
Divine Ascesion

Warning: I'm writing this for fun , due to the boredom. Pros: Unique cultivation MC , Non-heroic MC, you can read another TDG fic , No harem. Cons:MC has a system . Summary- John is a pretty average guy who loves his life . He got Reincarnated in another world where cultivation exists , he has no idea about that cultivation world . He decided to live a boring life here too but he got a warning that there will be an impending doom to this world . luckily he has incredible cheats that can help him in his cultivation journey. MC is not a bad guy who'll kill anyone and everyone. At the same time , he's not Goody two shoes either. Even if someone is getting killed unjustly and he knows it , he'll avoid them since it's not his problem. He is a neutral and normal guy from our World. Ofcourse just because he's Overpowered MC , not everything will go his way . He's not the MC of the world and he knows it. #OverpoweredMC #No-harem #NeutralGoodMC #TDG #Tales of demons and gods

Quetzalcotal · アニメ·コミックス
40 Chs

Arc 1-chapter 1

This is just another boring day for John who is living his very average life. He actually liked his life since he doesn't have any problems even though he can't live a luxurious life, he is someone who is happy with what he have. He is scrolling through his computer searching for new fan fiction to read until he got a sudden pop up.  He tried to close it but he couldn't. He came to conclusion that his system was attacked by some virus.

John- uh! I should have installed the anti-virus long ago.

John looked at the screen in annoyance but when he noticed what was written on screen. He began laughing and decided to fill the survey which appeared since he lost his system to virus anyway.

1)Would you like to Reincarnate , if you have a chance?

John- Hmmm , who doesn't want to .

He began typing it and then the next question appeared.

2)Which powers do you like to choose?

John-  mystic eyes of death perception, Simple system that will be my guide  and gives me knowledge and some skills as rewards, A power where no one can posses me/ bind me/seal me/ foresee me/read my mind.

As soon as he pressed it , John felt tired and heavy. John slept but to never wake up again atleast in his world.


In a Chinese culture resembling room, a young boy who looks average with nothing standing out of him except for his dark hair suddenly opened his eyes.  His first reaction was confusion since it was the first time seeing the sealing then suddenly various memories assaulted him which made the boy open his wide open and gasp. John, or now called Xiao Tian realized that he is in a cultivation world.

Tian- Shit! Why did I got Reincarnated??that too in this kind of  world????? I didn't ask for it!!!

Xiao Tian started to hyper ventilate but calmed down since he knows nothing will change if he just kept on thinking like that.

Don't get him wrong, Tian is still feeling extremely scared, He only filled the survey just for fun due to his liking for fiction but he never ever dreamt to live in one due to how violent the worlds with supernatural powers are but now he is one which has various threats. Tian calmed down for a while thinking he still had a little hope. He thought about what to do now, he decided to live a normal life here too. But then the thought abruptly came to an end .

[ Note from ???: Hey there. You might be thinking that you are safe but in actuality the world you are in is going to get destroyed in future. Cultivate to higher realms, if you want to survive the Incoming Disaster. You still have time if you can cultivate succesfully. I won't mention the exact time but you can survive if you cultivate]

Reading that message, John's final hope for normal life shattered. He again reminded that, he is now in a world where strength reigns above all reason. He is atleast grateful for the R.O.B or GOD whoever Reincarnated him with cheats. He knows that Reincarnating in these kinds of world without cheats is like walking on thin string above a canyon.

According to Xiao Tian's memories, he is reborn in Winged Dragon family.  He is kind of outsider to the family since his mother's birth is of a commoner.

Tian- I don't have to worry about anyone finding about me in divinations or stuff , so there won't be any mysterious figure that knows about me . My system will be useful to me in this world , generally system's  will activate with the word 'status'.

[Name: Xiao Tian

Body cultivation : None

Soul Cultivation : None

Cultivation technique : ??????



Psychic abilities : Mystic eyes , Autonomous protection.

Martial abilities: None .

Quests : Learn about the world before cultivating.

Rewards : Expert knowledge on basics of cultivation , Perfect memory, Flaw recognition , Cultivation technique ]

[ Note from the ????: this system is merely a guide, that'll give you knowledge and some skills at times. You should learn them by yourselves, the system is not sentient but can answer your questions within reason. Just a tip, you should not cultivate your soul yet before you complete the first quest or you'll regret this later. Think of the rewards like starter pack, you won't be getting anymore like that. Even if you did, it is extremely rare. This is mainly a knowledge rewarding system ]

Xiao Tian's P.O.V

Hmmm? The system and even the R.O.B is stressing to learn about the world before starting cultivation. I should better learn more about the world.

Okay, now that the system is activated. Let's see how the mystic eyes wor- No. I should be careful, I read many novels where someone is working secretly in clans like these as ninjas, even though I'm not that special, I might be overthinking. I better be careful about my words, luckily until now I spoke in English by habit. I went back to my bed and slept again, then I activated my mystic eyes. Sure enough, I can see Red lines everywhere. After confirming my abilities, I deactived my mystic eyes.

I might be a little paranoid just now but better safe than sorry. According to my memories, I'm 8 years old. People's cultivation talent is determined by colours, I have Red which is lowest level. Pretty cliche. The cultivation in this world is Bronze, gold, legend or something. The previous Xiao Tian is pretty depressed about his mother's death which happened due to the family head selling her to Sacred family, His father didn't cared about this that much and remarried another woman.  So, he was disturbed by it a lot, then the revelation of his talent only made it  worse for him. I'm sorry buddy but I can't care less about how your life was or how your family was treated. But for me survival in this world is my top priority, woman and revenge are when I'm in the top where no one can threaten me.

I went to the library remembering about the quest. No one cared about me that much, it's because one having low Talent is quite common in this world, only Extremely rare people have high talent. Like my cousin Xiao ning'er, who has Green colour. This is so rare that even the sacred family, one of the three Noble families wanted her in their family and arranged a marriage in return they'll stabilize the Winged Dragon family which they fucked up first. Yeah, pretty barbaric world in my opinion.

I came across the family library which is nothing but a small room with 10-15 shelves. I was greeted by an old man, the third elder of the family, Xiao yi.

I greeted him in traditional way.

Tian- Greetings, Elder yi.

Elder- Hmmm, what do you want here  child ?

Tian- I want to learn here, Elder . I want to try being a scholar .

The elder didn't give me much of a thought since I'm not that important here anyway.

Elder - I suppose, you can atleast try for that but you are still not allowed to view any secret techniques of the family, if I find you reading any of those!

I felt a pressure on me which scared the shit out of me, it was like a room full of guns pointed at me from every direction. This is the first time for me to experience something like this. This elder is just silver Rank too, he is not even the top dog of this world but this is hella scary. He have felt satisfied because he released me from pressure.

Elder- You can go.

I meekly nodded and went inside the library choosing a book on basics of cultivation and world, The elder gave me a glance like speck of dust. This world is scary, I should not take any chances to piss of anyone who have cultivation until I'm strong enough.