
Divinity (A Marvel Reality Warping SI)

You can never gain too much power in this place, but what happens if you gain more than enough.

vtorx_0867 · アニメ·コミックス
5 Chs

Chapter Three

Everyone wants to meet a celebrity at least once in their lifetime.

Some may deny it, but that would merely be their personal opinions against mine.

Which, mine would win anyway.

In my former reality, it was the music stars like Justin Bieber, Selena Gomez, the Weekend, and Drake. As for the movie stars, well… It's always by the season or whatever is currently the talk on the Web.

Oh, I'm not going to deny that music and movie stars do exist in this marvelous but scary new Universe of mine. But compared to the never-fading rage that is Superpowers, the entertainment industry unsurprisingly falls short.

Wolverine. Emma Frost. Kitty Pryde.

In my past life, those names could only be found in cartoons, comics, games… And movies.

To Benjamin Kersley, those names were merely a source of entertainment.

The Wolverine. Wolverine: Origins. X-men: First Class. X-men: Last Stand, amongst various others.

The Marvel Cinematic Universe otherwise known as the MCU.

Benjamin Kersley watched them from behind the TV screen, enjoying the fight scenes and cool standoffs.

He was never invested in their plight. Why should he be in the first place? It never did affect him in any way.

To Benjamin Kersley, Wolverine was merely Hugh Jackman, Kitty Pryde was merely Ellen… No, was it Elliot Page (ah! So confusing), and as for Emma Frost, well… Eh, can't remember her name and I won't bother myself trying to do so.

All in all, they were celebrities who played their roles in the Marvel Cinematic iteration.

But in this world it's different.

Wolverine, who would have been a world-known sensation in my past life, here, is considered a world-known pariah. To the world, popping out claws that could cut through any mundane material known to man and surviving one's intestines being ripped out is considered the epitome of freakiness rather than a goddam miracle.

Phasing through objects, doing cool stuff with the mind, or altering one's flesh to become as hard as a diamond meant being liable to be lynched by psychopathic mobs or being captured by big ass mobo-robots would either lead to being dissected or be kept in a pen.

The life of a Mutant isn't an easy one in the slightest.

So to Benjamin Kersley, having a lineup of the X-Men standing in front of him would be something like a dream come true.

To Adam Abrams, it was…


Many things changed for Adam Abrams ever since becoming what he currently is.

It wasn't just the nigh-omnipotence that came with the activation of his X-Gene. Even his thought process had been slightly altered ever since Adam had become a Mutant.

Not really a surprise

With his rather esoteric physiology, Adam has not once experienced the feeling of tiredness, hunger, and discontent. Anything Adam wanted could be done with a literal snap of his fingers—and that's if he wanted to waste the energy to do so.

This was why when Arthaus had woken him up, whatever lethargy Adam was supposed to feel vanished as soon as he opened his eyes.

Adam was still where he was supposed to be—still in Eden.

Only this time, he wasn't alone with just his creations.

'Ah, so they've finally arrived.'

Adam regarded the three Mutants lined up just some meters away from him.

'They're… Different from what I expected.' Adam noted—before tilting his head in bemusement. 'No, should it be from what I'd originally suspected?'

Of course, this isn't the first time Adam has seen them. But it was mainly from the confines of the TV screen or newspapers who always described them in the same breath as J.J Jefferson would describe Spiderman;

[The Spider Menace Strikes Yet Again!] and stuff like that.

Hell, even that was an understatement when looked at from a certain perspective.

Anyways, looking at them face to face gave Adam a whole new perspective.

For one, Wolverine did not look like Hugh Jackman which was kind of a letdown and at the same time, not much of a surprise seeing as he had a cowl with a multicolored spandex of yellow and dark blue as opposed to the MCU iteration that was cowlless and wore pure black.

As for the others…

'Yep, I was right in thinking so.' Adam sagely nodded, 'Their beauty just ain't natural.'

There was this little detail Adam had picked up ever since he had been transmigrated into this Universe. For some reason, the appearance of both men and women could be classified into three groups; the average-looking, the stunningly cute, and the sensational beauty/strapping handsome.

Genetics had nothing to do with it and none of it was artificial. There was also the fact that such a physical trait carries them right to their old age.

Sophia Grainheart and her mom are Adam's case study. Soph's mom peaked at an average look which fell short of her daughter who belonged in the third category.

Hah… Anyways, back to the X-Men.

Adam had to say Piotr was a lucky guy for having Kitty Pryde who firmly belonged to the second category. As for Emma Frost… Well, let's just say Adam was thankful that she wasn't wearing her iconic one-piece suit, merely a cropped white top and sleek slacks covered by a fur coat that was all white.

Sighing, Adam stood up and did a little body twist to straighten himself—an action he did not need; merely a force of habit from his martial art sessions.

"I've been expecting you, X-Men."

Internally, Adam winced, hoping his words weren't as cringe as they sounded.

Thankfully, it wasn't.

"So we've heard from Mr. Flaming Wings, over there," Wolverine grunted out, though not unkindly. "But before we get down to business, I just got to ask. Are you the Mutant behind Freaky Friday?"

"Wolverine!" Kitty Pryde or was it, Shadowcat nudged Wolverine in a chiding tone. "What's with the 20 questions?"

"It isn't 20, merely 1. Besides, I just want to be sure if he's the same Mutant behind Freaky Friday."

"But that doesn't mean you had to go about it like that—"

"He isn't wrong in asking that, Shadowcat…" Adam interrupted her. "Or can I just call you, Kitty? Shadowcat sounds like quite a mouthful."

"No, it does not." Shadowcat pouted and then shrugged yieldingly. "Normally, I would question how you know my name, but with everything I've seen here, asking that would make me look stupid. Anyways go ahead. I prefer friends calling me that—which I hope we can be by the end of this. You can't believe how happy I am that we are not going at each other throats as soon as we've met."

"I feel the same way." Adam smiled, nodding in agreement. "And as for your question, Wolverine. Yes, I am behind the events of Freaky Friday. But certainly not the way you expect it to be."

Wolverine raised a brow.

"Altering the damn moon into something akin to a grotesque grinning face asteroid. Having the stars dance around in a merry-go-round and that's not even talking about the others; seems pretty clear cut to me."

"In my defense, I got that idea from Soul Eater—which I'm sure you wouldn't get the reference, either way- and I needed something quite significant to mask what had happened."

Emma Frost made a bemused sound. "What happened?"

Adam's smile turned cryptic.

"Depending on how you all take it, I may either follow you to that Institution of yours or do away on my own. At any rate, let's start by having a seat before we get to the talking. Feels kind of uncomfortable to discuss something like this while standing. If you would, Arthuas…"

The Chief Administrator of Eden bowed.

"Of course, Lord Adam."

The angel clad in flames gestured at an empty spot and in sparkles of gold, a round opulent-looking table materialized. It was made of some kind of wood Adam couldn't recognize, (not like he had any knowledge of any in the first place) all he could see was that it was gleaming, and…

"Diamonds… Don't you think you're going a little too far for some chair and table, Arthuas?" Adam asked incredibly.

Sighing, Adam ignored the fussing Angel as the table altered into a more demure but formal form as opposed to its opulent form. It was a round table with four chairs and placed on it were various assortments of food and drinks.

Although, it was a suspect that of the assortments on display, one side had rum bottles stuffed ice-steaming iron buckets, while another had cuisines fit for royalty.

Without any further ado, Wolverine strutted towards where the rum bottles were placed and promptly sat down.

The regenerative Mutant merely shrugged at the stares of his teammates.

"Hey, Xavier and Storm have always beat it into my skull about being civil to hospitality, and this…" Opening a bottle and taking a drink, Wolverine said. "Is what I call hospitality..."

With a chuckle, Emma Frost shook her head and promptly followed suit—unsurprisingly, to the side of the table that had the exquisite cuisine on it.

To that, Adam laughed while Kitty groaned, placing a hand against the side of her head.

"What am I to do with you two?"


It had been some minutes since everyone settled down and made their selves comfortable. Adam had started by asking questions concerning the Institution to which Kitty answered as best as she could with Logan -who allowed Adam to address him by his name- and Emma Frost chipping in occasionally.

It was through that Adam had been able to piece out where he was in Marvel's timeline, particularly in matters concerning the X-Men.

Candidly speaking, it wasn't like Adam needed their knowledge for answers that he could get at the literal thought of his mind.

If Adam so chose, he could make a comic book or a TV series on what he needed to know.

But unfortunately, nigh-omniscience also came with the pre-retcon package.

The keyword being; 'unfortunately'.

The ability to know and understand anything and everything was only cool for the first 5 minutes. Soon enough, it turned out to be so unbearable that it became painful.

Looking at someone and being able to write out their life's script isn't quite as chumped up as Adam thought it would be—so, it wasn't of anyone's surprise that Adam promptly shut it down.

Or to be more apt 'Ignored' it.

What? Adam won't bother with omniscience—not when he could have someone else be omniscient for him.

Thankfully, Adam had Gilgamesh from in the Fate Grand Order (FGO) Universe, [Earth-34567] teach him how to do that. However, it had taken Adam quite some time to get the PROUD Babylonian King to set aside time for him.

If it weren't for the fact that Adam didn't want to see Mash-chan's sad face, he would have obliterated that entire World -in its universal context- as soon as he was done learning what he needed to learn.

{Though, you may be the Demiurge of this World. To me, you are nothing more than a barricade for Mankind to tear down. A crutch that shall be cast aside. Be gone from my sight, Archon. Great you may be, but this King has a lot to deal with than interact with bothersome Divinities.}

That damn King sure better be glad he has someone like Siduri by his side!

'Urg, although, that fucking smug face of his…' Adam's eyes painfully twitched in remembrance. 'I'll remember to sock his face a new one at least once—no, twice, the next time I see him. Hell, I'll even ask Ishtar to join in the fun to vent her frustration… Even though, her personality is kind of a bitch to deal with.'

Adam's sigh turned into a reminiscent smile, before shaking away the cobwebs of memories out of his head.

Now isn't the time to be looking backward.

"Alright, quick question everyone. What do you think about all the powerful Mutants running around?"

That question grounded the ongoing discussion to a near-halt.

Logan stirred the bottle in his hand with a faraway look in his eyes, while Emma Frost who had been gracefully eating paused as she turned to look at Adam.

It was Kitty; who was the first to compose herself, and replied. "What brought this on, Adam?"

"See, it's been ostensibly over 3 months since I've become a Mutant. 3 months which I've used to take a look at the kind of world I'll be entering. I've been researching all there is to know about becoming a Mutant and as one of the active Mutant groups, it's only natural for me to look into the X-Men."

Emma Frost looked at Adam with a small smile.

"A good analysis, I hope."

A statement that sounded more of a question and a statement of fact.

Adam could feel Arthuas eyes turn to Emma Frost with an ambivalent smile. Well, the reality warper couldn't blame him.

As one of his most faithful creations, Adam supposed the thought of someone being demanding of his Creator in any way would be quite uncomfortable to see.

But then again, that is how the World is so Arthuas ought to get over it anyway.

Wouldn't do any good to vaporize them body and soul, after all.

"Oh, it is good. I've got no complaints about that. But you see, I can't help being curious. As a Mutant Activist Group, your entire deal is to be the bridge between Humanity and Mutants. But then you got beings like Apocalypse."

That got a flinch out of everyone.

"Nate Gray. David Haller. Gabriel Summers… Quentin Quire."

Wolverine's head snapped up. "So you knew about him?"

Adam nodded. "Of course, I did. I even knew about the little prank he pulled on Open Day."

Wolverine clenched his fist unintentionally shattering the bottle he was holding.

"Th-Then why didn't you…" On the regenerative Mutant's face was accusation, pain—and self-shame. "Why didn't you do something—anything to stop that shitty prank from happening?"

"Why… Why indeed." Adam trailed off looking into the distance.

It wasn't like this was some future knowledge he had gleamed or something of that sort. Adam already knew that Quentin Quire being in that school was a big problem in itself.

At this point, Quentin was still the arrogant little punk who thought being an Omega Mutant was the same as being God.

Not like he was wrong though; Mutant Reality Warpers is the case in point.

All Adam needed was a gesture or a snap of his fingers and all that fiasco would have been avoided.

All those deaths would have been nullified.

But Adam decided not to do it.

It wasn't due to something like the disruption of canon events—whether Earth-616 likes or not, Adam having the powers of the pre-retcon Beyonder means canon had already been flushed down the toilet.

So no, Adam didn't decide to let things play as it is because of that.

Adam at that moment simply had a morbid bout of curiosity.

"Let's just say, I wanted to see for myself; who the X-Men truly are?"

Even without looking, Adam could see their faces; confused, hurt—disgusted. But it's not like they can understand things from Adam's perspective.

No one in this world could understand Adam except Adam.

"Lord Adam…" Arthuas said, interrupting Adam's wandering thoughts. "It's time."

"Hmm? Oh, right, right…"

Adam turned to his bemused guests as an idea formed in his head—the look thrown at him -no matter how reasonable it may be was one born out of a lack of perspective.

So the answer to fixing that would be quite simple.

"How about a little excursion." Turning to Wolverine, Adam offered. "It could help you a great deal in understanding the reason for my lack of involvement."

"Lead the way, then." Emma Frost said, much to the surprise of the others.

"You aren't the only one affected, Logan. I loved Sophie like my own daughter and she's gone. I would like some form of explanation for this, and strictly speaking… Adam isn't under any obligation to help or even tell us his reasons. But here he is doing so, I would like to give that a chance."

Adam's eyes widened...

There were many things Adam knew about Emma Frost. Her past, present, and future—particularly her actions that led to the death and villainy of Moria MacTaggert.

But at this moment, Adam could see Emma Frost as Emma Frost, not the White Queen of Hellfire of the past—and the future.

"Is it ok if I call you Emma?"

Emma turned to Adam and smiled. "I thought you would never ask…"


(Emma Frost )

Emma Frost never believed in the concept of God.

Of course, some would find that redundant considering the world of today.

Thor. Hercules. Sif. Loki…

They are considered beings of immense power. One capable of deciding the course of an entire globe or the universe. But still, Emma never considered them as Gods—not in the context of their almightiness.

Not when Emma has seen firsthand—and even contributed to the defeats of such revered beings.

Once again, Emma Frost never believed in the concept of God… Only beings with 'Godlike' capabilities.

Owen Reece. Bruce Banner. Victor Von Doom. Stephen Strange. Wanda Maximoff…

Each of them is considered a being of 'Godly' power or can stand up to a 'God' in battle and win.

Despite Emma's current disposition, there is always this inner side of her that would always end up classifying these 'super-humanoids' according to their usefulness in the grand scheme of things.

In her glory days as the White Queen—it would be to see who was capable of pushing her goals forward and solidifying her power in the totem pole.

But Emma Frost isn't the same as before.

At least, that part of her isn't needed, yet.

Anyways, amongst the superpowered beings, the ones that held Emma's interest were the Mutants.

Emma's superhuman status notwithstanding, the capabilities of a Mutant were one of limitless potential.

Omega Mutants; the apex of Mutanthood.

Beyond Omega Mutants; the Gods of Mutanthood.

As the White Queen of Hellfire Club, the Headmistress of Massachusetts Academy, and now co-head of Xavier Institute as well as an X-Man, Emma has seen her fair share of Mutants with world-altering abilities.

Adam Abrams…

At first, Emma Frost didn't know what to think of him.

It was obvious from Adam's never-seen-before energy readings that Emma was dealing with one of—if not, the most powerful Mutant to ever grace the Earth. Not even Jean when merged with the Phoenix had the sort of reading Emma had picked on Freaky Friday…

Candidly speaking, Emma had felt relief that the energy had suddenly vanished as soon as the galaxy-warping debacle was over.

After Quentin, Emma wasn't so sure she had what it takes to deal with such a powerful Mutant at the moment.

Argh, this isn't so like her.

But after all, Emma has seen, she has decided to try once again.

To the prior White Queen, a Mutant with this kind of power is all but a God in classification.

To Emma Frost, Adam Abrams had already passed the bar by not behaving like an immature child—like most of the Omega Mutants she knows.

… It also helped that the entire conversation did not feel like Emma was talking to a juvenile brat who couldn't comprehend the significance of their powers but rather a rather 'morbid' adult.

And now, she's just projecting her issues.

Anyhow, the Mutant world welcomes another Mutant beyond even the realms of an Omega.

Emma merely hoped this one wouldn't end up like the rest of them…


Adam's eyes lighting up in ethereal white flames was the sign that he was using his powers, but Emma had the feeling that it was merely a cosmetic effect he was putting on.

Whether it was showboating or merely a way of Adam informing them of his power's usage, Emma couldn't bring herself to care.

At least, compared to what happened next.

With flaming eyes, Adam faced a particular direction and—

T̸͕̈ḣ̵͙e̸͋ͅ ̵͙́ẅ̸̹́a̶͚̾ḷ̵͌l̵̼̈́s̷̮̊ ̶͍̂o̸͙̒f̸̈͜ ̶̖̌Ṛ̶̔e̴̠͗ą̸́l̶̛̙i̶̟͝ẗ̷̼y̸͙̒ ̷̙̌g̶̟̐r̷̩̅ȍ̷̘ä̵͕ň̴͕e̶͎̊d̶̩̔ ̸͕͝i̷͕̽n̴̲͝ ̴̠͆r̴̲̀ë̷̫́s̴̑͜i̷̪͝s̷̼̎ẗ̶͖á̴͇ņ̷͂ć̴̲ḛ̴̀.̸͓͒ ̶̙̓

̵̮̈́C̷͙̒ȑ̷̜é̸͉a̷̢̔k̷̤͂e̸̡͐d̶̮̾ ̷̫͒ȉ̷͙ṇ̴̐ ̷͑ͅf̴̪͒u̶̩͑t̵̝̒ĩ̴̘l̶͇̄i̵̋͜t̷̩͆ÿ̶̯́—and exploded like pieces of expensive glasses.

Emma's face lightly scrunched at the discordant sound of what sounded like the combination of steel and armory-proof glasses being imploded from within.

Although compared to the analogy, what happened had a more fantastical take.

"Are you sure that's safe?" Miss. Pryde asked.

Adam turned to the phasing Mutant with an assuring smile.

"Ostensibly speaking, it's nothing serious."

Emma crossed her arms and raised a brow.

"In what kind of context?"

"Well…" Adam drawled. "Let's just say normally it should be easy to go back in time, but where or 'when' I'm going needed more oomph than I would normally require."

Time travel!

Emma clenched her folded hands, mindful not to let her expression show.

A power like that could change the course of anything and everything.

All mistakes could be wiped away at a single glance—deaths averted by the means of foreknowledge.

Exhaling, Emma tempered down the bubbling excitement.

All this would be meaningless if Adam decides not to come to the Institution.

At that moment, Emma decided it didn't matter the kind of argument Adam would present; be it weak or strong; she would support him.

'Have I fallen so low to be this desperate?' Emma thought to herself—and once again, the dreadful memory resurfaces.

Emma isn't one to be bothered about deaths… She isn't clean enough to even bother trying to do so.

But this case was different—if there was a possibility to prevent all those deaths from happening again, she would take it.

Sighing, Emma turned to the circular time portal with a bemused look on her face.

From the appearance, Emma could almost compare it to Illyana's time-space portals—if it weren't for the fact that hers were white compared to Adam's bright cobalt.

Emma strutted to the portal and stood beside Adam with the others following behind.

"Then let's be on our way."

Adam turned and nodded to Arthuas.

"I won't be long…"

"Please take your time, Lord Adam. I and Eden will remain here for as long as you will it."

'Well, that sounded moodily sweet.' Emma thought to herself.

Shaking her head, the telepath together with the others walked through the portal and left the Present of light—

Into a Past of darkness…


Emma couldn't describe the sensations at first;

She felt like she couldn't breathe despite the inhale and exhale of her throat. The darkness was so thick she couldn't see her own body. It overrode all her senses.

Much to Emma's horror, even her gift of telepathy seems to be eluding her.

It was like she was the only one in the dark world.

Had her hastiness once again led to another rash decision?

Thankfully, that wasn't the case.

"Ah, sorry-sorry." Adam's voice came out from 'everywhere' sounding apologetic. "Dammit, I've forgotten that normal humans can't survive in this kind of condition. Here, let me do this…"

An orb of light abruptly manifested from above revealing to Emma her current locales and the disarrayed state of the others. Normally, Emma would have been content to know that she wasn't the only one to have acted so disgracefully.

But at the moment, Emma couldn't bring herself to care.

"Whe-Where are we?" Logan growled, hoarsely. "I thought we were going back to the past."

Adam cut out a clear inhuman figure underneath the bright warm light.

"This is the past, Logan." Spreading his arms, Adam said. "Welcome to the TRUE Freaky Friday."

A sudden chill coursed through Emma's spine.

"What happened?" Words left her mouth before she could even process them. "Why is everything so… Dark?"

Stuffing his hands into his jacket, Adam's smile turned quite gloomy.

"Well, this is what happens when the Universe is violently obliterated down to its last atom."

"… …."

"… …"

"… …"

Emma blinked as the words reached her and the chill became a bone-rattling shudder.

Miss. Pryde took in deep breaths as confusion and fear warred on her face. Despite all the talks on empathy, Emma couldn't blame Miss. Pryde for putting on such a face that she, herself, is currently spotting at the moment.

How is Emma supposed to take this?

"So… So what happened?"

Miss. Pryde ambled towards Adam with a determined look.

"Maybe I'm not the best judge of character. But from all the wonders I've seen in Eden. The sense of awe that place had sparked in me. Everything tells me you didn't mean for this to happen. So please, help me understand what happened here."

The fiery glow in Adam's eyes died to reveal a normal brown.

Rubbing the side of his neck, Adam regarded Miss. Pryde for a second, and then asked.

"What happens when you pour an entire tank worth of water in a teacup?"

While Miss. Pryde blinked in a nonplused fashion, Emma's breath hitched as something about that question clicked to her.

Emma had an idea of the meaning behind Adam's question.


'Could it be something so simple?'

Meanwhile, Miss. Pryde replied. "It overflows of course. But what does that have to do with the destruction of the Universe?"

"It has everything to do with the Universe and how I will forever interact with it."

Adam sighed, dropping down on a materialized chair, and gestured for the others to take a seat on the chairs behind them.

"Sorry, but I'll be standing for this one," Logan said, impassively. "It'll stop the blood from gathering on my head and I'm too jumpy at the moment..."

Not a surprise, especially compared to her and Miss. Pryde, someone like Logan whose entire shtick relied on his enhanced senses would be uncomfortable with this kind of place.

Sighing, Emma promptly took a seat with Miss. Pryde following suit.

It won't do any good to start showing hostility when hospitality is being presented.

Adam made a show of tapping his chin as he scanned the small space.

"How to begin… Well, I'm sure it's common knowledge that a Mutant's powers affect their body in two ways; partial-body Mutation or full-body Mutation. Unlike Franklin Richards and like Kevin MacTaggert, I have a full-body Mutation."

"So, you are an energy being…" Miss. Pryde said. "But look you so… Human."

Adam raised a brow. "You've seen what I can do and you still say that…"

"Well, that was before I found out about the nature of your Mutant powers and there's the issue of precedence."

"Hmm~ fair enough. It seems I didn't put it clearly…" Adam cupped his chin in a show of contemplation. "Unlike Proteus, my nature isn't that of a clump of vast energy—I am a living sentient Dimension."

Logan made a confused sound.

"Ok… Still not getting it, kid. What does that have to do with the destruction of the Universe?"

"Everything…" Emma muttered in comprehension. "It has everything to do with it."

An entire tank's worth of water into a teacup—oh, why couldn't Emma have understood this from the very beginning!? It seems her comprehension capabilities were becoming quite rusty.

The answer was something so fundamental yet illogical that Emma had thought it wouldn't have happened to a Mutant like Adam despite it happening to other Omega Mutants—and all Mutants in general.

Emma turned to Adam and confidently said. "As soon as your X-gene activated you over-spilled, with the Universe as collateral damage. That's where you were going on with the questions and the beat-around-the-bushes answers… I-I never thought such a thing was possible, but Adam… You're bigger than the Universe, aren't you?"

"Got it all in one—you deserve a cookie, Emma." Adam let out a frustrated breath.

"I couldn't get a fingertip in and suddenly everything went all KABOOM! It took me quite a while and a̷̺͍̬͖͐̀͑͛̅̋ ̸͉̠̝͈̈̒f̴̨̜̏͐̇̚r̷͎̘̝̻̯̀ͅi̴̛͉̖̹̒̒e̴̥͎̪̲̋̀̈́̈́́ñ̶̲̗̘̈́̕̚͝d̴̞̓͝͠'̵̰̯̞̹̗̅͆̈́̒́͝s̵̰͑͒̍̊̎͝ ̴̈́ͅh̷̘̼͇͗e̴̘̮̟̹̘͊̍̀͆̐ļ̶͍͖̣̋̋͜ṕ̸̣̫͈̓̈̊̃̐ to understand what I had become finally… See, the 'me' you're talking to right now is nothing more than an 'Avatar' I made to safely interact with the World without blowing it up with a mere twitch."

Adam's form shifted as his body took on different shapes and forms; a beautiful blonde woman waving her hands suggestively. A roaring 4-meter-sized lion. A titan-sized humanoid rock construct. An androgynous being clad in flames sitting on a throne of fire… And finally as the human, Adam Abrams.

Miss. Pryde pinched the bridge of her nose with a sigh. "So if the Universe was destroyed, how are we still here—still alive?"

"Rather than telling, how about I show you?"

Adam stood up—and snapped his fingers.


Emma Frost never believed in the concept of God—or at least, in the sense of their Almightiness and Omnipotence.

Only in beings with 'Godlike' capabilities.

But this…

What could the former White Queen call this if not an Act of God?

What happened next wasn't something as complex as manipulating time. Adam simply snapped his fingers and the Universe lit up with stars and planets appearing in the distance.

With a loud tremor, the surface underneath Emma turned white as she recognized the rocky terrain of the moon.

'So we were in the Solar System this whole time… Somehow, that doesn't surprise me as much as I thought it should.'

Sighing happily, Emma turned back to appreciate the familiar shade of the sun beating down on her skin.

Emma didn't question why they were in space without a breathing apparatus—that would only make her seem stupid.


"Yeah-yeah, I'm getting to it," Adam said, interrupting Emma's thought. "I want this one to be a little bit more special."

Adam raised a palm with a familiar blue planetoid materializing on it. Blowing on it, Emma watched as the palm-sized planetoid drifted ahead and slowly grew bigger and bigger and bigger.

Soon enough, what hovered before Emma was the Earth in all its glory.

With a hand to the side of her head, Emma sent out a telepathic signal and immediately found her past self's mental signature still hooked up on the Cerebro and focused on the blinding energy signature that is Adam Adams.

At that moment, Emma found herself at an impasse.

Just in case the meeting didn't go according to expectations, should Emma send a telepathic message to her past self and inform her of what is to come?

As Emma was within her world, contemplating—Adam abruptly froze and turned his gaze towards the sea of stars.

He saw something…

Emma felt herself stiffen as she reckoned it was something quite serious to have prompted such a serious response from him.

"Yeah, I knew this something like this would spark his attention…" Adam drolly muttered before turning towards her and the others.

"Alright, let's get going... I've set a timer for the events of Freaky Friday, and I don't want to deal with the cosmic Super-Judge when he comes knocking."

"Cosmic Super-Judge?" Miss. Prdye asked.

"Go ask, Dr. Strange. He's dealt with that stick-in-the-ass way more than he would have probably liked."

Fiery trails traced a circle upon the walls of Reality as a portal manifested—this time it had a golden tinge to it.

While the others made their way to the portal, indecision warred in Emma's mind on whether she should interfere with the matters of the past or not.

Clicking her tongue, Emma decided to give a go at least—when a hand settled on her shoulders, as the Telepath turned to see Adam with a solemn look.

"I have to try…" Emma could hear herself say so pathetically. "If I do this, I can change everything."

"But not every change comes with a satisfying ending." Adam shot back. "Besides, I still owe you a cookie, don't I?"

There was a hidden meaning behind Adam's words that Emma was quick to catch this time.

'But can it be…?'

Adam nodded—and Emma felt like a large weight was lifted off her shoulders.

"Thank you, Adam…"

Adam smiled as they turned towards the time portal where the others were waiting for them.

"You're welcome, Emma."


Emma Frost did not believe in the concept of a God—but that changed after today.

Why, you ask?

"Because I am walking beside one."