mc pov:
first one in my life..... I don't even erite the paragraph in my exam so forgive me.....
can you imagine dying by your life enemy and then you turn into it?!
.... well that's what happend to me
i was living my virgin life and then a message from heaven was sent to me....
"let's meet tonight and watch some movies together...alone"
my effort and hard working in simping finally worked and i was going to lose my virginity tonight
.....or that was what i was thinking.
what is this sensation !! ....i thnk i am going to cry from happiness
"honey, put it in already~~!"
"p...put i,i am"
"tsk,i knew this was going to happen"my girlfriend says with a annoyed face.
"give me my bag!"she shouts at me.
wh...what is happening...what is she taking out...is this a ....
"at least you can satisfie me with this dildo right?!"
she laughs
...and then i can't remember.....all i can remember is my girl screaming and rhe sound of ambulance coming....