5 Nightmares (Tim)

I could hear the screams from the villagers. They screamed how the Nephilim had joined forces with a demon. The smell of blood was so thick in the air that I could taste it on my tongue. I moved like a ghost amongst the people. From their clothes and statue, it was clear this was some time before Christ.

The man running to save his family could not of been taller than five feet five inches, and honestly he was tall compared to the others. His cry of outrage sunk into my bones as I watched him pull the limp form of a women close to his chest. I felt myself wanting to save this man from the form coming into the fire light from a burning shack.

My eyes focused on the person. She was stunning, but her eyes were so cold it took me a minute to see my Angel. Her hair was black as night and clothes were covered with blood. "My love, look they left you a snack."

Her voice sent shivers up my spine. I never wanted to hear such malice from her sweet voice. I watched as her love came into the light. I was frozen in shock. The man's skin was red tinted, his nails long and black. There were small horns jutting from the top of his head. That would've been enough to shock anyone, but the thing that had me in such shock was this creature that had a blood covered smile was wearing my likeness.

Every part of me wanted to jump in and save the man, but I could not move. I watched in horror as this demon who looked like me, drove his lethal nails into the man's chest. My mouth opened in a silent scream as the demon slowly pulled out the heart and brought it to his mouth. The scream broke from my throat as he sunk his teeth into it.

"Tim! Wake up baby!"

I woke and jumped from the bed, my hands raised prepared to fight.

"Tim?" Something close to fear sounded in her question.

My eyes focused on my wife, a look of concern etched into her face. I shook my head, clearing the last of the cobwebs out. "I'm sorry Angel." My voice wavered as I spoke. I moved slowly back to bed, sitting on the edge.

Her hand slowly moved over my shoulders and back. "Nightmare huh?" I turned to look into her eyes.

"Yeah, I can't remember much of it now. Something about demons and a Nephilim." Her face went cold for just a split second. I wondered if maybe I imagined it, with the nightmare still riding me.

"Oh love. I think these murder cases your covering are getting to you. Maybe you should give them to someone else."

I mustered up a reassuring smile for my wife and shook my head. "The three murder sites had been really gory, but I will be alright." I leaned over and kissed her. Laying back down next to her. She snuggled up against me and I wrapped my arms around her.

"Alright, but I want you to drink a cup of that tea every night before bed. It will help you sleep."

I just gave her a light squeeze and closed my eyes.


I was standing just inside the yellow tape of the fourth murder scene. I couldn't bring myself to see this scene. Just what the detective told me was enough for me to never want to eat steak again. The poor man was not only ripped apart like the other victims, but this one was missing a vital organ.

"Ripped from his chest. How is that even possible?"

"I don't know, maybe some surgery tool?"

I had to move away from the two police officers talking about this latest victim. Something was bothering me about this one, more than the others. I just couldn't put my finger on what. I finished taking notes and quickly left the area.

I didn't bother going to the office, every part of me just wanted to see my wife. I drove home barely doing the speed limit. I let my mind think of how soft Angel's skin is, the sound of her voice when I held her close. Still with my thoughts on her, something was still niggling the back of my mind. I used all of my will not to focus on it. Something told me I did not want to know what it was.

When I got home Angel was there waiting with a cup of tea for me. I couldn't ask for a better wife. Drinking it down, I took her hand and led her to our room. I think I was asleep before my head hit the pillows. That tea is good.
