
Dimensional Merchant

Through some streak of luck, he met an avatar of the god of trade and commerce and gained the ability to travel the multiverse back and forth. However, he had to complete mission on regular basis. The main mission is ... profit! He must get material profit to a certain amount. This is the story of how he became the Dimensional Merchant. --- Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, locales, and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.

amethystore · アニメ·コミックス
16 Chs

Commercial Guild and the First Sale

Chapter 4: Commercial Guild and First Sale

"I am thankful for your help ..., and for the lift," Wolf said as he stared at the man and his mount with a bit of rancor. Getting grabbed by a weird bird-lion that can fly was not the most pleasant experience.

His tired mind only told him to get the hell away from this madman. He has talked with the guard and agrees to become this man guarantee for entering the town. He has paid back what he owned.

"No problem, glad to be of help." Satria on the other hand felt so glad because he finished two quests by just giving a lift to this male MC.

"I need to report back to my superior, it is a farewell. Mr. Dimas."

"Oo, see you later then." Satria waved his hand full of smile. He patter Merlyn and the proud Griffon galloped into the town.

The town was nothing like he has ever seen in his life, the architectural style, the material used in those buildings, and even the layout is so different from any form of civilization that existed on earth. He took several pictures from many angles and positions along the way.

The townspeople were curious about him and his mount as they glanced at him from time to time. However, it's not like this world hasn't its share of weird beasts. The most common mount that can be seen in this town is the eight-legged horse, but there are also velociraptor-like mounts, camel, llama, even rhinoceros, and hippopotamus.

He headed for the Commerce Guild. The guild was a five-storied building made of black bricks which stood out even on the main street. There are three big doors in the front and through these doors, people came and went. This building always bustling with people even visitors from other kingdoms.

'That's the one ...' he found the said building and found out that it was more beautiful than he ever imagined before. He stopped himself for a while and took a picture of the Guild Building with all of its crowd.

Satria dismounted from Merlyn and unsummoned her before heading inside. Several people looked at him for a moment, but then they continue with what they were doing.

'A freaking griffon just disappeared and this is how they respond. Hmmm ..., I think these people normalize anything strange with "must be some kind of magic" or anything like that.'

"Good afternoon. Welcome to the Commerce Guild. I'm Clara please to meet you, sir, how may I help you?" greeted the brown-haired receptionist with her business smile. He glimpsed at her nametag but he couldn't read those letters.

"Right ..., uhmm, do you sell paper?" Satria asked with a slightly unsure tone in his voice.

"Yes, of course, we do. We have a new batch of FFC paper just arrived this morning. How much do you want it, mister?"

"Ahh, could you please let me see it for a bit? I want to check its quality."

"Rest assured, Mister ..., the Forest Fibre Company is the most successful paper mill in the kingdom. The quality and whiteness are top-notch. Their product is among the best in the world." the receptionist took a sample of the paper.

Satria observed the paper, and it was just as he expected. It's a murky paper with a slight yellow tinge, not the white paper that he usually bought from modern earth. The texture is rough and feels like coarse timber fiber. As for the thickness, it's similar to buffalo skin paper.

"Okay, so what about the price?"

"We sell it 20 bronze coins for fifteen sheets."

Comparing the number with the description given by the author about the financial power of this world. Given that 20 gold is about 2 million yen ..., then a gold coin is 100.000 yen if a gold coin is equal to 100 silver coins, and a silver coin has the same value as 100 copper coins. Then, a bronze is 10 yen.

They sell fifteen sheets of paper for 20 bronze. That's 200 yen altogether. Well ..., the price is too high for something like paper. He checked before that one rim of copier paper is 500-800 yen. The difference is too high.

'It's too hasty concluding the value of coins with only just the loose description by the author. Besides, if I supplied high-quality paper from modern earth. It would soon lose its rarity and then the value will drop.'

"I'm thinking of selling some of the stuff I brought from my hometown."

"Uhhmmm ..., what kind of product do you offer?"

"You see, I got good stuff right here ..." he took out a pack of Natural A4 HVS paper. "..., these are some nice, clean paper sheets. Whiter than milk, thinner than silk. And inside this pack, there are 500 sheets of those. Here, take a look at the samples."

The receptionist observed the paper with great curiosity. The sheets were uniformly sliced, as well as cleaner, and thinner than paper from FFC, or maybe any paper mills in the continent. Even those who waited in their queue approached to get a closer look at this paper.

"This ..., this is! Mr. uhmm ..., I'm sorry, but may I ask your name?"


"Alright, Mr. Dimas. Can you supply our guild with this paper?"

"I can be your guild supplier, as for the price, name your offer!"

"I'm afraid we need to change the place if we want to fill in the fine details. Please follow me, Mr. Dimas."

"Alright, lead the way ..."

Clara led him into a meeting room on the third floor. After offering a cup of tea and some cookies for him, Clara sat down and started the talk.

"Mr. Dimas, how long does it take for you to bring this paper? And from which kingdom you're from if I may know?"

'Hmm ..., is she trying to dig up my identity? Alright then, I should stick with my Atlantis backstory.'

"I come from the kingdom of Atlantis, the most powerful thalassocracy in the ocean beyond. It is simply impossible to go here by ship or airplane. However, recently, the forefront researcher in my kingdom has found the means of intercontinental teleportation. Which made our expedition into another continent possible. Our group just installed a teleportation waypoint on this continent. Thus, I assure you that we can provide a steady supply of our products." he bullshit'ed without batting an eyelid.

"Uhhmm ..., Atlantis? Teleportation?" Of course, his explanation only created yet another question for Clara.

"Anyway, you shouldn't think too much about it. We just want to see how's life in the other side of the world. Maybe selling what we have and buying what we lack along the way."

"Er ..., right, let's just leave it at that." Clara shook her head and returned to her usual demeanor. "I will offer you ..., 75 silver for 500 sheets."

"It's obvious that the quality is way better than this murky brown paper. I think it'll sell for one gold or more. Probably around 1 gold and 40 silver."

"But even then, paper is something that people would commonly use. If we set the price too high, then most people will hesitate when buying the paper. I'm sorry, around 80 to 90 silver, is the best price I can offer you."

"Hmmm ..., but you see, you won't find this paper from anyone else besides me. I crossed mountains and oceans just to get here. One gold and twenty silver, and I'll sign the contract right away."

"I can't possibly agree with that much, Mr. Dimas ..., it's just simply too high."

Satria went silent and took a sip of the tea that Clara prepared. It feels so calming when the antioxidant-rich beverage went down to his belly. It was slightly more bitter than he thought, but he immediately realized that maybe sugar is also a rare commodity in this place.

"Well, what if I will also offer you these ..." Satria took out the rest of his things, the loose leaf and binder, and the writing tools.

"This ..." Clara observed the stuff he just brought into the table, listening to his explanation of each and everything. The more she listened, the more her eyes lit up with fervor. This is a huge opportunity!

But still, the aforementioned price was too much, she calmed her excitement down and put on her most serious facial expression, and then said. "Mr. Dimas, even then the base price of 500 sheets of FFC paper is only around 50 to 60 silver. I can't simply accept your exorbitant price."

"Hmmm ..., alright, my final offer is 1 gold."

"Let's write a contract!"

The price is still on the higher end of the spectrum, however, she could reap the benefits and these kinds of new novelty would definitely sell. Satria smiled hearing her finally concede, he took out a paper from his bag and said.

"Sure, please use this paper, if you want to finalize the deal."

Before they continue Clara called her fellow guild member, a notary to witness the contract and also write down the contract details. Then, they talked about the contract and the specific term. The quantity and the price was also discussed, and after a full fifteen minute, the contract is finally concluded. It was just a normal purchase contract. He had to supply the guild with goods, and the guild would pay him handsomely. There's also some clause for breach of contract, but nothing too extreme as the fine that the violator must pay is also negligible.

Thinking about it thoroughly, Satria felt that it was wasteful to use the Blank Contract Paper for something small such as this. But anyway ..., he will get rewards from signing the first transaction in this world. And he still has a lot of unclaimed quest rewards.

'I got a lot from this deal, I can't believe I got real gold just from measly paper ... this is actually insane.'

He managed to convince Clara to buy it for 1 gold per package. He sold 10 of those so he got 10 gold. If he converts it into JPY it would be 1.000.000 Yen, or if you convert it to IDR it would be freaking 107 million rupiahs! From 440k($28,10) to 107M($6.827,80) that's 24 times of profit! Heck, he only spends around 4,5M rupiahs buying all those stationery.

Yeah right, that paper and writing tools. In total, he managed to strike a deal that grant him a solid 54 gold and 75 silver($37.382,21). He feels rich all of sudden.

"Please wait here, I'll retrieve the money first, Mr. Dimas."

"Sure, take your time ..." Satria sipped the bitter tea that has become lukewarm and smiled seeing her off. He just tricked the otherworlder to buy his goods at an overcharged price. He can't wash out the happiness that overflow in the deepest part of his heart.


Gabriella Jedda was the Deputy Guild Chief of the Commerce Guild and also Dahlia's late father's close friend. Age-wise, she's passed her prime and entered the middle-aged. However, she still caused people to turn their heads to take a second glance at her.

She had already been notified by the receptionist about Dahlia's arrival. Hearing recent news about her, Gabriella thought that Dahlia's fiance Tobias is indeed a fool and blind. Though, whatever the case, she would help Dahlia no matter what happen.

"Hello, Ms. Dahlia."

"I'm always indebted to you, Deputy Guild Chief." Dahlia gave a light bow to her.

"It's about the discussion of the contract, a reservation may come in for the third-floor meeting room, so you can use the room next to the office."

The fact that 'a reservation might come in' mean that there was no reservation originally. The meeting room next to the office was a place that out of a consideration for safety had not been soundproofed.

"... thank you." Dahlia immediately realized the hidden meaning behind Gabriella's word and felt thankful for her.

Gabriella loosely lifted up her scarlet lips. "Everyone seems very busy today. Do you mind if I serve as one of the two witnesses of the commercial guild?"

"... no, I'd appreciate it." Dahlia meekly said.

There was no way for a novice magical tool craftswoman to refuse the Deputy Chief Guild. Dahlia left it to her without hesitation.

They went up to the third floor and Gabrielle led her to one of the meeting rooms. Instead of an empty room, when they opened the door, there was a young man sitting on the leather couch enjoying tea while fiddling with a block of black magic tools with his hand.

The man wore a blue robe with intricate golden thread embroidery. His complexion and skin tone is exotic brownish and he had rare black hair and brown eyes. Noticing their arrival, the man spurted the tea in his mouth to the side. Gabriella didn't notice the disappearance of the block something that was in his hand just now, but not with Dahlia.

She stared blankly and suspiciously at the thing that was in his hand just now. 'I must be imagining things, there's no way I'd see a smartphone in this world ..., right?' thought Dahlia.

"I am sorry for suddenly barging in, I thought this room is unused because as I remember there's no prior reservation for the room." Gabriella tried to alleviate the awkwardness between them.

"Yeah ..., I don't mind."

"Well then, please excuse us. Dahlia, come on."

"Hmmm?" but Dahlia's mind was focused on the various things placed on the low table.

These objects aren't supposed to be in here, and yet it was there. She strides forward with a big step and then took the box of erasers, and then took the ballpoint box and looks intently at it.

'There's no mistake, all these stuff are no doubt product from earth. Yet, why they're here?' Dahlia mused, she then turned to look at the person sitting in front of her whom if she was not mistaken just muttered 'crap' while avoiding her gaze.

"Where did you get these?" Dahlia asked bluntly.