
Djinn System

Draven a teen in high school and a Hardcore Raider in his favorite Online game finds himself transported to another world with his body altered. Relying on his newfound system to help him survive and navigate through this unknown world he will encounter many dangers on the search for his father and a way home. For every answer he finds more questions arise Who brought them here and for what purpose?

Asmohawk · ファンタジー
48 Chs

Welcome Raiju (Timeskip)

Draven woke up stretching his limbs his entire body felt extremely sore after ranking up. "If I compare it to the Game I'm leveling up slowly. In the game after one day even if I didn't take it super seriously I'd at least get to level 15." He thought to himself. Well, I'm not allowed to level up anymore until I pick a class so who knows maybe I am already 15 and don't know it yet.

"System can you open the class selection screen?" Draven asked. He didn't mind looking for it himself but he enjoyed having something to talk to that talked back to him.

Beep! No such screen is within the System as of yet.

"Draven had a confused look on his face. "well how do I choose a class then to continue leveling up?

Beep! The user must find a Town and access the terminal within the Adventurers guild. Once accessed User can either choose a class from the Terminal download the contents to the Djinn System for advice purposes or even choose a new class conceptualized from the downloaded data. "I see so it's not that you're unable to give me a class it's that you don't have the data necessary to provide me with one."

Beep! That is correct.

Draven decided to leave this conversation when he found a town. "System can you open my stats?

Without an answer Draven stat window appeared.


User Draven Morgan

Rank: Iron

Race: Human, Djinn, Dragon, Raiju

Level 10

Class: None


Health 1280/1280

Mana: 6000/6000

Strength: 11

Agility: 128 (16)

Stamina: 80 (10)

Intellect: 15


Unallocated Stat Points: 30

Armor: 42 (11)

Racial Skills:

Wyrmling Scales raises armor rating by 31

Djinn Mana 4% multiplies base mana by 40

Dragons Vitality 4% Multiples base health by 8. Health regeneration +80%

Raijus Agility 4% Multiplies base agility by 8

Raijus Stamina 4% Multiplies base Stamina by 8

"Pfft!" if Draven had anything in his mouth it would be plastered all over the tree. So far the Raiju didn't give him any attacks but it was the best stat stick he's ever seen. "Thanks for joining the party Raiju you are most welcome!" Draven said while giving a bow to the tree. The only thing lacking now was his strength. Intellect did not affect magic damage like in the game just base intelligence and amount of mana. Seeing his mana pool was already ridiculous compared to yesterday he decided to dump all of his stat points into strength. Bringing his total to 41 Strength.

Draven hopped out from under the tree's roots and let his claw grow as he slashed at the tree's trunk. A gust of wind formed from the raw strength of his arm moving while the claw cut through the tree like butter. Draven was hoping for some movie moment where the tree fell over but his claw was not long enough to go through the entire width of the tree. In fact, the cut was so clean the tree might even repair the cut on its own over time. Growing cocky with his new stats Draven for the first time since the goblins attacked decided to open the menu in the open again as he activated Draconic Aura. He opened the skill window to see what was new.

Available Skill Points 31


Mana from Nature: 5 Sp

Iron grade Magic comprehension: 5 Sp

Mystic Regen Iron Tier: 5 Sp

 Ancient Dragon

Draconic Bones: Sp 5

Draconic Muscle Fibers and Tendons: Sp 10


Lightning Travel: 10 Sp

Lightning arms: 5 Sp

Lightning Legs: 5 Sp

The Cost of new skills is really getting up there. Now everything costs at least 5 Sp Draven thought to himself. "System why do some skills get naturally stronger while others I have to purchase with skill points to upgrade?" Draven asked.

Beep! Skills that are biological increase in strength as the user enhances his biological state. Skills such as Mystic regen could increase on their own if the User diligently studied the arcane and improved the spell himself. By purchasing the next tier the user is bypassing years of required research and training. Draven nodded in understanding. "But what about my scales? They are both naturally getting stronger with me but I have to also purchase the upgrade."

Beep! In regards to the user's scales, they will naturally get stronger along with the improvements of the User's biological state however when upgrading the tier of the scales, the user is bypassing hundreds if not thousands of years it would take to naturally reach the next tier. For example, for a hatchling to reach the age of a Wyrmling can take up to 2 years. From a Wyrmling to a young dragon can take up to 50 years. From a young Dragon to an adolescent Dragon 200 years…etc.

"That makes a lot of sense" Draven admitted to the fairness of the system.

System please describe the available skills.


Iron grade Magic Comprehension: The user gains a fundamental understanding of all magic and its usage up to rank Iron. Knowledge comparable to 5 years of training, Skill compatible with the mystic eye. After the user activates the mystic eye on a target user will have a fairly accurate idea of how much strength to use to kill or maim an enemy without overspending mana as well as detect what elements may be advantageous.

Mana from Nature: The user will be able to absorb a portion of the mana found in nature to help cast and boost spells. Cost reduction of spells by 10%. Skill compatible with Mystic regen User will be able to replenish his mana while moving. The user will have a 90% reduction of mana per minute gained when using mystic regen in this manner.

Mystic Regen Iron Tier: While in a meditative state, the user can restore on average 200 mana per minute. (The greater the concentration of magic in the area the faster your mana will be replenished.) The user is required to purchase the skill mana from nature before purchasing this skill.

Draconic Bones: The user's Bones will be reinforced to have the density and strength of that of Dragons. Increase base Strength.

Draconic Muscle Fibers and Tendons: The User's muscles and tendons will be reinforced to have the density and strength of Dragons. Increase the user's base Strength. Caution User is advised to first purchase the skill Draconic Bones as the user's current Skeleton will not be able to withstand the full force of this skill.

Lightning Travel: The user can transform into pure Lightning allowing the user to travel great distances in a short period. Caution this skill requires a great amount of mana and stamina.

Lightning arms: The user can in a short burst accelerate the momentum of his arms utilizing a biological lightning spell imbedded into his arms.

Lightning Legs: The user can in a short burst accelerate the momentum of his legs utilizing a biological lightning spell imbedded into his legs.

Draven sat down cross-legged on the forest ground pondering his options. "I should get both draconic bones and muscles as they will boost my strength." He stated. "That leaves me with 16 Sp leftover." Draven wracked his brain to come up with the best possible solution. He liked Lightning Travel but that cost 10 Sp leaving only room for 1 other skill. In the end, Draven decided to grab all the Djinn and Dragon skills leaving the Raiju skills to the side for now. He had already gained a lot from Raiju becoming a part of him he should get used to his current speed before upgrading further. Determined Draven locked in his choices and mentally hit accept on the screen looking very pleased with himself. Then sweat began to run down his back.

"Shit, I was supposed to do one at a… Argghhh Draven once again collapsed in a twitching mess on the ground. He flailed his arms and legs wildly like he was trying to make some kind of abstract snow angel on the ground with the forest leaves. He could feel every single bone in his body compress and grow thicker and longer. He lost all control of his muscles as they caused him to thrash out every which way, they burned as if lava was trying to hug them. His skin began to stretch to accommodate the size at which his body was growing Draven nearly at his limit felt that his muscles were going to rip his skin apart.

But all thoughts disappeared as 5 years of Magical training were injected into his mind and memories. Thousands of spells and how they can be changed and adapted or even combined flashed through his memories. He could feel mana being sucked into the pores of his skin from his surroundings this was the only change that felt pleasant but sadly was not long-lived as the pain of his entire body being restructured was still ongoing. Nearly an hour passed as Draven was finally back in control of all his bodily functions, and by that, he meant all bodily functions Draven needed to do some laundry at this point.

The Pain began to subside but Draven was still trembling from what he just endured. "I vow to never, ever purchase multiple skills at the same time," he muttered under his breath. Draven stood up and was confused as everything on the ground seemed a bit further away than usual. "Did I get taller?" He asked. He then looked at his arms to see if pain really equals gain and to his surprise, he was for the first time in his life pretty buff. Draven waved a hand creating a mirror made of still water in front of him. The first thing he noticed was how large he had gotten he was ripped! Not over the top bodybuilder but in perfect proportions.

His shoulders were wide his back was broad and his abs were chiseled. But what caught his eyes the most were his eyes, he never bothered to look for a mirror before. his Iris was a deep orange with slitted pupils. "I got Dragon eyes that's awesome!" he said happy with the changes. Even his purple skin became a bit darker and had tinges of dark red mixed in near the areas where his scales were. Looking in the mirror Draven could see that his hair now had White strains that looked to be a different texture as they were slightly spiky. Draven grabbed a bit of his long hair. "Wasn't my hair pure black before?" He asked out loud.

Beep! After the Raiju Specimen was installed portions of the User's hair turned white.

Draven simply nodded he liked his hair being pure black, now he felt he looked like some kind of skunk. He decided to figure out what to do with his hair later. It was time to test his new body. "System what is my current strength?"

Beep! The user's current strength is 328.

Draven walked up to a nearby tree and once again slashed it with his claws. "WOOSH!" A very strong wind current was created by Draven's attack. Like before the tree didn't simply topple over as his claws were not long enough. But this time Draven front kicked the tree with all his might. As his foot collided with the tree trunk it simply snapped from where it was cut but instead of falling over it flew a few meters forward before crashing to the ground.

"Awooo." Draven seemed to have agitated some wolves nearby. "Let's test out this agility," Draven said with a smile as he sprinted toward the direction where he heard the howling. Draven nearly tripped as he was not accustomed to his newfound speed. He had to actively control how hard he pressed off the ground with each step or he would leave small holes where his feet had been. Within roughly 20 seconds he had traversed a quarter mile he was faster than some cars and this wasn't even his top speed. He had seen the wolves in the distance normally he would have gone in slow however Draven seemed to not be able to break all that well and ended up sliding up to the Pack.

Draven quickly scanned all the wolves as there were 7 in total all ranging between level 3 and 5 one of them was a bit larger and was at level 7. Draven decided to test his new body out a bit instead of relying on magic as he didn't feel threatened. Draven kicked the ground and rushed to the nearest wolf he had planned to do a hero move where the character seemed to teleport behind the enemy but instead rammed straight into the wolf at full speed unintentionally knocking the wolf to the ground with his knee and Draven went tumbling to the ground until he smacked into a large rock. "This is difficult to control…" Draven thought out loud. He extended his claws and tried going half speed this time and although he wasn't able to perform the teleporting to someone's back technique he was at least able to quickly reach his enemy and slash its head off before it could think to counterattack.

Beep! You have slain Forest Wolf Level 5

Draven sped through the rest of the trash mobs and in under a minute all the wolves were dead except the Boss. Draven kicked off the ground again, speeding to the Alpha Wolf expecting it to die just as fast as the others did however, the Alpha was able to swiftly jump to the right dodging his strike. The Wolf then quickly countered as it lunged at Draven its mouth spread wide about to make Draven its dinner. Draven simply prepared to thrust his claw straight into its mouth but the Wolf seemed to have sensed the danger and instead jumped up to avoid his claw and attacked from above. Draven sidestepped the wolf with ease and retracted his claw as the wolf landed Draven punched the wolf in its torso sending the Alpha flying crashing into trees its body spinning in midair every time it hit a tree trunk until the creature skidded on the ground coming to a halt. The Wolf was badly injured it had a broken leg and Draven practically left a crater the size of his fist in its torso. To end its suffering Draven threw out a wind blade severing its head from its body.

Beep! You have slain Alpha Forest Wolf.

Draven then went to loot all the bodies and sure enough, only Xp Orbs were found.

Beep! Tutorial Tipp User has found Xp Orbs relating to Raiju Specimen when consumed User can gain Sp to purchase skills relating to Raiju specimen.

"I can earn Skill Points by killing wolves since when?"

Beep! The User can gain Sp by killing Demons or creatures of pure magic for Djinn Sp, Reptiles or Dragonkin for Dragon Sp, and Wolves or lightning-based creatures for Raiju Sp.

System am I able to consume these Xp Orbs even if I can't level up right now?

Beep! The User can still consume Xp Orbs, the Xp will be stored until a class has been chosen and Sp will be rewarded as each threshold has been reached.

"Well bottoms up," Draven said as he consumed the orbs.

Beep! Calculating Sp…

The user has gained 3 Sp for Raiju Skills.

Excess Xp will be stored until the User has selected a Class.

"This is amazing I'll be able to farm Skill points now" Draven decided to continue heading in the direction of the river but stay in the woods to keep a lookout for any wolves, they were on the menu now. Draven spent the rest of the day traveling in a serpentine pattern to actively look for wolves his sense of smell has drastically increased since he was a human so he was fairly confident to be able to sniff them out if they were relatively close to his location. By nightfall, he had killed another 25 wolves giving him a total of 10 Sp for the day. It seemed like he was getting slightly less Sp every time a threshold was reached but it was barely noticeable or perhaps it had something to do with the level of the wolves Draven wasn't sure yet. After asking the System it simply stated that both played a factor but couldn't give an answer as to which one played a larger role.

Draven decided to grab the two Raiju skills Lightning Arms and Lightning Legs. This time he remembered to do one at a time. But other than a burning sensation of something being branded on his skin the change was tolerable. After inspection, there were slight glowing lightning bolts etched onto his skin and scales of his arms and legs not covering them but a few spread out Draven thought they looked pretty cool like he had some kind of glowing tattoos. Draven of course had to test out his abilities on his trusted training dummy otherwise known as a random thick tree.

He first kicked the tree with pure strength. The kick was so powerful the tree nearly came out of the ground exposing most of the roots underneath the tree. Draven then went to another nearby tree of similar size but this time used the lightning spells in his leg and kicked the tree with the same amount of force. His leg launched so fast his leg kicked through the tree with a momentum so unexpectantly powerful it caused the rest of his body to follow his legs kick forcing him to roll on the ground before coming to a halt. Draven was shocked of how fast he could kick now it was like he had a rocket strapped to his leg. Before he could further indulge in his amazement Draven quickly rolled out of the way as the tree nearly collapsed on top of him.

"This is scary strong" Draven thought to himself. "If I can kick through a tree what will this do to a creature or a person?" Draven put those thoughts to the back of his mind he didn't want to imagine that horror show. Draven was going to start looking for shelter for the night but decided to continue walking he didn't feel tired at all and thought he would just keep going until he was tired to see if he didn't need to sleep as much as before either. He traveled another 6 hours and only found another 15 wolves along the way netting him 2 Sp still full of energy kept on going. Draven was, however, getting hungry and spent a few minutes roasting the rest of his boar that was still in his inventory.

Draven has spent roughly a month traveling this path unable to level up due to not having a class he went on many detours and spent time getting used to his skills and his body. But he always kept walking in the same direction as the river. He was beginning to lose hope as he began to imagine that he was alone in this world, and it was causing him to speak more and more with the system to keep his sanity in check. It was able to explain things more naturally now but having an actual conversation was still beyond its capabilities. After another depressing non-reciprocal conversation with his System Draven started to sniff out the faint smell of smoke. Draven eyes went wide "A town!" He shouted excitedly. He kicked off the ground using his lightning legs which propelled him forward reaching 0 to 100 speeds that race car drivers would drool over, but these were only short bursts of momentum, and his internal spells were costly to replenish. Draven could not maintain that speed. But after a few minutes of maximum effort, Draven stood on a dirt Road overlooking a town that was surrounded by a blue sphere of light.

Beep! The user has Discovered a Novice Village.

Draven heard someone shouting in the distance but he was so excited he didn't pay any attention to it as he squatted down a tear ran down his cheek he then jumped into the air out of Joy. "I finally found a goddamn town!!" He shouted with all his might.

Hi everyone If you are reading this that means you have read the first 10 Chapters of my first Novel and I would like to thank you for taking the time to do so. I hope that you found the journey so far enjoyable. I made this Chapter quite a bit longer than usual as this is a big milestone for me.

Thank you all again and I hope you will continue to show me your support. Feel free to leave a comment on the things you liked or didn't like and why you thought it worked or didn't work for you. That would be a great help for me as this story continues.

Asmohawkcreators' thoughts