
DSS shorts: Name

"Happy anniversary babe," Quincy said as he walked to the bed with baby 2 in his embrace. He placed a kiss in between his sleepy wife's eyebrows.

She looked up to him dazed. She hadn't gotten enough sleep the previous night because of baby 3. Much like his father, he had a pretty large appetite.

Groggily, she sat up and took baby 2 from him.

"Happy anniversary honey." The babies made their entrance at the end of June, 8 months into her term. 2 weeks after happened to be the couple's anniversary.

"We'll have a lot to celebrate in June," Quincy giggled while looking cheerfully at the mother and daughter.

"I know right! My birthday, the triplet's birthdays, Claudia's anniversary, and our anniversary following up closely."

Before he could reply, the room was instantly filled with harmonious cries of baby 1 and baby 3.
