front of his eyes, one which left his mouth wide open.

[User's physique status:


◇Hp: 5/5

◇Exp: 0/100

◇Energy: 10/10

◇Apathy: 0%

◇Strength: 1

◇Agility: 1

◇Stamina: 1

◇Perception: 1

◇Speed: 1

◇Charm: 5

◇Confidence: 0

◇Intellect: 1

◇mental fortitude:0

"Stat points: 0" ]

The holographical body of Abel stood closer to the aligned characters on the the screen. Its features were nothing out of the ordinary. Underneath his skin were bones that were slightly noticeable, as a result of how malnourished he was. The body had only boxer shorts on at the moment.

Abel wanted to kick who ever made this teaser in the nuts but he knew it wasn't possible at all.


[System upgrades have been installed into the system.]

[System has been successfully integrated into the user's body.]

[Full Recovery skill has been granted to user.]

[System interface has been fully updated, yell out to see it]

[Daily quests has been unlocked]

The messages were flooding his line of sight with each passing moment. It was amazing how with all this going on his room wasn't affected in the slightest. Abel thought of what the messages had spoken of, and wanted to try it out for the first time.

"Open system interface!"

He had done just as the system had suggested. He just wanted to see how advanced the system was since it was a technological advancement.

[System interface ]

[User Status][Skills][Magicka][shop][Quests][Inventory]

The system interface contained several tabs.

Both the shop and the inventory tab had greyed out. The Magicka tab had also greyed out. Abel tried selecting the shop tab but a system message popped up.

[Tab has been locked, reach a higher level in order to unlock]

He had finally gotten the answer he had longed for, and a crushing and cruel one at least. It was sad to realise that the magicka tab also had the same effect on it.

Next up was the skill tab since he had already seen his stats. It was a bit heartbreaking since the only skill available was the "Full Recovery skill".


[>> Full Recovery (Lv.1) <<]< p>

Staring at the skill in contempt, Abel wanted to clap the hell out of the system when a new message appeared.

[Full Recovery is a regeneration skill. Increases the natural healing speed of the user's body by 10 fold]

"Open quest and spare me this crap"

A cold tone had been used when he had mouthed out such obscenity, it wasn't his fault though. Having a single skill which wasn't even combat related had spoiled his mood.

[The tab will be opened, If you think your skills are crap then you are crap]





"Daily quest please, and don't insult me this time".


[◇Complete 1000 steps (0/1000)

◇Weightlifting (0/50kg)

◇push ups(0/10)]

[Failing to perform this quest will attract a severe punishment]

Immediately after hearing this Abel had his frail body on the floor and he had already started the daily quest. After some minutes he was already through with the first part of the quest.


[Lysander academy]

In front of the first class of the third level of high school, a teacher stood with his book held carefully in his hands. He wore a blue shirt with a pair of blue black trousers and a pair of brown shoes. He had a well kept moustache on his face, which dazzled in the sunlight.

He had a blank expression on his face as he stared at the students in the room. The students were excited about what they were going to learn for the day.

"Today we will have a special lesson about the anatomy of an evolved body", the teacher announced to his students. He smiled gently after saying this.

Most of the students had joyous expressions on their faces. I guess they had waited for this lesson for so long that after hearing it from the teacher their joy knew no bounds.

A few of them had their world crushing down when the words had hit their ears. They wanted to protest but they knew it would be no good to do that. Abel was among those students. They were actually two in the class.

They were both treated like trash in the classroom, deserted and rejected as if they were nothing but trash to be trampled upon.

The other person was a girl, she had being quiet since the first day she stepped her foot inside the classroom. In spite of her hostile attitude, the students still found ways to ridicule her.

"Energy we absorb from the crystals do not just vanish after it has evolved our bodies. It is stored at the centre of our chests where it helps regulate your body's actions.

Therefore in an instance where you will have to use some of your evolved powers, you pour out the energy to the part of your body you want it to be used.

By doing this the energy moves through your vessels bit by bit till they have reached the required body part. Afterwards the energy is then converted into the magicka based on the attributes of the energy consumed.

This is the only way by which magicka can be used. In order to use this process of which I know all of you excluding those two have already accomplished, one must learn how to channel their energy through their body.

Channeling of energy helps increase the amount energy you can transport at a point in time. The process has several stages which helps group magicka users of different kinds.

Your ability to channel your energy determines the power and strength of your magicka.

These stages include;




>Platinum (4)

>Diamond (5)









(Author's note: the figures attached to these ranks are sub stages of the ranks.)

Each successful breakthrough grants the person immense control over their magicka. It can even reach a point in time when the energy will be already evenly spread throughout the body and there will be no need to channel it. That's just the importance of channeling your energy out of its comfort zone."

With each word that was spoken out Abel could feel his eyes tearing up. He was never meant to have a magicka of his own since he lacked the money to purchase an energy crystal.

The class continued for a while but Abel had once again dozed off before the lesson could end. Maybe he got bored on the way.


It was finally break. The students stormed out of their classrooms in search of the cafeteria where they could grab some snacks.

Abel treaded silently towards the place. The place was huge and could contain almost tens of thousands of students. It contained tables which were each surrounded by four chairs arranged neatly.

The place was currently occupied by students of all kinds. Abel was shocked to find out most of the students enjoyed the free daily meal the school gave out to it's students. That was what he was also going to take.

"Free meals! Free meals! Can't wait to get free meals!...", he sang in his head as he proceeded towards the counter.

"Leave me alone, Riley!", a voice screamed. Abel turned to look at the spectacle only to find Riley, the school's bully and his goons holding on to and enclosing a girl in a circle.

On close inspection, the girl looked familiar. She had jet black hair like Abel which were now moving effortlessly as she tried to find her way out of the situation.

This was the first time Abel had ever heard her voice, it was like a melody to the soul but who knew the devil which laid hidden behind that voice.

He had wanted to proceed without involving himself in the situation but the girl was powerless. She was Jazzlyn, the other non-evolved in his class. He couldn't just stand by and watch another member of his class get bullied by anyone even if they were to be an evolved.

Without second thought he had sprung into action, inching closer to Riley and his goons. "Hey there Riley, I think she is not happy with what you guys are doing. Can you stop it and let her g..o".


Before Abel could finish his statement, a fist had crushed into his face. He was sent flying away in a distance. The sound of his skull crushing was heard immediately when the two collided. Blood was spat on the floor as Abel bent down staring at the tiled floor below his body.

[Full Recovery skill activated]

[Apathy is at 20%]

"This much exhaustion after taken just a simple blow from this idiot", he muttered out to himself. His body slowly returned back to normal after the skill had done its work.

By this time, the girl had used this chance to move out of the circle and was already gone.

Abel after standing up and noticing this, sped out of the Cafeteria in search of refuge.

While on his way, system messages popped up in front of his line of sight.

[Hidden side quest completed]

[Defend the powerless girl to affirm what you stand for.


50exp points

5 stat points.

Punishment: unknown]

Abel had a huge smile on his face as he stormed out of the hallway of the school headed for his class.

[Apathy is at 60%]

The feeling of fatigue could be sensed but its intensity was irrelevant at the moment. Riley and his goons weren't following him which was a sign of relief for the poor boy.

All he could do was hope he could run out of the school before they could spot him by this way he will be gone before they notice. He never wanted to retreat but his strength wasn't enough.