

Chapter 4

Sitting in the empty bathtub I look down at the knife thinking about the past seven years so much has happened since the West family has taken me in but I'm not sitting in this cold bathroom to reminisce about my past. I came here for my morning routine. Lifting the knife I hold it up to the top of my arm pressing the cold blade against my skin watching as the kitchen knife pierces my skin drawing blood slowly dragging the blade down my arm slicing my brachial and radial artery the warm blood pooling in the tub as I lay back resting my head against the wall as my vision quickly goes blurry as I shut my eyes the sharp smell of iron stinging my nostrils. I started cutting myself shortly after Joe and Iris took Barry and I in but not because of the normal reasons that people usually cut themselves for no I cut myself for training. Death had told me that as I get injured more my body will heal faster but she didn't tell me how much I'd actually have to get injured for me to notice any difference.

The first two years were difficult. I was still learning how my powers worked and with the cuts on my body and being three years younger than everyone else it was difficult for me to make many friends but that did not matter. I was focused not on making friends but understanding my abilities which I did. I understand them almost completely now, my regular healing from a normal cut is slower than when I recover from death which is why I've kept up this routine of cutting myself in hopes of increasing my healing rate which is exactly what happened.

"Come on Theo hurry up we have to get ready too!" Opening my eyes I look back down at my arm smirking as I watch the knife wound slowly heal visibly closing in front of my eyes but before it can fully heal I take a deep breath focusing on the cut watching as the healing stops. As my smirk turns into a full blown grin I refocus on the cut as the healing starts again quickly closing the wound. That is my newest power that I've been trying to master I call it Controlled Healing at first all of my cuts and bruises would heal at a noticeably fast speed essentially placing a target on my back for anyone with any sort of observation skills but with this I will be able to act normal not having to worry about any insane doctors who want to run tests on me if they haven't already taken aim to try and get me.

"Hang on Iris I have to take shower just pack your bags or something!" My shouts echo against the walls as I stand in my puddle of sticky blood closing the shower curtains before turning on the water feeling the hot water hit against my skin as I wash all the blood off of me. Getting out of the shower the deep cuts have been reduced to red marks that could be looked over as sleep imprints quickly getting changed. Flinging open the bathroom door I come face to face with a tired Iris still in her pink pajamas.

"Every morning Theo every morning I wake up looking forward to taking a nice warm shower starting off my morning right but every morning I wake up to a bathroom with a locked door even when I wake up earlier than normal that bathroom door is still closed and locked. I was planning on confronting you this morning but I don't think I want to know what you're doing in there every morning." The tiredness in her tone tells me that she's not expecting a response as she walks in the bathroom with a towel in her hand. Smirking I glance at the mirror examining my blonde haired blue eyed fifteen year old self. I don't remember my old look but damn am I handsome in this new life I wouldn't change it for the world. 

"The early bird gets the worm Iris!" I call out while walking back to my room packing my bags getting ready for our graduation celebration vacation. Packing enough for six days I wait for everyone else to be ready. After about an hour I come downstairs and stare at Barry, Iris, and Joe already waiting at the door with their bags.

"Look who's finally ready now all we have to do is pack the car and we can go!" Joe says excitedly with a smile on his face picking up his suitcase.

"Yeah I'm excited I'm glad Theo found us that nice hotel in midvale it's right down the street from Swan Beach so we'll be able to go every day." Iris shoots off equally as excited.

"Yeah it'll be a blast." Barry says with a sigh the enthusiasm in his voice non-existent.

"Oh come on Barry it'll be fun besides you might find a cute girl you like there." Iris teases while we walk to the car loading up the back.

Tuning out the background noise I focused on the real reason why we are going here as we climb in the car Supergirl and the Candle of Neron! The girl of steel herself of course she hasn't formally become Supergirl but she should be around sixteen or seventeen years old and it would be fairy smart if I were to become friends and potentially more with one of the strongest aliens on this earth but it is still a very small chance that I actually meet her so my secondary goal is to try and find the legendary Candle of Neron. 

The first artifact that I will be trying to obtain is the Candle of Neron when lit the candle will grant the user their hearts desire for a price of course. I've been researching many artifacts that I remembered from my past life and the majority of them have been mostly untraceable except for one. At first there was no trace of it. The Candle of Neron was a ghost in the wind except for now. A few weeks ago a post popped up from an antique shop in Midvale selling the supposed Candle of Neron saying that the former user was a rich politician who wanted to give it up after his death. I wasn't able to get a positive ID on it online but now that we're going there hopefully I'll be able to get this priceless artifact that will hopefully give me what I desire. 

As for supergirl well lets just say that I know everything about her out of all the characters I remember in my last life Kara Zor-el might just be the character that I know the most about and is probably the character that I look forward to meeting the most. A girl who watched her planet crumble being sent away to protect her younger cousin and to become a beacon of hope for a planet is an interesting start but it would be even more interesting if she were to turn on the very planet she was sent to protect. I can't get ahead of myself. I don't even know if I'll see her but I can still imagine the Supergirl who is loved and supported by the world turning to the dark side taking down the world by my side. 

That's it! Everyone needs a goal in life and for me I have many lives but that will be mine to take down causing as much chaos as I can in every world I go to but until I'm able to do that I'll continue my quest for power.


The drive went by quickly for me after I fell asleep waking up when we got there around noon. The hotel is fairly nice. Our room has a nice view of the beach which consists of Joe Barry and I in one and Iris living lavish with her own room. 

"Alrighty kids listen up!" Joe calls getting all of our attention from across the hotel room. "You guys know the rules stick together at all times and be back by sundown no drinking or anything either you two are only eighteen and you are fifteen." He says pointing at each of us. " This might be your graduation vacation but you're with your family not your friends so I expect a very sober vacation from you three."

"Come on dad we don't drink." Iris says nervously laughing while fidgeting with her fingers.

"Yeah come on Joe." Barry says laughing just as nervously.

"Drinking dulls my senses so it wouldn't be smart for me to drink if I wish to be at one hundred percent at all times." I say being completely honest. I don't know if I drank in my past life but that was before I got transported to this hell so I decided that until I know I won't be blown to bits by an accident I will not drink.

"Oh I wasn't worried about you two I was worried about you." Joe says pointing at Iris. "Don't think I don't know why you guys switched rooms." The look on Barry's and Iris's faces is priceless but this conversation is getting old if I wanted to know about everything Joe knows about our secrets I'd get him drunk.

"Nice conversation Joe but we didn't come here for an intervention. We came here for vacation." Leaving the room I ignore Joe's calls of being safe having already changed into my red swimsuit and white plain t shirt I waste no time in leaving the hotel and finding the quickest path to the beach deciding to ignore the two squawking pelicans behind me instead in favor of getting to the beach as quickly as possible. 

Stepping onto the warm sand, the warm grains getting in between my toes, I gaze out at the blue water that has a pink tint to it from the setting sun, the sounds of seagulls and screaming kids flooding my ears and the cool breeze carrying a cold mist. Even in a world so dangerous filled with death at every corner there will always be illusions like this to distract the people from the truth of this world. These people aren't people at all; they're weak sheep that are protected from the predators by the sheepdogs oblivious to the fact that some of the people they know could be their neighbor, colleague, even their best friend has the capability to demolish the whole planet. Maybe just maybe if the sheepdog hero's weren't there the world would forget its differences and band together and become stronger in hopes of survival instead of focusing on their own individual selfish goals.

Who am I kidding, why would I want to fix a world that's already so broken? I'll eventually leave this earth so it wouldn't be worth my time to fix something I won't be able to enjoy and it's not my style. I am too selfish and enjoy chaos too much to strive for peace unless there is a different alternative that I genuinely need peace to survive. I'm confident in surviving what I'm not sure of is surviving with freedom so until then I will continue my quest to power while enjoying this illusion of peace. 

"Theo!" I hear Barry call out, shaking me from my thoughts as I turn and meet his and Iris's gaze as they jog up behind me out of breath. "Woah man what's the rush?" He asks huffing, trying to get as much air as possible.

"Yeah Theo you were going pretty quick what's the rush this is supposed to be vacation we're supposed to relax in case you forgot what vacation meant." Iris chips in.

"Sorry I was lost in thought." I say while walking down the beach laying down my towel underneath a large umbrella giving us shade but my mind never leaving the distant thought about finding her every blond haired teen giving me a small burst of excitement that maybe just maybe it could be her but every time my excitement spikes it quickly dims down at the realization that it isn't her Kara isn't here. 

"Come on Barry you're going to have to get over her eventually why not look for some other girl around here." Iris whines trying to encourage Barry to find a new girlfriend after the last monstrosity of a girlfriend he had.

"I don't know Iris Midvale is kinda far and besides I kinda want to focus on college right now." Barry tries to explain his crush on Iris starting to form and become more obvious as he subtly ogles her pink bikini. 

"Come on Barry, talking to someone new will be good for you even if you don't plan on dating them Theo help me out here." Hearing Iris's call for help I slowly stand wiping off some of the sand from my body that went off the border of my towel turning to look at my adopted sister and biological brother. Barry and I have a very odd relationship I'm fairly certain he hated me after I testified against my father in court but when the lawyer brought up Post-Traumatic Amnesia and the fact that I was questioned as soon as I woke up seemed to give Barry a change of heart not believing that I was trying to team up with the man in yellow but believing that I genuinely believed that our father actually stabbed me and our mother.

This did exactly what I wanted, encouraging Barry even more to prove not only to everyone but to prove to me that our father didn't do this to us. Barry and I are brothers nothing more nothing less we aren't best friends but we aren't arch enemy's and I am confident that in the future when Barry does become the flash that I will be at the top of his protect list being one of his last living relatives that actually cares for him as twisted as my feelings can be at times.

"She's not wrong putting yourself out there may do you good but having seen the way you talk to girls it'll be impressive even if you get a response." Ignoring Iris's laugh and Barry's objection I stretch and begin to walk away. "I'm going for a walk, I'll be back later." I call out as I go on my search for yet another useful asset.


There she is as beautiful as I remembered sun-kissed blonde hair a sweet innocent smile with pearly white straight teeth, ocean blue eyes, dark blonde eyebrows that are neither to thin or two thick they are perfect on you while the nervous way you fidget with your glasses all help in tricking others that your just an insecure cute girl but I know better. I know what you can really do with the power that is hidden behind your smile… it will be mine. Admiring her from a distance, the white and red polka dotted bikini does little to hide her toned body and small perky breasts, the cold breeze causing your nipples to poke against the fabric. She's nervous, maybe she's insecure about her body? No that can't be it her body is perfect she's insecure about her powers afraid of what the world will think of you if they do find out… afraid that you won't live up to the expectations that your cousin has set and boy has he set the expectation high. You won't have to worry about any of that because I will help you I will help you navigate your powers help you accept them because that's what I will do that's what I can do I can be whatever you need me to be a friend a boyfriend even a husband if that's how long it will take to get what I need. I am patient I will wait however long I need to to get close enough to her so that way she can trust me trust me enough that she spills all her secrets to me telling me about your powers what happened to your adopted father what happened to your planet and then and only then when you trust me wholeheartedly will I strike taking what I need from you. Or maybe I won't have to, maybe I can turn you on my side and I won't have to forcefully take what I need from you, maybe you'll give it to me willingly and we can destroy fictional worlds together although it's unlikely but a man can dream well a teen can dream.

Walking over to the large umbrella she's under I can tell that I caught her attention from far away from the sight of your pupil darting over to me before quickly focusing back on the conversation that she's in with your sister. "Excuse me." I call out trying to sound as non dickish as possible as I interrupt your conversation with your sister. "Hi I don't mean to interrupt your conversation but I seem to be lost and I was wondering if one of you could help me find somewhere I need to go?"

"Yeah of course!" Kara says surprising me with an indistinguishable accident as Alex your adoptive sister shoots you a look before shooting a curious and suspicious look at me. Alex Danvers the adoptive older sister of Kara Zor-el and the future Director of the DEO she is smart and may become an enemy if she doesn't like me but what's not to like as far as she knows I'm just a lost tourist and I don't plan on killing Alex Danvers until the future so for now I'll be nice besides Alex is fairly attractive.

"And how exactly do you know that we can help you with directions and why don't you just use your phone?" She quips suspiciously as I reach into my back pocket pulling out my phone shaking it with a smile.

"I would but it kinda died and I kinda have to get back before my foster dad starts to worry and you two are kinda the only two people here that don't look like tourists." I say laughing in fake embarrassment.

"Foster dad." I hear Kara mutter as she looks down then looks back up at me speaking before Alex can spout off any more nonsense. I came here for her to get to know her so we can get to know each other because I want you no I want your power I NEED HER POWER! "Yeah I can take you where you need to go!" She practically shouts standing up while extending a hand with a smile. "My name is Kara, Kara Danvers."

Shaking her hand I return the smile. "Theodore Allen but everyone calls me Theo."

"Alright then just come back when you're done I guess." Alex says while putting on round tinted sunglasses laying back on a lawn chair.

Our introduction was great we hit it off perfectly I asked if her if she could take me to a local restaurant called Chasers apparently the pizza there is the best and I was pretty hungry from the drive. As a thank you I offered you food which you gratefully accepted because I know that she's always hungry. I told her about myself that I'm fifteen turning sixteen and am preparing to go to college which surprised her because it's impressive to go to college at such a young age. We ate pizza and fries while making small talk as we ate and as we walked back to my hotel we sat on a bench outside it staring up at the stars you're wearing a shirt that's too big for you and me who forgot to grab my shirt at the beach.

"You know Theo I had a fun time tonight but I thought you had to meet with your dad?" She questions with a smile which I happily return staring into her blue eyes as she blushes looking away looking back at the stars.

"Well I was but when I tell him the situation I got in I'm sure he'll understand."

"Oh and what situation is that?"

"Well I met a cute girl and I was hoping to get to know her a little better and maybe decide if I should spend more time with her on this vacation." The blush on her face reminds me of a tomato, a cute red tomato, a tomato that eventually will have to eat because tomatoes are nutritious and I need nutrients to survive but who knows perhaps I will only need a bite. 

"Well what do you think did this cute girl pass your test?" Kara's smile is toxic and I feel myself return it graciously.

"Yes I think she did."

"Well in that case put your number in my phone." As Kara taps around her sides her movements quickly become more frantic as she looks at me in a panic. "My phone I think I left it at the beach with Alex!"

"That's ok!" I say with a laugh tapping my head." I have a really good memory, just tell me your number and when I plug in my phone I'll text you."

"Awesome my number is 277-889-9790 I expect a text from you Theodore Allen don't forget I know which hotel is yours and I am a very good detective." Shr says jokingly, making me laugh.

"Oh I wouldn't dare blow you off." I say as we stand.

"Well how about tomorrow?" Kara asks quickly not missing a beat. "I'm free all day and there's a lot of Midvale I could give you a tour but only if you want I know you came with your family and stuff." She's cute when she's flustered not trying to be too pushy but this is what I wanted.

"Tomorrow works but like you said I'm going to have to spend some time with my family but I'll text you when I'm free." I have to find that damn candle before someone else goes to get it but once I do get it I can spend as much time with you as I want.

"Awesome yeah like I said I'm free all day so just shoot me a text." Her awkward laugh is adorable and now she's fidgeting with her hands awkwardly unsure if we should hug or not and she doesn't want to make that decision by herself so I make it for her I embrace her in a hug and she return the hug and it's nice but your strong like really strong and now I can't breath.

"Ka-Kara!" I squeak out with what little breath I have left as you quickly release me a look of absolute horror on her face.

"Theo I-I'm so sorry just text me if you want I-I'm gonna go!" She's a fast runner not giving me a chance to say another word to you not letting me tell you that you don't have to worry about hurting me because no matter how much you hurt me I will always recover. Stretching before I go into the hotel I stand alone in the elevator thinking about the future I wanted to get you and your power but as I am now I won't be able to so I'll settle as being friends until I can get kryptonite or something else that can pierce your skin. After all you won't have your guard up when you meet with an old friend. Now I'm smiling uncontrollably. I can see my reflection in the metal, it's wide, making my eyes squint wide and shows it shows too much teeth. I hate that smile I try to fix it by frowning then smiling but it always goes back to the creepy smile bringing up my hands I stretch my cheeks trying to mold my face into different smiles trying to make the perfect smile and that's what I did I made the perfect smile it doesn't show a lot of teeth but enough teeth the perfect amount of teeth for my face and it's inviting that's what I like most about this body nobody ever expects the handsome guy to be crazy but I'm not crazy I'm merely surviving and having a fun time doing it.

Getting to the room I scan my keycard, put my hand on the doorknob taking a deep breath preparing myself for whatever verbal assault is waiting for me on the other side of the door.


"What did I say?! What did I say Theo?! I genuinely want to know if you just forgot what I said or if you blatantly broke the rules knowing what you were doing!" Joe barks at me while I sit on the bed staring up at him Barry and Iris sitting behind him on two separate chairs. I'm sure they both got an earful before I came back for 'losing their little brother'.

"Don't separate, be back by sun down and no drinking." I say flatly, keeping my face blank. I don't usually get yelled at and frankly I don't really care. I care for Joe. I really do. I've spent more time with him than with my father so of course I feel something for him but I had a job to do. 

"Ok so you really were listening so tell me why didn't you listen to me? You're smart Theo so I'm sure you know why I gave you the rules that I did. We aren't familiar with the area around here and all it takes is one wrong turn and your lost not ever coming back home. We were this close to calling the police." Joe says while holding up his pointer finger and thumb a very minute gap between them. "Now tell me why you didn't follow my rules?!"

"I met a girl." I say bluntly as Joe stops his pacing and looks at me with an unreadable facial expression.

"You were two hours late because of a girl?" He questions as I nod curtly, getting a sigh in response as Joe sits next to me pinching the bridge of his nose. "Listen son I understand that we all have urges sometimes and I should've had this talk with you sooner but sometimes I forget how young you are because of how smart you are but if you're going to be late just shoot us a text or something." Joe says while standing up muttering something about needing a drink.

"That's it!" Iris shouts standing up looking at me with wide eyed before looking at Joe who's sitting on the parallel bed from us looking mildly surprised at Iris's outburst. "You yell at me and ground me for being five minutes late and Theo is two hours late and he gets a slap on the wrist?!" Smirking at Iris I glance at Barry who's just sitting back with a small smile on his face shaking his head at the situation. 

"Look Iris, we're on vacation right now we'll get into this more when we get home." Joe says with a new found tiredness in his tone.

"This isn't over." Iris says while pointing at me and Joe.

Iris leaves the room leaving a still room as I go to the bathroom changing into my pajamas coming out to a dimly lit room Joe is already trying to fall asleep and Barry in our bed that we will share looking at me with an amused smile.

"So you met a girl?" He asks as I jump on my side of the bed. 

"Yup." I say blankly, closing my eyes trying to find a comfortable spot on the bed. 

"Come on Theo you have to give me more than that." He says with a laugh. 

"Her name is Kara Danvers. She has blonde hair and blue eyes. I met her on the beach you might meet tomorrow now stop talking I'm tired." I say just wanting this day to be over and tomorrow to begin.

"Alright well I expect to meet her soon." Barry says with a laugh turning off the light. "Good night Theo."

"Goodnight Barry." I say closing my eyes dreaming not about Kara but about the Candle of Neron I'll get it tomorrow hopefully.

I tried a new perspective in the old chapter four didn't seem like you guys liked it and frankly I didn't really like it either I think I fixed it and I really like how this new version came out and it will not be changed again.

next chapter will be out asap

Stevemehcreators' thoughts