
Digital Restart (HSR X DC)

No purpose, No dreams, No Goals. That is the man I have become, and have continued to be till now. But things changed when I died, and somehow had a second chance. Things will be different, and for some reason, I’m all for it.

Dark_Abyssal · アニメ·コミックス
4 Chs

End of the Line

"Another day, another noob that needs to be put in his place, don't you think so Timmy?", I thought aloud to the rock next to me while spamming keys on the keyboard.

I looked at this player- no this obstacle standing in my way of the final reward of this quest. I had a bad feeling, but I dismissed it and started to spam enchantment spells on myself and started to debuff the enemy. After that, I charged in with a righteous fury, after so many hours of grinding, finally! I will have that limited reward from this event, and there's nothing you can do to sto-



"….", I calmly stepped away from the computer and started to turn around.

Then with the roar of a thousand gamers, I punched the screen with all my might.


"...…", I deadpanned at my bloody knuckles, looking between them and the perfectly fine computer screen in front of me.

I took a deep breath, and screamed in pain.

"AAAA FUCK!!! GOD DAMMIT, OH SHIT THAT HURTS!!!!", I fell to floor in pain, cradling my injured hand.

It took a while, but the pain started to leave my hand. I laid there on the filthy floor of this abandoned building, and started to question the meaning of my existence.

'This body isn't gonna last much longer, I haven't eaten in days and it's only a matter of time before those damn hackers (Yakuza) find me again…'

For months I have been in this building, and have only barely survived through eating the grass and dumpster diving every now and then. This body of mine is extremely malnourished and sick, I'd give it maybe a few more days before it fails. I'm skeptical of how I'm even alive right now.

'Why do we exist…just to suffer…', I thought to myself with a helpless expression on my face.

Frankly, I couldn't give much of a damn if I died or not, I've got no friends, no family, no PS5 and most importantly, no bitches.

"Man this sucks, I would kill for some Chicken right about now. But then again, the chicken would probably kill me instead….", I laughed emptily at my self deprecating joke. My body was so weak at the moment, that I wasn't even sure if I could stand up anymore.

'The grind never ends…!!!' I thought to myself with a burst of willpower, pushing myself up from the ground, almost standing.

'I did it…! I did i-', My arms gave out, and back to the floor I go.

I stared at my right arm with a look of betrayal, all the times I've trained you, all the times you've helped me in my time of need, and this is how you die comrade? How could you! You were supposed to be the strongest! The Jacking Hand!

Suddenly, I heard some voices in the distance, voices that made me pale.

"Oi, (Lackey number 1)! Check this building too!"

"Oh cmon (Lackey number 2)! We've been searching all day now! Can't we just head back and get a drink already!"

"Shut up dammit, the boss is already pissed that a brat of all people managed to escape us! He'll have us commit seppuku if we go back empty handed!"

Welp shit, looks like they're here. And the best part is that I can't even move. I can hear them coming into this house already, I guess it's the end of the line.

'Like hell it is!!', I thought to myself, if I'm gonna die, I'll go down gloriously! I strained my head towards the door which was opening and forced my body to wiggle its way towards that very door.



And just like that, the story of Gin Okami ends…