
Chapter 2

Matthew panted, trying to catch his breath. He looks around only now appreciating the forest that surrounds him. He hears the birds chirping, the owls howling, and the night breeze that he could only hear slightly, but he could still hear it.

He took a sigh of relief and walked through the beautiful dark, forest. Walking with his eyes closed, he somehow found his way back to the tree that he had marked before going to find a roof for his bed, but yet, he ended up walking back to his "home" and opened his eyes to see that a little family of squirrels in his little "home". Matthew looked at them in awe, not able to contain the cuteness they had within them, and he started to squeal.

Matthew then walked up to the little family, and gave them an inviting glance, telling them that it was okay. The squirrels started to make noise, and ran up to Matthew, and started to communicate with him. Matthew giggled a little bit and, picked the little animals and held the three in his arms. The three snuggled up to Matthew just before Matthew fell asleep, and he loved it.

Matthew woke up to the little family of three squeaking in his ear. Matthew sat up and rubbed his eyes. He opened his eyes and turned to the right, and he rubbed all three of their faces, not at the same time but one by one.

Matthew then started to stand up, he was ready for another day, his second day, of living in this forest. He rubbed his eyes once again, stretching out, his top lifting up slightly, showing his stomach.

He walked around a small area of land, slowly trying to learn the layout of the forest.

As he was just about to start walking around the forest, he saw a massive stick, and for some reason, he didn't see it last night. He picked up the stick and started to mark the ground as he was walking through the small area of land he chose to explore.

As he continued to walk throughout the small piece of land, he finally decided that he would turn back, and the markings that he did led him almost back home.

Once he was almost "home", he heard a massive scream, it sounded like a little girl, it sounded like his sister! He dropped the stick he was holding and ran. The little squirrels family luckily grabbed onto the back of Matthew's hoodie, they all made it but one, the mother…

The babies cried out for their mother, begging the man to stop, but he didn't hear them, and even if he did, he didn't care. He was angry, the thought of anyone hurting his little sister killed him inside. Believe it or not, he loved his sister, no matter how many times he said; "I hate you!" He still loved her…

He ran faster and faster, trying to get to his destination, to try and save what he guessed was his little sister, but even if it wasn't he still wanted to save the little girl.

Once he got to the area he heard the screaming from, his hearing enhanced, he could hear everything around him, the birds, and the screams that came from the little girl. He could tell around-a-bout where the little girl was, but it would take him a little while, to know where exactly the little girl was.

He sat there for a while trying to pinpoint where the little girl was, and then the monster came to him.

The monster was almost exactly like the last one, a deep green, with light blue eyes that could easily hypnotize even the smartest people on the planet. Matthew got up with the sword appearing in his hands once again. Matthew knew what to do this time, so, he ran up to the monster and sliced his stomach in half, but the monster just laughed. The monster's laugh was deep, and soothing in a strange way, the monster was just about to step on Matthew when Matthew rolled out from the massive shadow of his foot. The monster than growled. Angrily, the monster shouted out into the open; BACK UP! I NEED BACK UP!!!

Matthew then heard unbearably loud footsteps, and a lot of them too. Matthew started to look everywhere for the incoming sound, but it seemed like it was all around him. Enemies were all around him! The young girl screamed out for help, but Matthew couldn't do anything yet. He had to kill all of the monsters that were starting to emerge from the trees and the bushes. He started to look around to see what he was facing. He looked around for a couple of seconds, and he decided that it was almost too much for him to handle, but he was determined to save the little girl. So, Matthew ran over to the young girl and made a massive leap to grab the little girl.

As the monster was just about to grab Matthew he started to fall, and he had the little girl in his arms, he was lucky that he wasn't killed, as was the little girl. He ran to the closest tree and hid behind it. The little girl started to whimper and started move around in Matthew's arms. Matthew comforted the little girl and gave her a warm hug, that calmed her right down. Matthew then heard the footsteps of the monster. So, he ran. He ran with the child in his arms, going as fast as he could, doing anything to protect the little girl.

The little girl started to panic once again, but Matthew had to ignore her right now, he couldn't stop, and if he did, the monsters would catch up, he couldn't stop until all the monster were out of sight. If he couldn't see them, the two were safe.

As the little girl started whining more, and more, Matthew started to get more, and more, worried. Matthew looked back, finally not seeing the monsters anymore, he slowed down. As he was slowing down, the little girl started to calm down, but her eyes were still filled with tears.

Matthew dropped down to the level of the child and, with a soft and calm voice; "Don't worry little one… I am here for you." "Okay, big brother!" Matthew's little sister said in return. Matthew looks at his little sister, shocked and confused, he found his little sister! Matthew squealed in excitement, while his little sister looked at him confused. Matthew then hugged his little sister. His little sister jumped a little but then relaxing into the hug.

"Come on, let's go back home!" The little sister said, Matthew looked at her with a sorry look then saying; "Sorry Sis… the house is gone…" Matthew's little sister looked at him with a sad look and then looking down at the ground, but Matthew stopped her from getting any sadder by saying: I have made a little home for us to stay in though...

Her facial expression got happier, and she started to jump up and down. Matthew didn't expect anything else but this. So, he just laughed, it was that or he would yell at his little sister for her little silly actions. His little sister started to laugh soon after.

After the two had stopped laughing, Matthew looked at his little sister with a serious look on his face saying: Come on, we have to start getting "home". As Matthew said the word 'home' he held up to fingers and curled them in sort of a heart shape, she just laughed at this as if she was the older one and the most responsible of the two. Then Matthew said; "Come ooooooooooon, we have to start going back "home" otherwise, we will have to go to sleep here." She looked at Matthew with an angry look, but then she gave in into the fear of sleeping in a random place that she didn't know, and a place that her brother didn't know of. So the little girl decided that it was better to follow her brother's command.

Once the two arrived at the "home", that they will be living at until they got saved, or they found a way out of the forest, Matthew put his left arm on his sister's shoulder, and leaned on it, he then said: "This is our new home!" A grin slowly growing on his face, his little sister looked at him with a 'seriously' face, as if she was saying this wasn't good enough. Matthew then looked at his sister to look for her approval, only to see her look back at him, not impressed. Matthew then looked at her with puppy eyes, trying to make her change her mind, but it didn't. In fact, it just made her laugh and say: "Come oooooon! That won't work on me." Matthew then pretended to cry, but he couldn't keep it for long before he started to laugh.

They calmed down for the last time before they would go to sleep. The little girl started to feel light-headed, and within a couple of seconds, she started to walk over to the makeshift bed, and Matthew's little sister cuddled up to it, and within milliseconds the little girl fell asleep.

Matthew looked at his little sister, and giggled softly, before walking closer to his little sister. He laid on the ground and fell asleep soon after his little sister.

They then woke up to realize that they both had the same dream…
