

In a world where the divine bloodline ruled supreme, Akihiro found himself cast aside by his own family. As the first to be born without the blessed gift of the divine beings, he was expected to possess extraordinary talent and the stigmata to prove it. However, fate had dealt him a different hand. Akihiro, devoid of remarkable abilities and lacking the divine blood coursing through his veins, was considered a disgrace to his prestigious lineage. And so, he was abandoned as a helpless baby, condemned to the unforgiving cold, without even a memory of his true identity.

PrimeHestoria · ファンタジー
33 Chs

Bright And Clear

Richard and Sarah emerged in a forest glade just outside the kingdom walls. But as they caught their breath, the horn blast shattered the twilight.

"They must have found the guards. We must run!" said Richard urgently. Scooping up Sarah and the child, he sped among the dense trees as shouts and barking hounds rose behind.

Sarah risked a backward glance. "Will we...manage to evade them?" she panted fearfully.

Richard glanced down at the Sarah and baby in his arms, face grim but determined. "Have faith, we'll lose them in the woods. I swore to protect you both."

Night fell as they pressed on endlessly. At last, the sounds of pursuit faded. Richard set them down gently. "Rest - the hardest part is behind us. A new dawn will rise without that tyrant's shadow."





The darkened halls of the manor echoed with approaching footsteps. A breathless guard appeared before the throne.

"My liege, terrible news! Richard The Black Lightning has overwhelmed the patrol and fled into the night, taking the woman and child with him."

King Aiden's eyes gleamed with a strange light. He rose calmly from his seat. "Indeed. It seems the traitor has chosen a foolish path of rebellion."

The guard blanched. "Shall we send hunters after them, Your Highness?"

But King Aiden waved a dismissive hand. "No, leave them be for now. Richard playing into my hands will help achieve...greater designs."

His stigmata flickered ominously as storm clouds gathered beyond tall windows.

"Return to your posts. I have long anticipated this betrayal and how it will serve to further my ambitions. None shall oppose my glorious destiny as ruler of all!"

Dark laughter echoed through empty halls.

As King Aiden's cruel laughter faded, a small voice rang out.


Princess Aria with snowy hair stood trembling, tears staining her delicate features. "I heard Mother crying out—there's so much blood on the floor. Wasn't she meant to have the baby?"

King Aiden's eyes flashed, but he softened his tone. "Oh, my princess, it grieves me to say your brother did not survive. But fear not, you shall have a new brother very soon."

Aria sniffled, confusion and sorrow warring on her face. "Will—will Mother be alright? I want to be with her!"

At that moment, a maid entered, curtsying deeply.

"I'm very sorry, my lord." King Aiden gestured to the servant. "Comfort the princess and return her to her chambers. I must see to the preparations."

As they left, King Aiden's features darkened once more. "Until we meet again."




Middle Of Nowhere

The flickering firelight played across Richard and Sarah's weary faces as she carefully tended to Richard's wounds. Outside the cave entrance, the wind whipped barren branches in the darkness of night, creating an eerie, mournful sound.

"I'm sorry, Richard," Sarah whispered, her fingers deftly working to clean and dress his wounds.

"Please, don't apologize," Richard replied. "I've longed to escape that tyrant's shadow. You and the baby are innocent – I could not abandon you."

Sarah paused for a moment, her eyes glistening with gratitude. "But your position, your life – you risked all for us," she replied softly.

Richard smiled ruefully, his gaze fixed on the dancing flames. "A pampered existence guarding a tyrant, no more. My heart has longed for freedom."

His eyes turned down to the sleeping baby . Snowy wisps fluttered with each tiny breath. Sarah couldn't help but offer a sad smile as she watched the baby's chest rise and fall.

"He does look so much like My Lady ," she murmured, her voice barely more than a whisper. "I pray that she's okay."

Richard reached out, giving her hand a light squeeze. "You have shown yourself as a woman of great strength and caring in facing such dark times. Any child would be lucky indeed to have you watch over them so tenderly."

Sarah flushed pink but smiled sincerely, her eyes meeting his. "Perhaps a new life isn't bad at all," she replied quietly.

Richard met her gaze, his eyes kindling with new hope. "Then it's settled – tomorrow, we leave under cover of darkness. Fairview Village lies two days hence, where we may start anew."

As the night deepened, the fire cast longer shadows in the cave, creating a sense of intimacy in the confined space. The conversation continued, drifting between their dreams of a brighter future and the fond memories of the life they had left behind.

Finally, with a gentle smile, Sarah turned her attention to the sleeping baby. "I've been thinking about a name for him. Something to signify our journey to freedom."

Richard's eyes sparkled with curiosity. "Tell me, what name have you in mind?"

She gazed again at the baby's innocent face. "How about 'Akihiro'? It means 'bright and clear' in our old language, a symbol of the hope and clarity we seek in this new life."

Richard nodded in agreement, his heart heavy with the weight of their circumstances but lightened by the prospect of a brighter future. "Akihiro, our little beacon of hope. It's a name he'll carry with honor."

With Akihiro's name spoken, they settled back, warmed by the promise of escaping tyranny's shadow together. The crackling fire and the silence of the cave provided a sanctuary, a place where they could momentarily forget the world outside and embrace the hope that the unknown mountains offered.




Whispering Woods Forest

The moonlight bathed the ancient forest in an ethereal glow, casting elongated shadows that danced like specters among the trees.

Azrael, in his black cloak walked with measured steps, following the path that would lead him to the seer's grove. As he approached the grove, he felt the palpable energy that clung to the air.

He pushed through the heavy veil of dangling talismans that marked the entrance to the large tent. The flap rustled as he entered, revealing the dimly lit interior.

Runoff, the blind seer, sat in deep meditation, his aged form withered and frail. His sightless eyes, as if touched by the divine, glowed like smoldering embers in the soft light of the low brazier.

Runoff's voice, when he spoke, was a haunting whisper that seemed to echo through the ages.

"You seek answers this night," Runoff's voice carried an otherworldly weight. "Speak, and I will share what visions may come."

He knelt before the seer, the weight of his weariness and doubt evident in his posture. "Great one, my path has led me here," he began, "I aspire to rule as the eighth king. But the realm seems fated for another. What must I do to change the threads of fate?"

Runoff's expression remained inscrutable. "The seven high kings each near apotheosis, gaining power mortal men were not meant to hold. Yet a grim specter haunts their dreams of godhood…"

Azrael leaned in, his heart pounding in his chest. "What specter? What do you see, Runoff?"

The seer's voice dropped even lower, sending a shiver down Giret's spine. "A shrouded rider comes, bearing a scythe that reaps both low and high. Death stalks the royal lines unless…"

A violent coughing fit seized Runoff, his frail form trembling. He moved quickly, steadying the seer as the convulsions wracked his body. After a moment, the fit passed, and Runoff's voice, though weakened, continued.

"Only by drinking deep the essence of a king's heir can you overthrow destiny's design, " Runoff whispered. "Seek out the youngest princeling..."

He nodded, his resolve hardened by the seer's words. It was a path fraught with darkness, but he had come seeking power, and he would stop at nothing to claim it, even if it meant defying fate itself.

"Thank you, now I shall take my leave."

Azrael's ambition burned brighter than ever, and as he left the seer's grove, the selfish and arrogant nature of his character became even more apparent.

He cared not for the lives of others, only for the power and glory that could be his. His footsteps echoed in the moonlit forest.

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