
Djinn System

Draven a teen in high school and a Hardcore Raider in his favorite Online game finds himself transported to another world with his body altered. Relying on his newfound system to help him survive and navigate through this unknown world he will encounter many dangers on the search for his father and a way home. For every answer he finds more questions arise Who brought them here and for what purpose?

Asmohawk · ファンタジー
48 Chs

Minion of Bal’rock

"Oh SHIT!" Draven yelled out. Everyone get back to the platform we are leaving now! Everyone started running yelling "What's going on what did Celine do?" Jennifer asked. She took a core from one of the minions of the boss," Draven answered. "Well doesn't that mean she killed it? Greg wondered out loud. "Not if that minion has a total of three Cores," Draven explained.

"OH FUCK RUN RUN RUN!" Greg screamed out.


A deafening roar came from the mountains as the entire area trembled with each massive attack. The party could feel the shockwaves passing through them. With the 3rd slam, the entire cave they had just run away from was blown to pieces leaving a huge opening that led into the mountain.

"For Fuck Sake Celine why do you have to steal everything?" Ross yelled out. "Im a Rouge inside of a dungeon that's literally my job! I just wanted us to be able to move into one of the nicer houses! Is that a crime?" She yelled back while running as fast as she could. "Less talking more running," Draven said. Draven wanted nothing more than to speed away but he wanted to get some distance from the cave and stopping now to create a new platform would take a minute and was risky he didn't know how fast that thing was. Draven however quickly found out that It was a lot faster than his party members and was going to be on them any moment. "SHIT Everyone stop and hug each other!"

"WHAT!?!?!" They cried out in confusion. "Just do it NOW!" He yelled back.

Scared that Draven was yelling at them for real they did as they were told and Draven made a two-layer shield around them with the outer being made of earth and the inner made of wind and then launched them in the direction of Ironforge but just as he began to release the spell he was hit with a fireball which caused their trip to be much shorter than Draven had planned they would get a mile at most.

"FUCK!" he cried out in pain and anger. If Draven ran away now he was sure the Minion of Bal'rock would still chase after them. Luckily the fireball landed on the scales of his back and didn't do much if any damage as he was very fire-resistant. Draven turned around and decided to give it a go if he left his party they would certainly die.

Draven Scanned the creature.

Minion of Bal'rock (weakend)

Level 25

Health 20000

Mana 10000


Thank god he's at least weakened after losing one of its cores. Draven relaxed a bit. He was in no way out of the woods but winning was at least a possibility now and only because Draven wasn't an average Joe and had high resistance to fire.

Draven decided to go big right from the get-go as he summoned a gigantic water ball enough to cover the lava golem completely and tossed it to him. The Golem was knocked to the ground by the sheer weight of the Water Ball. An explosion of steam blasted through the area. That should have cooled him down as Draven charged the lightning runes in his arms and legs and used Shadow Step to get on top of the Golem. While in its shadow Draven saw where the first core was removed from. It was in its waist like the gemstone of a belt not that a golem needed a belt but whatever. On the exterior Draven couldn't see anymore so the rest must be on the inside he thought as she jumped out of the shadow and into the air he then activated the rune on his right leg and smashed his heel into the golem's chest.

"Crack!" A large chunk from the golem's chest was demolished. Draven could see one of his cores embedded deep within the hole he just made as he got ready to release another seal on his right arm as two red beams came right for him. He was so focused on the Cores and thought the golem was down for the count which it technically was. The Golem required running lava to move but these golems could apparently shoot lasers out of their eyes and Draven just took two to the chest. After impact, he was launched with so much force into the side of the mountain that he was practically merged with it. One of the beams hit the scales protecting his heart but his stomach wasn't covered by scales yet so Draven now had a hole the size of a silver dollar straight through his abdomen.

"Uuuahhh" Draven vomited blood. This wasn't looking good for him he had to move quickly the sun was shining onto the mountain towards Draven so there was only his own shadow to sink into which he did as the Golem fired another laser at him. Draven can barely fully merge into his shadow to dodge the attack. He started moving trying his best to reach a larger shadow so he could shadowstep away but he ended up vomiting more blood and was thrown out of his shadow because of it. "Not good." Draven thought as he used wind magic to launch himself away to dodge another set of laser beams. He could feel his energy draining quickly draven didn't have a lot of time left before he collapsed from blood loss and he could tell the golem was about to charge another beam. He swore under his breath to figure out how to learn healing magic if he survived this. He didn't have the strength to move anymore as his vision began to blur. He was so cold and tired he just wanted to close his eyes and rest. Suddenly Draven was surrounded by a white light he thought "Am I already dead?" Draven heard someone nearby calling his name and then yelling.


It was May she had run back and after seeing Draven with a gaping hole in his body she immediately cast her biggest heal but she could only do it once and it cost nearly every bit of her mana and every time she cast it she was knocked out due to all her mana being dried out at once. And this time was no different as soon as she cast it she collapsed to the ground. The hole in Dravens Stomach sealed shut and he was revitalized. He activated his Scale armor and his entire body was covered in scales now Draven lunged on top of the Golem again he could feel it starting to heat up which meant he didn't have a lot of time left before the lava began to flow through it again. He unleashed the runes in both of his arms as he punched through the rock that had already halfway healed from, his earlier attack. As he pumped mana into his runes to recharge them again.

BOOM! Another laser was shot but this time Draven dodged it by halfway sinking into his shadow the laser shot off into the mountain. Draven unleashed another lightning-filled strike as he finally got deep enough to see the orb he reached in and tore it out. Hoping it would decrease in power again. Draven quickly stored the Orb away in his inventory as another this time a single beam came out and struck him in the chest again sending him flying back into the mountain. Draven scanned the creature again.

Minion of Bal'rock (weakend)

Level 25

Health 10000/20000

Mana 6000/10000

"Fuck!" He was praying it would get weaker again so he could finish this but he figured his Luck ran out after May came to his rescue. Draven cursed as he used the lightning in his legs to propel him forward toward the golem closing the gap nearly instantly. Draven attacked the other side this time hoping to find the last orb but he could already see lava flowing the golem was about to start moving again! That massive water ball drained a large portion of his mana if he did it again he would be running on fumes!

Draven hesitated he wasn't sure what to do a mage with no mana was a dead mage. While Draven was showing signs of panic the golem swung his arm and smacked the entirety of Draven's body causing him to slam and bounce off the ground many times like a basketball on the pavement. Even with his scales, Draven felt multiple bones although not broken were fractured.

Draven checked his health


"Shit!" That was a lot more damage than he thought it was going to be. Without his scale armor, he would have died. Seeing how low his health was he became determined to survive. He remembered one of his class skills he hadn't had a chance to test yet and there was no better time than now to give it a go.

First Draven cast another Water ball the same size as before and tossed it over to the golem which caused it to slam back into the ground before it could fully rise. Another Explosion of steam filled the area. Draven then struggled to walk over to the golem he was sure both his legs had been badly injured but his arms were still good and that's all he needed draven climbed back on top of the golem.

"Are you considered a structure?" Draven asked with a wicked grin.

Activate Battle Frenzy

(Battle Frenzy: for the next 5 Minutes User will have increased Attack speed based on missing health. The missing percentage of health will equal the increased percentage of attack speed. For example, at 20% health, the user will have an 80 % increase in attack speed. 1-hour Cooldown.)


A Red aura surrounded Draven as his attack speed increased by 87%

And then unleashed a barrage of Demolishing strikes fueled with Lightning runes. With every strike the earth around him reverberated.

(Demolishing strike: Takes twice as long to strike but deals twice as much damage to an enemy and 10x as much damage to a structure.)

I guess you do count as a structure Draven said while laughing like a maniac as he slammed one demolishing strike after another with his 87% attack speed buff these punches were coming out almost as fast as his regular punches and each one was devastating. Draven was punching large portions of the Golem with every hit. As he saw a dim glow in the Golem's left eye crawled over to his head and started smashing away there Fuck these lasers! Draven cried out as he crushed the Golem's head over and over again. Draven didn't stop, he couldn't stop he just kept smashing the same location over and over and over again.

"DRAVEN! It's enough it's dead." he heard someone yelling in his ear as Draven turned around. With a wild manic look on his face that was covered in all the dried blood he had vomited earlier in the battle. And there stood the rest of his party with Jennifer wildly shaking him. Her hands were bleeding as she tried smacking Draven to get him to wake up and ended up only cutting herself on his scales. So all she could do was shake him. As he nonstop punched into the ground the core of the Golem was in its head and Draven had destroyed it after the second punch but he didn't stop for a full 5 minutes he just kept going at it until Battle Frenzy ended.

After seeing Dravens face Jennifer was in shock there was so much blood seeing as the golem didn't have any blood that must have all been his own. "WAKE MAY UP! Draven is covered in blood!" Jennifer screamed out for anyone to hear. "You know it will take May most of the day before she will have enough mana back to wake up," Ross said. "He doesn't seem to be in immediate danger and now that he's snapped out of it we should be fine. No other creatures have come out of the cave either. Let's just find a safe spot and recuperate." Ross said. "Sounds like a plan Draven agreed. "Jennifer, I hurt my legs could you help me get down?" They were ontop of the collapsed Golem whose width was so great Draven was unable to jump down with his injured legs. With tears in her eyes, she tried to grab Draven under his arm but the scales poked her again. "Are you able to retract your scales again?" she asked. "I can't hold you without getting cut they are really sharp," she added.

"Oh yeah sorry," Draven said embarrassed as he released the scale armor. He immediately collapsed and fell off the Golem. Everyone looked in horror as they saw Draven's legs had been snapped and the only thing keeping them together was his scale armor. "Shit, I guess they were broken after all." Draven chuckled a bit but then felt a sharp pain in his ribs "crap I guess they are cracked too." He winced as he looked toward the guys. "Ross and Greg can you guys set my legs so they heal straight I don't want to have to break them again later." Ross and Greg came running over. You need to get into a med pod can't you ... I don't know fly back to Ironforge to get healed up? Guys I'm the leader of the town you can't carry me into the town like a cripple people will freak out. Plus I'm in a lot of pain and would rather not fly right now seeing that my legs would flap in the wind like some messed up cape.

"People get hurt all the time why would they freak out?" Ross asked genuinely confused. They look at me like I'm invincible. If I get dragged in there like a cripple they will think all is lost and run back to novice village and half of them will probably die on the way.I need everyone to push themselves to get stronger and raise their levels. And right now I'm the reason they have the courage to do so. As they know if anything happens Draven or James can take care of any problem. You thought the same thing inside the mountain when I told all of you to leave you just assumed that I could deal with whatever was inside there why should you be scared?"

Realizing that Draven was right he hung his head low he did put him on a pedestal and couldn't imagine him losing after seeing him deal with the invaders last week he did think Draven was invincible. Seeing Ross look depressed he just sighed. "We can talk about this later. I heal fairly fast just set my legs and attach a splint for now." Draven said as he clenched his fists anticipating the pain that he was about to feel. They looked at each other with grim expressions on their faces as they grabbed and twisted Draven's legs around so they faced the way they should be and then tied two large sticks tightly on both sides after they did the other side Draven was much easier to look at. And Draven could feel the tissue in his legs very slowly start to knit together his regeneration couldn't even be compared to that of a regular human since becoming part Dragon. "After May wakes up and tosses me a couple heals they should be good enough to get back home and use a med pod without attracting too much attention. Draven had leaned up against the foot of the Golem. He decided to go ahead and loot it since he had nothing else to do. Checking the loot he received a Bronze veteran XP Orb and the eye of Bal'rock

Eye of Bal'rock

Epic crafting material for Golem creation

Once implanted in a Golem it will be capable of shooting a powerful laser beam at Bronze veteran Rank."Damn a Bronze Veteran XP Orb!" He was ecstatic. "Don't mind if I do," he said as he ate it up.

Congratulations User has Reached Level 16

Congratulations User has Reached Level 17

Congratulations User has Reached Level 18

"Holy shit I leveled up 3 times with that single Orb!"

Draven Felt that his legs although still broken felt a lot better he was able to move his toes again. He knew leveling up didn't restore his health like in the game but it seemed to have some health benefits as he clearly regained blood flow. Draven told everyone he needed some time to meditate and that he wouldn't be responsive in that time After everyone nodded he closed his eyes and allowed nature to flow into the pores of his skin they even managed to get between his scales to be absorbed by him. When Draven opened his eyes again he realized he had fallen asleep and was in the same position as before. He wanted to get up but he knew that was still a bad idea. It had started to get dark outside and they were in an unknown territory who knows if it got more dangerous at night around here or not? But Draven figured that this was the territory of the fire elementals and that the rest of the food chain knew that. it would take a while for others to try their luck. 

He let everyone know that he was done so they walked back over and sat around him. How are you holding up? Ross asked. I'll be fine I helped myself to the XP orb from the big guy and got a few levels. After that, I could move my toes again. So after May wakes up we can head out. I'm already awake! May said running over to Draven, but my mana is still pretty low. I should be able to cast either two small heals on your legs which probably won't fix the break I'm not sure or we wait for a few hours on mana, and I cast two greater heals which should heal your legs.

Do you have enough mana for one greater heal now? It would be nice to be able to move around at least a bit I'm feeling pretty vulnerable right now Draven said slightly embarrassed. Of course" she nearly yelled out as she fumbled with her hands to place them on his left leg gently. A small white light shone through her hands and Draven felt his bones shift slightly to perfectly align with how they should be and the swelling had gone down as well. "Thank you. not just for this but for also coming back to save me i would have died otherwise," Draven said. "You're welcome," May replied smiling before her face turned grim. "But if you ever throw your life away like that again to save us I will never forgive you. We are a party and we don't want you to sacrifice yourself for us. How could I look myself in the mirror if you died for my sake?" May said with a very pissed-off expression. "Well I had planned that differently I didn't want to sacrifice myself either had I been able to launch you guys back to town I could have escaped it just didn't work out the way I had hoped," Draven said. May seemed relieved to hear that he had a plan to get out and that he had no intentions to fight the golem by himself initially. 

"So how are we going to get back home 20 miles away?" Rebeca asked. "Same way we came here just slower and use a lot more mana. The return trip will be gentle. Let's set up camp for now and get everyone some food in their stomach." Draven said as he pulled out 20 King Fish Meats he had such a huge stockpile he wasn't going to die of starvation anytime soon. They all looked at the fish like it was made of gold. "Where did that come from!" They all called out. I have a magical spell that creates a storage space for me. Draven answered realizing his mistake but he was hungry so he hoped that explanation was good enough. "What I've never heard of that," Jennifer said "Is that something a mage would learn around your level?" she asked "I'm not sure. It's possible you could I guess. I'm not sure if it would be tied to your class or if it's something you have to learn though." Draven answered as he thought about it. "And how did you get it?" Her eyes narrowed in on Draven as she asked that. "It's a racial ability I got from the start." He answered back honestly. "So your dad can do that too?" Draven looked at her seriously now as well. "No, he can't. Jennifer, why don't you ask me what you actually want to ask me? He said in a serious tone of voice. "Why are you so special?