
Chapter 8: The Regent

[Brenden/ Riley/Leon]

Brenden held both sides of his whip to keep the sword at bay, as the Asian man pushed his blade towards Brenden's face. The man leaped back and Brenden could see him properly. The man wore a black tuxedo and covered the bottom half of his face with a mask. He went into a stance where his front leg was bent and his back leg was stretched behind him with his sword held upside down in front of his face.

"I don't know what an Asian is doing in a drug deal, I'm sure your mother would be so disappointed." Brenden mocked. The man sprinted towards Brenden swinging his sword. The man slashed down at Brenden, which he deflected with his whip. The man swung at Brenden horizontally expecting to slice his head off, but to his surprise, Brenden jumped over the sword and wrapped his whip around it. "Should we help him?" Riley asked. "Nah even if we tried he's just gonna scream insults and slurs," Leon answered.


The witch stood at her alter mixing herbs and various ingredients, she removed the spell she cast on Kamryn. "As a witch in the supernatural world, we must bring balance and order to the natural world." She explained. "We all stay in groups called covens. And a coven of witches is virtually one of the most powerful forces in the world."

"That's cool and all, but that doesn't explain why we're here," Kamryn stated. "I'll get to it soon just be patient." She replied. Every coven always has a regent. And the soul purpose of the said regent is to monitor their responsible stations." She continued. "So I'm guessing you're a regent yourself," Sultan concluded. She smiled at him and said. "That is correct."

"As regent, I am responsible for the European Station or as humans say continent." She stopped. "Wait does that mean that every continent has its coven?." Cesar asked. "Yes, but at the same time no, continents are far too big for one coven so we have different wings in the covens in different areas of the stations. Right now you're in the Western wing. Where I the regent reside." She said.

"Now that I'm done clearing that out, follow me," she said. She held a bowl of a kind of liquid and made her way towards a door. She dipped her internet and middle finger into the liquid and began to write on the walls and say some chantings. The call then turned into dust as the witch led the trio through a dark hall, with a candle. "These walls are very sacred, long ago many of our ancestors would come here and ask the spirits for help when needing to use a powerful spell." She informed.

"Was the only way to gain more magic just by putting all hope into some spirits?" Sultan asked. First of all, it wasn't just some spirits these were spirits of the witches that came before us, and second, it east the only way." She answered. The team finally came out of the hall and were surprised at what they saw.

They found an underground room that was no different than a modern museum, and in the center was a huge model of the earth. Below it was some writings indicating it was a spell. Not only was the room big many witches and wizards were doing their own thing as well.

" not what you expected? Let me guess all kinds of torches and hooded figures with strange writings everywhere with blood and rituals?" Agnes says. "You pretty much read my mind," Sultan said to her. "Well then follow me." The regent said. "For a witch, there is three main basic magic Type to learn from, natural magic, meaning magic from the earth itself, grass, fire, wind, water, and even weather. There's spiritual magic from the spirits of our dead ancestors. Then there's the last and most dangerous of all, dark magic, but that in itself is another topic for another day." She informed the trio. "Oh, right I almost forgot I didn't tell you the reason why I brought you here." She said with a silly smile.

"Last time I checked with Vela, there were only originally supposed to be 2 of you, yet I counted 4 more powerful beings." She said. "We didn't know that," Kamryn said. "Of course, you didn't that Vela always does this, she never listens to a single word I say. I promise it's gonna cost her one day." She says. "Well the damage is done now we just have to manage with it now." She said feeling defeated.

Sultan pointed to the model of the earth and asked her about it. "This model is used to help us locate the area of distress in the earth." She said. "How does the model work?" He asked. "The model uses natural magic. Since the earth itself can feel distress signals from living things around it or abnormal element patterns such as wind patterns, temperature, etc when the earth receives the distress, it emits it back and that sends us a signal and the bigger the spot the more powerful the occurrence is. Agnes looks at the model when she noticed the spot on the model.

[Brenden/ Riley/Leon]

The two continued to clash weapons as the Asian was slowly getting the upper hand. Brenden swung his whip straight at the man and the whip wrapped around the blade. 'Got you now.' He thought. He pulled the blade and the man as well into the air towards him. But unrenowned to Brenden the man dropped his sword and grabbed ahold of Brenden crashing on top of him.

He grabbed a hold of Brenden's neck and began choking him. Brenden noticed the man's hands turning dark and his hair began to grow. So did the rest of his body as he began to grow fangs and his head became enlarged.

Just as Brenden was about to black out, Leon came charging with a punch to the side of his face. He broke through one of the brick walls of a worn-out building.

"I got you, buddy," Leon said. Brenden looked at his right arm as it had gotten bulkier, darker, and bushier. The once Asian man jumped out of the hole he made and landed in front of Leon with a banging roar. Leon was surprised to see the man in a gorilla form. The beast punched Leon in the face as he and Brenden were sent flying. Riley wrapped her whip around his neck, from behind as it gradually began turning red.

The man grabbed the whip with both hands but they began to burn so did his neck. He ignored the pain and loosened the whip he turned around to face her and then pulled the whip with Riley attached to it. He was about to punch her in the chest. When he felt something wrap around his right arm. And pull it back.

"You fucking Slit eyed bastard!" Brenden exclaimed with rage-filled eyes. He retracted his whip and the man-beast took his focus on him. They had a brief stare-off before Brenden let out a few words. "you shoulda made your mother proud and become a doctor cuz after I'm done with you, you sure as hell gonna need one." He threatened. He ran towards the beast in front of him as they clashed.

The man swung down on Brenden as he effortlessly dodged and swung his whip at him. Brenden moved back and swayed his towards the man's face. The tip created a tiny sonic boom as it made contact with his face and knocked him back. Brenden danced around with his whip as he shot it at the man once more. This time the man blocked with his left arm, however, the tip of the whip sliced through it. The man screamed in pain as he lost the ability to move his left arm. Brenden didn't stop and sent a barrage of whips at the man out of rage.

Leon and Riley just watched in awe, the man who was once giving them a hard time, was having a hard time. "What's wrong? Can't keep up?" Brenden taunted he shout another whip attack at him, but this time the man caught it with his right. The man had deep wounds and cuts everywhere. He spat out some blood and his body began to heal. With a thundering roar, he pulled Brenden towards him. He recoiled his left arm and gave Brenden a powerful uppercut.

Brenden was sent flying towards the sky half unconscious, yet he wouldn't let go of his whip. He stayed 7 feet in the air as the whip kept him from going any further. The beast who was holding the whip felt the whip wrap around his hand. And it began glowing red.

[Sultan/ Kamryn/Cesar]

"I sense something big, this isn't right, this much power, concentrated in one spot?" Agnes says holding her head with both hands and staring vigorously at the spot on the earth model. She screamed the name of her apprentice as he hastily landed in front of her. "Go to the area of distress and figure out what's happening, I need a full status report." She ordered. "Yes ma'am," he replied making his way to the site

[Brenden/ Riley/ Leon]

Brenden was still half-conscious, but his face was as red as a tomato out of pure anger. "OH, NOW YOU'VE MADE ME ANGRY YOU RICE-PICKING SCUM." His brown hair stood up on his head. As he stood upright in the air. His whip was bright red and was engulfed in flames. The whip unwrapped itself from the man's arm and wrapped itself around his body.

"Let's play a game shall we?." He said maliciously. Brenden held the whip with both arms and spun it in the air slowly, he lifted the man-beast who was also getting engulfed in the flames and screaming in pain. Brenden gradually picked up speed to the point he looked like a red flaming spinning top. He finally let go of the man and sent him crashing through 3 buildings, burning them down in the process.

He landed on the ground and looked toward Riley and Leon who were both confused, and fearful. He ignored them and walked towards the direction where he threw the man. Suddenly his vision got blurry and he began to feel pain everywhere. He fell to his face and screamed in pain. He began having a seizure, and Leon and Riley ran to his rescue.

"Leon, is there anything in that bag that could help him?" Riley asked Leon to open his backpack and found a first aid kit. "Here take this." He said handing it to her. She put a thermometer in his mouth, but as she picked it up it burnt her hand. "What the hell, he's burning up bad." She said. "Leave…me…make sure…. he's dead," Brenden said faintly. Riley tried her best to cool him down, and help with his seizures but she felt hopeless. "Cmon Brenden you can't die on us like that," Leon said with tears filling out of his eyes.

Brenden's body began to glow in a green light Riley and Leon were surprised and was more shocked when he began floating, Riley looked at his chest to see writings encrypted to his skin. She noticed his temperature was gradually reduced, and his seizures had stopped. "He's recovering from his wounds." She said with a smile on her face.

"Yeah, it will take about a few days for him to heal properly though." The apprentice said standing behind the trio. "Who are you and what do you want?" Riley said with her whip ready. "Easy there, you don't wanna kill the man who's healing your friend now do you." He joked around. "My name's Cj, and I believe we both have similar interests for now," Cj said.

To be continued…