
Tentacle Mammoth vs. Black Striped Slug


"What in the world is this ghastly thing?!" Sieg exclaimed as he retreated a few steps, he wasn't expecting something like this when he heard the sound. Of course he thought that it came from a big beast that's for sure, but he was expecting something more…reasonable.


The 'Tentacle-Mammoth' thing roared in deep and horrifying sound. It's voice was so loud that the air vibrated as the sound escaped it's mouth, the tentacles in it's mouth also wriggled along with it's roar. Thankfully, it still didn't noticed Sieg though this beast was looking at his direction, he didn't deactivated the Walk of Innocence so he is still hidden.

The Tentacle Mammoth, as he named it, took strides out form the deep cavity it was in, everytime it's hooves fell, the ground would shake a little. It also left visible prints wherever it goes so tracking it wasn't a problem.

Sieg maintained a good distance away from it, not too near since he wasn't that confident if the Walk of Innocence could completely erase his presence in soul form, and not too far that he won't see it's giant frame.

Along the way he was silently thinking if he should commence an attack or not, he left his metal shelter with a heart full of confidence yet upon seeing this thing, that confidence faded a bit. In the end, he decided to trail this beast for now.

He wanted to observe it's behaviours and see if it would encounter a victim so that he could observe it's attacks as well, after all it would greatly help him if he could have more information about these beasts.

The Tentacle Mammoth walked around the are like a king whose taking a look at his backyard. It would emit that horrifying bellow from time to time due to unknown reasons and everytime it did, some dead bushes will shake, the air would vibrate and the earth would quake again, it was truly a spectacle.

Sieg endured all of this until something different happened. The mammoth who was previously taking a nice walk paused for a bit, looked at a certain direction and suddenly rushed forward with an incredible speed. It's speed certainly doesn't match it's large frame but Sieg didn't have any time to think about this.

He too, rushed forward, still maintaining a decent distance between him and the mammoth. Though the beasts speed is quick, it certainly wouldn't be quicker than Sieg, so catching up to it was easy for him.

He finally saw where the mammoth was rushing to. There is another deep land cavity at a distance and Sieg felt weird fluctuations of spiritual energies this time. He thought the this vibration must be what lured the mammoth in. This also made him understand that although the mammoth isn't as fast as him, it's certainly more sensitive cause he didn't feel this fluctuation at least 5 meters away from it's source.

Sieg continued trailing the mammoth, being even more careful this time around, he would see two creatures from Gray Crags duke it out and he certainly don't want to be a part of it so needs to be more careful.

As Sieg peeked from the outer part of the cavity, he finally saw what the other creature looked like. It was a massive, pale slug. It's body was at least the size of a two-storey building, it was also as thick as dozen trees wrapped together. It was also blue-ish in color with black stripes all over is humongous body.

As the mammoth descended in the cavity, it charged straight to the massive slug while roaring with malice. Sieg had no idea why it suddenly went mad and attacked the slug who did nothing but he couldn't just walk up and ask the mammoth right? So he decided to watch things unfurl in front of him.

The slug, seemingly sensing the mammoth's presence, had movements in it's body. It's eyes slowly propped out, it was like a pair of chopsticks that had eye sockets in it. It's mouth slowly opened and suddenly huge amount of yellow liquid came out and hurled towards the tentacle mammoth.

Sieg initially thought that the Black Striped Slug, as he named it, movements should be slow since it is, after all a slug, but he was horribly mistaken. From the time it's eyes propped out and the slug spewing the yellow liquid took mere seconds, even the mammoth who is charging at it was shocked and caught off guard by the slug's sudden attacks.

As the yellowish liquid hit the hides of the mammoth, it issued slight hissing sounds followed by the fur melting like it was snow in summer. The yellow liquid that the slug vomitted was actually a highly concentrated acid.

The mammoth roared in pan as the acidic liquid directly landed on it's skin. It waggled the remaining liquid and retreated a few steps away from the slug. But the slug didn't wanted this to happen so it vomitted huge amount of acids again to the mammoth.

The mammoth fell into a defensive retreat again and again, it was fuming in rage cause it felt humiliation, after all the mammoth was the one who charged in straight into this pit with the intent of killing the slug but it couldn't even hurt it's skin.

The slug just spewed mouthfuls of acidic liquid time after time to keep the mammoth at bay. The mammoth looked miserable with half of it's hide disintegrated into smoke, some of it's skin was also melting thanks to the acidic liquid and it's breathing was also staggering due to constant evasion.

The mammoth decided to launch one final desperate attack, it opened it's mouth and dozens of tentacles wriggled and extended. These tentacles charged at the slug so fast that it was the slug's turn to be caught off guard this time.

As the tentacles flew, the slug tried to melt them using it's acidic breath but it found out that the liquid just went through the tentacles, it felt panic and wiggled in effort to evade the tentacles but they still landed on the slug's body.

What happened next made Sieg's heart palpitate.

As the tentacle landed, it lashed out and took chunks of flesh away from the slug's body and flew directly back to the mouth of the mammoth. The mammoth opened it's mouth even more and chewed the chunks of flesh that the tentacles delivered before sending them out again.

The slug kept on spewing acidic liquid in attempt to stop the tentacles from ripping parts of it's flesh but all of it's efforts were for nothing because the liquid would just pass right through the tentacles like they didn't exist, then it would rip out pieces of flesh away from it's body and could only watch as it happened.

Sieg grimaced at the sight of the slug, he thought that it must be feeling incredibly hopeless and pained, but he was no fool to rush in front and save the slug, he wasn't looking for a friend but an inheritance so he just continued watching.

Time passed and the slug completely surrendered to the mammoth, it stopped spewing acidic breaths and just let the tentacles have their way on it's body. The slug decreased in size already, gray blood leaked in every gap of missing flesh and it's life signs are also fading away.

The mammoth on the other hand was enjoying a feast, it was celebrating for the sudden turn of events that lead to it's victory, although it is still suffering from the acidic breath of the slug, the mammoth was regenerating some of it's lost flesh already due to eating the raw flesh of the slug. Seconds turned into minutes and finally, one tentacle delivered the last piece of flesh from the slug's body.

After chewing the remains of it's opponents body, the mammoth laid back and rested, the fight was incredibly exhausting, controlling it's tentacles is something that the mammoth would never get used to, nonetheless it is an awesome weapon for the mammoth and it saved it couple of time already, now that it devoured the slug, it's time to completely digest it and restore it's missing flesh.

'Perfect.' What the mammoth didn't know is that someone was secretly watching everything happened.

*Xiu* *Xiu* *Xiu*


Three needle flew at a blinding speed towards the mammoth, two of those needles pierced it's eyes and one landed at base of a tentacle in it's mouth. Gray blood gushed out from the mammoth's eyes and one tentacle stop wriggling and fell limp.

Sieg however, wasn't done. The two needles that poked the eye of the mammoth moved again, this time it penetrated deep inside it's ears and popped it's eardrums, it was followed by two loud cackling sound then gray blood gushed again. While this is happening, the needle that landed onto a tentacle moved to another one.

The mammoth was panicking, now that it's blinded and couldn't hear a single thing, finding out where the attacks are coming from became a complete mystery. It could also feel that, one by one, it was losing control over it's tentacles.

The flurry of attacks wasn't done, now that Sieg obtained advantage, it's impossible for him to just let this opportunity go. After getting rid of it's eyesight and hearing, he attacked it's nose, pierced the tendons on it's two legs to prevent it from standing up and poked one tentacle after another. Sieg's hail of attack didn't let up, the mammoth's mind was in a complete turmoil, it never felt so defenseless in it's entire life.

The mammoth couldn't stand up, see anything, hear anything, breathe properly, and could feel any of it's tentacles anymore. It didn't have any idea that the one who did all of this was just a fifteen year old child that it could literally stomp to death.

From three needles, Sieg used five already just to speed up the process, the mammoth wasn't moving anymore nor emitting any sound but since Sieg could still feel signs of life in it, he didn't stopped his attacks. He pierced it's flesh directly not caring about it's thick hide. He willed the needles to condense into one and directly attack the mammoth's brain.


After emitting one final bellow of reluctance, the huge frame of the mammoth fell limp onto the ground, completely lifeless.

Sieg heaved a sigh of relief, he didn't expect that his 5 spiritual needles were that formidable. The first attack was a test, that's why he sent only three needles, what he wanted to know is that, if his needles could hurt the tentacles of the mammoth, after he found out that he could, he just went according to his plan in mind and ended the mammoth without any room for counterattack.

But of course, everything wasn't done yet.

There was a faint curtain of light that enveloped that mammoth, after which a huge thing that looked like a clear body of water emerged from it's body, this body of water resembles the mammoth it self. Sieg watched this happened but was clueless on what he was supposed to do next.

He knew that he had to do something. The soul was gently fading already and out of desperation he sent two needles towards the mammoth's soul. After seeing that it successfully landed on the mammoth's soul and prevented it from disappearing made him sigh in relief, but he found out the he couldn't retract his needles at all.

He tried to but it felt incredibly heavy, it felt like he was dragging the whole mammoth with it.

'Wait!' Suddenly, Sieg was struck by a bold thought, he gritted his teeth and sent out all of his needles towards the mammoth's soul. He then tried his very best to pull it all back but he noticed that as he did so, the mammoth's soul would slowly be dragged closer to him.

His face showed a weird expression, nonetheless he kept on dragging the needles back along with the mammoth's soul. Once the soul was about a meter away from him, a strange thing happened. The mammoth's soul twisted into a funnel and directly flushed towards him, from a distance, it would look like he was now absorbing the soul, he didn't make any attempts on stopping this happen. He closed his eyes and just gently observe the whole process.

He automatically sat down and after an hour of meditation, he opened his eyes with a weird gleam in it.
