


*Knock* *Knock*

"Senior Brother! Please come out for a bit…" a shy male voice could be heard outside Sieg's cultivation cave.

As Sieg heard this, he frowned, he was certainly not expecting any visitors today, and he was also sure that this is not Xu Qing since the voice came from a male.

Nonetheless, he ended his meditation and stepped outside the cave. Upon doing so, he saw a young man who's as the same age as him, he was wearing a disciples robe that is a shade lower than what he have. The young man was a bit scared of Sieg, he didn't dare to hold his head high. Sieg guessed that he is an Outer Disciple.

"Greetings Senior Brother, this little one is named Yan Ming, I'm here to tell you that there would be a meeting for tomorrow 9:00am to accept missions. Senior Brother's appearance is a must so that his status would never be tainted." Yan Ming said carefully, he was also using his honorifics properly, not wanting to offend Sieg.

"I understand. Is there anything else that I need to know?" Sieg asked.

"That would be it as for this moment Senior Brother, this little one bids you farewell." With that Yan Ming turned around and left.

Sieg just quietly went back to his cave. He was pondering about somethings.

Being in a sect is really different. Until now he was being wary of everything, there's no one in here that's he's familiar with, well except for Xu Qing, but they never really talked to each other.

He was also curious about what missions are available to him. Currently he's an Inner Disciple of the sect, which means that he wasn't allowed to take any missions that are ranked C and below. This was new for him so it was natural for him to be curious.

'No use on dwelling on this, I would see it for myself tomorrow anyways.'

Having this thought in mind. He closed his eyes to meditate and rest.


Sieg went outside of his cave by 8:00am in the morning. Although it was still a bit early, he decided to go towards one of the main buildings in the sect.

'Mission Requesting Pavilion' was the name of this building. This is where almost all of the people in the sect would go to pick up missions to earn 'merit points'. These points could be used to exchange for a technique, use some high quality cultivation rooms, or even buy some pills. And of course, the higher the difficulty of the mission is, the bigger amount of merit points it has.

Outside his cave, he saw waves of people going to the same location, the bells inside the sect is also ringing. He started walking forward with them since he was going into the same place as well.

Compared to the Dao Repository Pagoda, the Mission Requesting Pavilion Building looks more solid. The structure of the lower floors being bigger than the last is also followed, but this building is bigger compared to the former.

Upon stepping inside the gates, Sieg was greeted by stone floor tiles and white ceramic walls that has many posters pinned on it. The staircase leading up was made out of ceramic as well, and there's also plenty of tables and chairs inside the first floor.

Many heads wobbled up and down and even though nobody was talking loud, it was still noisy inside this building. He approached one random poster, Sieg was curious so he looked at the missions available in this floor.

'Escorting Mission: Difficulty C. The Lao Clan of Great Blue Carp City needs a total of 10 people to help them deliver an important item in the Bright Star City. Rewards: 10 merit points.'

As Sieg read the contents he can't help but frown.

Even though being a sect disciple is a completely new sensation for him, this doesn't mean that he became stupid along with it. He understood that escorting missions are usually easy but it doesn't it's not dangerous. After all, these people won't ask for protection if they weren't being targeted right? That's not even it, 10 merit points as a reward is really low.

Sieg gently shook his head and went towards the staircase, for some reason he's enthusiasm died down a bit after knowing the types of missions available a the first floor. Though he only saw one mission, he can already form some expectations.

Upon climbing up, Sieg saw that there were more people that wore the exact same color of his robes, up in here. This meant that this floor is where the inner disciples search for their missions.

There's about 70-90 people in here, according to what Fatty Wuhen said, there's 200 Inner Sect Disciples in total. This amount isn't even half of that.

Sieg once again stepped forward and took a look at the missions available.

'Assassination Request: A devil spawn nicknamed as: Shameless Molester is on the loose, he is targeting females at the age bracket of 18-25 and kidnapping them. Upon further investigations, he is using these females as 'Cultivation Furnaces' and killing them after he's done with them. Mission Difficulty: A, minimum of one person to a maximum of 5 people can attempt at the same time. Rewards: 55 merit points, 1 hour inside a training room of your choice and a license to kill.

'As I thought, earning merit points is going to be this hard. If they could provide us with more details for the mission then it would be easier, but it looks like they really placed us, disciples of a sect, at a high pedestal and thought that we won't need it. There's also that reward. License to kill? It seems like they really wanted to thin out the herd.'

Sieg also thought that this is also the reason why the headcount for Inner Disciples were never completed, this sort of mission might take years just to pass and everything they would get is just some merit points and some time for a training room. They were also encouraging killing their fellow disciples. What a shame.

Nevertheless, Sieg is officially a disciple now, he can't back down so he looked around and search for some missions that would suit his tastes.


"Excuse me! Do you want to join us in a mission." A charming woman approached Sieg as asked sweetly. He turned around a saw a woman who's about in her 20's, she is also an Inner Disciple and holding a piece of paper.

Sieg was about to refuse her since he was planning on taking up a mission on his own but the woman interrupted him and said: "Don't refuse just yet, take a look at the mission first then decide!" There was a trace of panic that could be heard in her voice. Sieg felt something was amiss, but he still looked at the paper on the woman's hands.

'Hunting Request: Luo Clan of High East City requested for some people to hunt a certain item for them, this specific item is of a great assistance to them, further details about the mission would be disclosed upon taking up the request. Mission Difficulty: B an above. Rewards would be automatically adjusted according to the final difficulty level of the mission.'

'This is weird ass mission…' this is what Sieg thought upon seeing the mission. Honestly, he is very intrigued yet he just don't want to careless give any answers yet. He placed the paper back on the woman's hand and said:

"Do you have any members?"

"Yes! There's a total of 4 already including me, if you decide to join then we'll immediately go!" The woman's face lit up as she said this.

"Let me think first. Give me your transmission mark, I'll contact you once I made a decision before this day ends." Sieg calmly stated.

The woman's face lit up as she immediately handed her transmission mark towards Sieg and bid farewell. Her name is Dolin Gwen, she introduced herself and left Sieg alone.

Sieg placed her transmission mark to his transmission talisman. This talisman allowed people to send messages or even recordings of a conversation to anyone at a distance. The distance might vary depending on the grade of the talisman itself. What Sieg had was the one Old Pete gave him, and he said that it is a Medium Grade Transmission Talisman, it could send messages within 20 kilometer radius, of course Sieg was incredibly happy when he heard this.

And since Gwen left him alone, he continued looking for some missions that might caught his interest. But as time goes on, the missions available are also becoming fewer. This left him no choice but to send a message to Gwen.

"Hey! Count me in for that mission. When do we go out?"

After some minutes of waiting, a flash of light appeared in the talisman. He placed it in front of him and a sound could be heard.

"That's great! We'll go tomorrow at noon, meet us at the place where we met okay?"

"Okay." Sieg sent this message and placed the talisman back at his storage bag.

It was already night time, he went to the cafeteria and ordered some food. After eating, he went back to his cultivation cave and meditated.

There was something weird happening inside his body. He wasn't sure why, but the image of the moon he made inside his dantian is actually becoming bigger. Yesterday, it was only at the size of a pearl, yet now it's about as twice as big.

The image of the Moon remained very faint, yet at the very center, there was some sort a thing that looked like a 'dew'. Sieg tried his best to recall the conditions for cultivating the Cold Moon Peak Ki Manual but he couldn't find anything about this certain phenomenon. Sieg decided to throw this off behind his head, he felt that this 'dew' thingy doesn't pose any threat to him at all cause if it did, then his instincts should've warned him already.

What he paid attention to was another problem that occured.

It was his offensive blade technique, the 'Imperial Dancing Blade Art'. He got this blade when he was still closely monitored by Wilson inside the Dark Bamboo Forest. This technique accompanied him for quite a while already, and he was actually happy that he's finding success over it.

He had always meditated in this technique whenever he got time, most of the times he would execute the blade movements to gain mastery over it. Yet just this morning when he tried to execute the dances, he found out that he basically couldn't.

Imperial Dancing Blade Art had a total of 9 dances:

1st dance: For the Light of My Day. 2nd dance: Sunshine. 3rd dance: Battlewolf's Fury. These are the one's that he mastered to enter the Minor Completion Stage.

4th dance: Falling Leaf. 5th dance A Maiden's Tribute. 6th dance: From Sunrise to Sunset, these are the one's he mastered to enter ther Major Completion Stage.

Learning the 7th dance: Blazing Fury and 8th dance: Warm Return, would take him to Great Completion.

And finally, he needed to master the 9th dance: Dawn, to reach perfection.

He mastered the first 6 dances so far yet just this morning, he found out that he couldn't execute the 2nd, 4th, 5th and 6th move of this technique which made him very irritated. It was specially obvious now since he's back in his cultivation cave and wanted to train, but he couldn't find the reason why it was like this.

And it was not like he could just approach any Seniors to ask for some answers. People had their own secrets and Sieg doesn't want to expose his for as long as he can, one because his master is not by his side and two he didn't want to attract trouble for himself.

He knew that the techniques his master bequeathed him was top class techniques, he doesn't know which tier exactly it is but their obviously very powerful. And if this secret of his was made public, then he would be the focus of attention and his life wouldn't be as peaceful as it is right now. He absolutely couldn't allow that to happen.

'I'll try searching for some answers on my own, If I can't right now then I'm sure I will find out eventually. I wouldn't stop until I get answers.' With a determined look in his face, he sat down and started to meditate for answers.
