
Doesn't seem like a YANDERE to me

The story about a mafia boss with a broken past who saved four siblings from slavery take them into his family and how their life is going from family to one-sided yandere love \\ I have moved this book so if you're a reader from the previous thank you for the support// (note: the power and places of the novel are not the same as reality as it is created out of the author's imagination) I will be publishing two chapters a week //this art is not owned by me so if you want me to take it down just tell me in the comments (And I couldn't find the tags so I'll just add it here #YANDERE#GANGS#HANDSOME MC#BADASS MC#stoic MC)

hmangaiha_hmar · アクション
20 Chs

Join my family

third person's pov

"stand," Leon said while clasping his hands behind, Gastov then slowly rose while the other troops remained on their knees

"Gastov Slavic, the fourth general greets the master "he again said while slightly bowing, Leon gestured his hand in confirmation

"my lord would like to rest for the night," Azazel said looking at Gastov with discontent

"Of course, right this way" he pointed toward the main building

Leon looked back at the girls who were still in their confused faces " follow me" he said and started walking, those who were in the way quickly made a move to the side according as if they had practiced for their whole life, the four girls just followed him nervously trying to greet everyone who was bowing towards their direction making the soldiers heart flutter,

after Leon left Gastov ordered his men to stand up, calling out his four commanders Cecil, Stephen, Alina, Nadia

"Azazel, why didn't you inform me about the master's visit," Gastov asked Azazel who remained after their master left

"If I report everything to you how could I call myself master's favorite subordinate " Azazel replied with a smug on his face, veins started popping on Gastov's forehead

"Don't just go around calling yourself whatever you want, just because you are his bodyguard doesn't make you his favorite" Gastov replied putting up a fake smile trying to suppress his anger

"Everyone knows you're not his favorite after he rebuked you for the northern tycoon incident, he was so angry that I could tremble in his shadow" Azazel added, slightly annoyed by his remarks

" that was just a father to son scoldings" Gastov replied, this went on for a while until Gastov was out of comeback punchlines, he was never very good with words

" Anyway did you have any trouble coming here," Gastov asked trying to jump into another topic,

Azazel's facial expression suddenly changed, not that it was happy before but he was tenser than before, almost seems like he was irritated

" We were all fine until we were disrespectfully stopped by your guards, " Azazel said while looking at the two guards who were kneeling at the back

" WHAT!!!, which numbskull had the guts to stop master" he replied infuriated by Azazel's answer, " Come out " he shouted looking at his troops with raging eyes

The whole troops froze in fear, slowly from the back two men started walking slowly towards the front line, kneeling in front of Gastov

" General, we didn't know he was master, please spare us" they pleaded

" A dog who did not recognize his own master can never be a loyal dog" Gastov looked down putting immense pressure on them that they can hardly breathe

All the other troops were now standing looking straight forward not showing many expressions as they didn't dare to pity their friends

As Gastov was readying his stance to smash them to the ground one of the commander spoke

" General, although their mistake is unforgivable, this is not fully their fault, as their commander I did not teach them properly, so I am also at fault" a woman about the age of 25, straight black hair, G cup, and a slim slender body, wearing black dress tight enough to see her lustful figure, although she is not beautiful as the four goddesses she was in a league of her own

"what are you trying to say cammander Alina" Gastov asked stopping his movement

" I will be responsible for the punishment as their commander," she said standing near the kneeling guards

Gastov then looked down at the guards staring for a moment " return to your place and never let this happen again"

" thank you so much " they shouted in unison

" you can say that to your commander " he replied turning towards Azazel's direction

"Commander," they said looking at her with teary eyes

" Don't be so happy just yet, although you won't die you are still gonna face punishment "she said walking back towards the other commanders

Gastov then stood beside Azazel who was looking at him with a disgusted expression

" fucking simp " Azazel added

" shut up"


Inside Leon was walking towards the main building led by the head butler, the four girls were following behind looking at their slave friends who were giving them a confused look

" Master, you can rest the night here, call me if you need anything, " the head butler said standing to the side and gesturing towards a huge door

" You may leave, " Leon said walking towards the room as the doors were automatically opened

Lucy's POV

' I thought that Leon-san was just a somewhat powerful man around the area but it seems he is way more powerful than I thought, what is even more shocking is that he didn't seem to care about our beauty,' lucy was in deep thoughts

'i admit that he is quite handsome but that doesn't make him immune to our beauty, I keep glancing at him on our way towards Estrada but he didn't look at me nor my sisters once, is it that we're not attractive enough, no no no that can't be" she continued while looking at the huge door in front them

It was not that Leon was not fazed by their beauty, he just couldn't trust anyone easily as he grew up seeing humanity's worst side and that his most trusted ally could easily become his worst enemy, so he slowly stopped showing emotions and eventually ended his love life

"Now let's sit down, I wanna discuss something with all of you," Leon said

' wait, does he wanna make us his slave or sex slave, was he holding himself back until now, if that's the case I will sacrifice myself and beg him to let go of my sisters' lucy thought, Mia and Yuki had somewhat the same thought

" Do you have any place to return to? " Leon asked looking at them with a straight face, the three sisters looked at each other, then Mia spoke after laying down Fei Fei who was sleeping tightly in her arms

" the four of us aren't blood-related, we used to stay in the same orphanage and were brought together by our mother who was killed by the northern tycoon when they come to take us as slaves, so we do not have a place to return, " Mia said while brushing Fei Fei's hair with her hand

"I see," Leon said leaning forward on his seat which was the opposite of where the sisters were sitting

"Then let me make you a suggestion"

'here it comes the three sisters thought

"Join my family as my sisters" Leon stated

' i knew it he was the sa- wait what'


Author's message-

sorry for the slow update, I am currently studying for our internal exam so please bear it with me and I hope you enjoy ^∆^