
Divine Ascesion

Warning: I'm writing this for fun , due to the boredom. Pros: Unique cultivation MC , Non-heroic MC, you can read another TDG fic , No harem. Cons:MC has a system . Summary- John is a pretty average guy who loves his life . He got Reincarnated in another world where cultivation exists , he has no idea about that cultivation world . He decided to live a boring life here too but he got a warning that there will be an impending doom to this world . luckily he has incredible cheats that can help him in his cultivation journey. MC is not a bad guy who'll kill anyone and everyone. At the same time , he's not Goody two shoes either. Even if someone is getting killed unjustly and he knows it , he'll avoid them since it's not his problem. He is a neutral and normal guy from our World. Ofcourse just because he's Overpowered MC , not everything will go his way . He's not the MC of the world and he knows it. #OverpoweredMC #No-harem #NeutralGoodMC #TDG #Tales of demons and gods

Quetzalcotal · アニメ·コミックス
40 Chs

Arc 1-chapter 19

~Xiao Tian P.O.V~

You know ,what's the difference between a protagonist and antagonist? Its not good and bad , both parties cause massive destruction and damage to achieve things . Is it Power ? Nope .

The difference is , Protagonist is always the final Winner , the antagonist is the final looser.

So, now I'm both protagonist and Antagonist , the same can be said to Sage emporer but I'm severely outclassed.

That dude is a max level player with a squad to back up while ,I'm a noob who plays solo.

Hah~ , my only ally is Meirong , and I met her for like a week? Surely, I can't ask her to fight sage Emperor with me.

It's like asking your friend to pay your debts , it just doesn't feel right but .... Sage Emperor is really Overpowered offensively According to history .

My Technique makes me overpowered but not in sense of Direct damage but in sense of support and defence . I do have offensive abilities but I don't know how they'll fare against Sage emporer, even if they did , they can't cause enough damage. I have little information on him like he is an emperor rank being , can check future and have minions who are equally overpowered.

Even my laws are pure support skills. Chaos grants me probability Manipulation and Psychokenesis , order grants me Nullification powers and AOE buff to allies . Their true might shows once in Higher level worlds but Sage emporer blocks most routes to higher level worlds.

I could have escaped him before and left this multiverse through some secret passageway which he couldn't block but now destiny will block everything since I'm now fated to clash with Sage Emperor.

Destiny is a b*tch.

I blocked an attack to my left ,but something hit me on right.

Meirong: You know , I've been noticing. You are not yourself after you came from the vault . What happened exactly?

I saw Meirong who is flying infront of me.

Xiao Tian : do you have to punch me for that . Sigh~ , I encountered treasures that shook me to my core.

Meirong: hmm , I wonder what shook you?

I showed her the items like Nightmare demon pot and the array book .

Meirong: Hmm, Indeed . These give extremely strong aura , even I cannot tell what exactly this thing does but the arrays ,they are from higher realm . I read in my family register that one of my ancestor actually ascended to higher realm but sadly there's nothing more about him other than that he was an emperor in one of the Kingdoms here in past .

Xiao Tian : Did he left any legacy behind?

Meirong : Indeed and I actually inherited it .He left an extremely complicated chant which is extremely mysterious and insightful. According to him , I will need to kill other 4 people and devour their comprehension to completely grasp it.

Xiao Tian : Is that why you were staring blankly at the book for hours before?

Meirong: Yes , although I must say. I'm extremely proud of him. The chant is so profound that no one can ever come up with it , even now I can't wrap my head around it how he was able to think or even grasp such profoundness .

Xiao Tian : now , I'm curious. What is the chant? Don't worry, my Technique won't allow me to use other chants.

Meirong: It's fine , they are 5 other people out there with the same chant. Anyway , it's 'Infinity have no beginning, no beginning can have no end' . See, isn't it Completely profound?

What was that?

Xiao Tian : Infinity have no beginning, no beginning can have no end. Are you sure ,this is the exact line , his greatest discovery?

Meirong: yes ...

For the first time in my life after Reincarnating , I began to laugh from the bottom of my heart.

Xiao Tian: haha..HaHAHAHAHA~ , I.Is he s...serious? An ascended guy haha.... his life's most profound work...haha...is about discovering Infinity have no ends?

Meirong: what are you talking about? and why are you laughing at such profound script.

Xiao Tian : G..Goddess M.Meirong , seriously . It's such an easy concept that , the real complex problems make the so called 'profound' line a basic line.

I began to teach her math that line making me forget about my worries about sage Emperor...for now but atleast, I have time. I am slowly reaching pinnacle strength of this world to survive the calamity , Sage Emperor is another calamity for me to face.

I enjoyed the dumb founded look on face of Meirong who blushed to no end the next morning. Due to her Cultivation and divine physique , she's Superhumanly intelligent . So , it was easier for her grasp a lot of things quickly , i taught her about numbers , calculus , trigonometry and other math topics.

But Kong Ming huh, I read that he is one of the few Genius's in Draconic ruins realm who is famous for going against sage Emperor. It means ,he is atleast Diety rank level since the information is vague about him.

~Time skip -1 year~

For the next year , I secretly traded some gold to get some million demon spirit coins from shady places using Transformation Technique with soul force.

My Cultivation sky rocket to Black Gold 3 star . I even sprouted retractable wings on my back granting me flight at black gold rank.

I also assimilated the Myriad ancestor sword shards into my bones which strengthened my soul realm and the buff it granted is really not something to laugh at and this ability is Passive. An active ability is , I can produce weapons like Pain's chakra recievers , except mine were Gold in colour. They are extremely durable to the point , even with my ludicrous strength which can lift a hundred thousand tonnes can't bend them, much less break them.

The scales I got from reaching black gold realm almost nullifies all attacks in this world and perfectly nullifies all physical attacks from same rank .

Supremacy granted me ability like Tamer. I can tame all the beast equal to and below my ranks with just my aura , while the beasts higher rank than me could be affected but the chances to tame decreases depending on the mental fortitude of beasts. This skill can only be used against Demon beasts , it means demon Spiritualist can only fight against me in their human forms , they can't fight in transformed forms. I'm also the biggest supresser of Dragons and any other repatalians so, any dragon type or repatalian Beast will have major debuff fighting against me. If they are weaker than me , they'll directly give up

Once again ,my Enhanced crafting and wisdom leveled up like crazy , they feel like 'instant mastery' now because they Increased my skills so much. My eyes can now turn others into stone ,while my devour ability can AOE absorb souls of beasts unlike before where I can only absorb one soul at a time.

Finally for my laws , they reached the stage of Divine manifestation , just one step away from creation of divine spark creation.

Law of primal chaos manifested as flowing hair like super Saiyan 3 and eternal order as Halo.

Meirong Cultivated her laws to higher levels regaining most of her former strength although she's still at legend rank for now.

We constantly sparred with each other increasing our skills. I also succesfully began to use Rasengan and Cero with soul force, although they are white and gold in colour.

As for my skills Botany , Cooking and Inscriptions reached Expert rank while , Alchemy just entered Advanced rank , the same with arrays .

My fighter rank has surpassed Peak of legend rank and now it shows in Tiers .

[Name: Xiao Tian

Body cultivation : Tier-4

Soul Cultivation : Black Gold ⭐⭐⭐

Physique : Divine dragon physique , Myriad God Bones

Cultivation technique : Divine Dragon Authority , Divine Cultivation , Myriad Bone refinement

Laws : Primal chaos( Gold ⭐⭐⭐) , Eternal order( Gold ⭐⭐)

Soul Realm: God  , winged serpent

Spiritual root : Black grade

Psychic abilities : Mystic eyes , Autonomous protection , perfect memory , flaw recognition , Absolute affinity with Heaven and Earth

Crafting : Expert cooking , Expert Botany ,Expert inscriptions , Advanced alchemy , Advanced array formations.

Martial abilities: Hollow steps , Expert CQC , Swift fist , Flash steps , Iron hand , Moon steps , Counter fist , Staff arts , Dagger arts , Rasengan , Cero.

spiritual abilities: Petrification Gaze , Enhanced wisdom , Enhanced crafting , Devour, Draconic scales , Supremacy , perfect Soul force Manipulation , Soul rods , Probability Manipulation , Psychokenesis , Destiny awareness , Soul force nullification , Royal presence

Quests : 3

Books: Archive of Soul force cultivation and Manipulation , Expert insights on alchemy, Insights on Heavenly Fate cultivation ]

However, the biggest hax I recieved in this one year is limited probability Manipulation with my law powers. I can make things happen , I Can't create a probability but I can adjust an already happening probability. It is difficult to explain but If something tries to hit me , I can make it not hit me . But I can't make a ball randomly hit me if it is just standing there , however if I reach Divinity, it is possible to create and control probabilities. Like I can make a stationary ball move with probability alone.

Although limited , it is incredibly overpowered because I can teleport short distances with the help of probability of being in that place.

Order Manipulation is great but I'm not that rooting for it. Since, nullifying soul force attacks feels boring but I can't deny that it is incredibly useful. This also gives me natural charisma to lead but my average face is holding me back but no problem , I will recieve shapeshifting powers once I completely turn into Divine being.

I still have few more years before calamity stucks. With the power of laws and my own Cultivation right now , I can 100% survive most of the calamities.

I will be joining holy orchid academy as student from tomorrow .Let's see , how things will go.

That vice principal made me resign saying school is important and blah , blah .I'm sure , he would give it to someone who shows some potential to drag the Candidate into his family , or city lord's family.

He's been trying to get rid off me ever since that alchemy incident , luckily he got his chance in just one year.

Whatever , I will leave this place after I survived that calamity anyway.

Now , I just have to attend an academy for fun.

Finally, My MC is Semi-OP , okay. He is totally OP but that's what I like .

Anyway, here are the strength in Tiers .

Tier 1: 1-100 Tonnes

Tier 2: 100-1000 Tonnes

Tier 3: 1000- 10000 Tonnes

Tier 4: 10,000- 100,000 Tonnes

Tier 5: 100,000-1,000,000 Tonnes

Tier 6: 1,000,000- 100 B tonnes

Quetzalcotalcreators' thoughts