
Signing up

At lunch the next day, Both Mark and Elijah wrote down the names of the people participating in the match on Sunday. Since it cost way too much to make a true party, the team made a temporary party which costs 300 student point. They each put in about 33 student points. Although a temporary party only lasted 4 months, it was better than nothing.

Beside them in the school office, their competitors were also signing names. It turned out that the 9th and 7th place in the latest competition were annoyed at how they were not even looked at by the others. When they tried to say hi to what they thought were fellow comrades at the top, they were viciously kicked out by a fiery girl and a chubby boy. Not willing to feel the shame of being considered weaker than their peers, They decided to challenge the group.

7th place, Miles asked his older brother Mason, a known bully in his 2nd year to help him and Rebecca teach the group a lesson. Mason could not help but lick his lips as he heard his brothers proposal. Due to strict regulation, it was hard for him to have a chance to bully a first year. He had always felt annoyed at the fact that he did not make it to the top 11 and he continued to feel more depressed as those that were lower than him began to surpass him every exam. He could only continue to stand tall by beating on the weak.

To be honest the fact that his talented younger brother made it to the top 11 annoyed him. But who would have thought that he would be kicked out of the group without even having a chance to say hi. Seeing his genius brother beg him made Mason's ego the highest it had ever been. He held on to the feeling as long as he could before finally agreeing to his request in exchange for the armor set. He would have asked for the energy crystal but he was not stupid. No fool would not use the crystal on the first day. By now, the crystal would have already been drained.

In order for the match to be accepted, half of the stronger team's players must be first year. This was an easy place to fill since, Miles and Rebecca were not the only people to be kicked out that day.

After signing the forms, Mark and Elijah turned to Mason. Mason smiled smugly as he shook their hands and left.

Elijah's face twisted as he saw the back of Mason's face. When they reached the lunch room again, he quickly asked Vivian and Drew to search up information on Mason. In a flash, they both gave each other a knowing look and raced out of the lunch room to who knows where to dig up some dirt.

Stephanie shivered as she thought of how Vivian knew everything about her before she could even say her name. After lunch was over, Don and Lars went to the support class. due to Don's lack of magic, he has been doing only theory for the last few days while everyone else was learning knew techniques and where increasing their skills.

What miss Brooke and Lars did not know was that Don was actually learning the technique as well and increasing his skills. Although his control had strengthened in the last couple of days, he was still in level G5. He felt like the strength he cultivated was more than G5 but something was blocking this power from increasing. He knew what this was. Unlike a bottleneck that would slowly break free in time, this was the unmovable mountain that separated awakened people from unawakened people. He would have to wait until moon day in Gemini for this barrier to be removed.

After Support class came his favorite class only challenged by advanced history, Forging class. Since he had finished early, Mo had given his student a few extra metals to mold and some comprehensive studies on the art of forging. Don hammered away as he was making a sculptor of a cute ballerina. He felt bad that he was unable to say a proper goodbye to Solomon and the rest of his family so he decided to mail them one of his first finished piece as a goodbye present. It was almost his daughter, Andy's third birthday.

As he hammered away using the technique said in the studies, he went in almost a trance. He heard echos of an odd pattern of hammering. He felt the dust of a dirty room assault his senses. He looked at his arms that looked bigger and scarred with years of fixation. He continued to hammer away as he felt dusk arrive.

He sighed as he realized that he had spent another day up all night instead of asleep as a certain lady always nagged him to do. He knew that if he stayed up any longer, he would not hear the end of it. As he cleared up his area and wiped his glasses clean he saw someone approaching his studies. He tried to jump into bed but midway,the door of his studies slammed open.

The girl who opened the door stood there furiously. Her black cheeks turned red with anger and her green eyes seemed to be ready to spew flames. Standing in an awkward position, Don did not know what to do.

"Really...when will you think about your health Aegiseus." Don laughed awkwardly as he heard this.

"There is no time for sleep. I can always sleep when I am dead." The girl's face became even redder as she heard this.

"Don't say that word lightly! death is not a joke!" Don smiled mysteriously as he heard this. 'You are to soft child... The girl could not help but sigh and calm herself down when she realized that her words were not getting through. Who knows how many times this conversation had happened recently.

"I hope you can take care of your self Aegiseus...If you fell ill or worse I don't-"

"I won't." Don interrupted. He patted her head to reassure her. The freckled girl could not help but feel her heart go at ease. Even if it is just words, no matter what he said, he was always right in the end. Suddenly the girl thought of something.

"Aegiseus... I have something I have been wanting to ask you." Don turned to the girl curiously.

"What is it?" He asked.


Don woke up in a shake as he heard the bell ring. His head was still dizzy as he tried to rearrange his thoughts.

"Don..." It took Don a second to register what was said. 'My name is Don?...yes it's Don.'

He turned up to look at who called him only to see that the whole class was still in class. They all surrounded him.

"Don you..." He now recognized that the one saying this was his teacher Mo.

"What...No how did you do this?"

Don looked down and to his surprise, there was no ballerina...Instead he found a miniature version of a sharp crafted spear. Although it was quite small, each detail was made with precision in the eyes of Mo.

"This is not something a beginner could do... did you go into... a break point?" Don did not know what Mo meant by break point but he knew that this was definitely not it. Every thing was crafted as if it was by muscle memory. While everyone was still in awe by Don's high level forging skills, Don picked up his spear and looked at it. Without even answering Mo's question he began to subconsciously smile as he looked at his creation.

This without a doubt was his creation.
