
Divine Ascesion

Warning: I'm writing this for fun , due to the boredom. Pros: Unique cultivation MC , Non-heroic MC, you can read another TDG fic , No harem. Cons:MC has a system . Summary- John is a pretty average guy who loves his life . He got Reincarnated in another world where cultivation exists , he has no idea about that cultivation world . He decided to live a boring life here too but he got a warning that there will be an impending doom to this world . luckily he has incredible cheats that can help him in his cultivation journey. MC is not a bad guy who'll kill anyone and everyone. At the same time , he's not Goody two shoes either. Even if someone is getting killed unjustly and he knows it , he'll avoid them since it's not his problem. He is a neutral and normal guy from our World. Ofcourse just because he's Overpowered MC , not everything will go his way . He's not the MC of the world and he knows it. #OverpoweredMC #No-harem #NeutralGoodMC #TDG #Tales of demons and gods

Quetzalcotal · アニメ·コミックス
40 Chs

Arc 1-chapter 10

I now understand why Glory city is considered 'the last hope of humanity'. The sheer number of beasts that are here in the wild can easily overwhelm a lot of experts whose cultivation base is ridiculously bad with trashy techniques , their only hope is formations or high level weapons .

I've been Stealthily traveling in the wild for two days and already surpassed 500 kms , My superhuman body for the win . There are some groups of demon beasts that are intelligent enough to give and follow orders .

This will make fighting even more difficult.Demon beasts gain intelligence very slowly from gold rank , they gain a somewhat adult like intelligence when they leveled up to Heavenly fate realm or some lucky Beasts can even gain it in Legend rank too. But even then , they are not completely Intelligent but it is enough to lead a destruction path of humans.

Speak of the devil , I jumped from the spot due to sensing an attack . Sending my soul force into my spatial ring , I have a special knife in my hand that have inscriptions ingrained on it .

I sensed 30 Crowbacks surrounding me , Crowbacks are like bears but in the size of Dogs . They are like hyenas who are scavengers , mostly there is a corpse near by . I activated my petrification gaze , the leading Crowback which is in the black gold rank . Shit! my luck is bad but why am I feeling like I can take this head on? shaking my thoughts away , I focused on the black gold beast with 'petrification gaze' on .

I jumped up in the sky while still focusing on the leader black gold Crowback . It is resisting it but it's moments are sluggish. The rest of the Crowbacks pounced on me but I was able to avoid them mid air with dexterous moments , my bones are not stiff like human ones but they are like a snakes. The knowledge I gained in these two days by experimenting occassionally on what my new body is capable has made my theory confirm. I can immitate snake like moments , I have extremely high agility , instincts and dexterity .

Aiming straight at the leading Crowback , I activated my mystic eyes . I was about to cut the leading Crowback which will sever the chain of command and I will have an easy way to fight the rest of the Crowbacks . There are atleast 10 gold realm Crowbacks, 15 silver realm and 4 bronze ones which must be new born .

It is going to be easy , I can do this .










Atleast that's what I thought but Murphy's law is absolutely true ,Things can go wrong and they did ,which once again reminded me , I'm not a cultivation protagonist to have everything go my way .

When I was about to kill the leading Crowback, two gold realm Crowbacks appeared infront of it , they looked slightly grey in colour and attacked with a laser beam like attack from their mouths. I tried to Dodge it by moving mid air and even twisted my hip bones to utmost limit , I could hear cracks but if I take the hit , no matter my physique , at silver realm and 10 years of age , when body is still tender . I can take a critical hit and almost get crippled.

Nonetheless , i still got hit by one of the lasers and lost a chunk of flesh on my left shoulder.

Seeing my gaping wound and fresh blood , I can feel pain but I already got used to it by now.

Various thoughts raced across my mind in a flash of millisecond .

This is not even a fight , I'm surrounded by high level demon beasts and I have no experience in hunting and stuff . Where do I even got the idea and confidence of doing this when I was just an average guy in my last life ? sure I now have some superhuman body and some knowledge but that's it.

I never experienced any kind of hardship honestly. I was just an AVERAGE NOBODY until recently. So, when I have no experience or even basic knowledge on adventuring and traveling in a place where death lies everywhere , WHY THE HELL DID I DECIDED TO EVEN GO OUT OF THE SAFE HEAVEN WITHOUT EVEN KNOWING ANYTHING , WISDOM MY ASS! I'M JUST A FOOL ,NOW I'M FEELING ALL SUPERIOR JUST BECAUSE I KNOW SOME THINGS BETTER THAN THE IDIOTS SURROUNDING ME WHO KNOWS NOTHING?

Coming out of my self-reflecting and condescending thoughts .

I activated the inscriptions by sending overwhelming amount of soul force Which created a bright flash of thunder , braking the knife and blinding everyone except me due to closing my eyes before activating it.

I fled from that area with the maximum speed I can muster ,I am not a match now with my meager strength and amazing durability . I will be overwhelmed when I'm not even a beginner in battles and never fought in my entire life . I just won over one sheep and that's it , I AM SUCH A FOOL!

Calm down!this is not the time for it ! I need to focus , FOCUS!!

I need to find a shelter to stop the bleeding , I can sense new presences coming my way. I should not get caught! Finally I see some ruins. Activating my thermal and telescopic vision , I could see five , ten , twenty Demonic beasts all turning this side.

I don't even have an ounce of luck , do I ?

Before I start loosing my hope , I saw an open hatch that have an underground way , I didn't feel any heat source in it , it is my only way now where no one are present.

I took few more knives injecting more than required soul force into them and threw them on the site of ruins . Originally these knives have feature of conducting Electricity while using them making them lethal weapons but now I'm using them as flash bombs to escape. It's Quite a pathetic position I'm in .

I quickly went into the under ground hatch and closed it from inside.