

"Do not exert a fight." I still remember what my grandmother said. And trust me, I always keep that in my mind. I always keep my patience high, and stay calm. But this guy was testing my patience.

"I said, I came first and this is my spot." I told him with my calm voice but his stares and postures seems to be disturbing. Not because I'm attracted to him, but because he looks conceited. He smirked while getting his gucci wallet. He took some money bills while waving it in front of my face. His action made me feel like I want to punch him.

"How much do you want?" he stated. I stared at him so bluntly. I'm not interested with his money, I just want my coffee time to be peaceful. Not until I came at my seat with this moron sitting unto it. I even saw my bags and books scattered on the floor. What's wrong with this person's mind?

I heaved a deep sigh before packing up my things. I even heard his small laughs like he just won an argument when actually he doesn't. I fixed my posture before walking out to that place. But before I could walk further, I came back.

"What? You forgot to take the money?" he said.

"Yes, I forgot something." and before he could utter a word, I punched him direct to his face.
