
affinity stone

On a desert

Two silhouettes are facing each other

The first one is man with long silver hair wearing casual clothes

The other one got pale skin and black hair, he's wearing lots of necklaces and two rings in each hand.

For some reason, their facial features can't be seen

"Hmm, so, will you return the seal to me?" the man with silver hair said

The pale man Laughed maniacally and said

"Hahaha!! Return the seal? Keep dreaming! With this seal, i will control the entire continent!"

"Sigh, your brother was right, you're an idiot" The silver haired man said while shaking his head

"Hehe, I am alive while he's dead, that proves that i am better than him! He's the real idiot! standing in my way !" The pale skinned man said in a mocking tone

The silver haired man didn't say anything, he just shrugged and smiled

The pale skinned man noticed something not right, he looked at the back of his right hand, what he saw was a red square slowly turning black

The pale skinned man panicked and shouted

"Soul corrosion?! I-it can't! W-why! it was you! You tricked me!"

"Took you long to realize it" The silver haired man said while rolling his eyes

"I may die ! But at least i will take you down with me! Appear! Guardian of the ruby gate!" The pale skinned man shouted and raised his hand to the sky

Blood came out from the pale man, multiple red runes appeared around his blood, the red runes transformed into red light and went to the blood, the blood started extending.

It became a 2 meters long red spear filled with patterns and runes

All this happened in 2 seconds

The pale skinned man caught the spear and shouted

"Here i go!"


"A dream again?" Said a silver haired kid who just woke up, the dissatisfaction was obvious on his face

Of course, that kid is Alter

"I wanted to know the end" Alter muttered

Alter got up and went to open the door, after he opened the door, he found out that Emillia was there

"Stalking me again" Alter said emotionless

"Ye-, ah wait! i meant no! more importantly , here's the clothes you choose last day, hurry up and change then come to eat" Emillia was flustered first but regained her calmness, then she threw a bag toward Alter

Although it looked like she just threw it, there was a huge power behind it, Alter hands became numb after catching it

Emillia left without saying anything

Alter placed the bag above the bed and opened it, there was lots of clothes, and a map

Yes a map, it described the structure of the mansion and restricted rooms

Alter mouth twitched and sighed

Next, he choose what to wear, A blue shirt and black pants.

The pants made him remember a bitter memory...

After that, Alter used the map and took the shortest path to the dining hall, or that what it was called on the map

'Hmm? i don't rememeber that i slept last day, what happened'

[Ding....User fainted from man overuse]

'Mana overuse? oh right, i added a rune to the spell which made it constantly use my mana to increase it effect, i guess i was to happy for getting my fist learnt spell and didn't stop the mana supplying' Alter thought


Alter arrived in front of the dining hall door, just when he tried to enter, he heard Leo and Emillia talking

"Eat it~" Emillia said

"E-eh? but...Alter isn't here yet"

Right After Leo spoke, the door opened and Alter entered

Alter scanned the room, it was a. large room with a large rectangular table, it can accommodate up to 15 people, Leo sat in front of Emillia

Emillia noticed Alter and said

"Oh, you came~, come and test this new drink meanwhile we talk about something"

Alter was puzzled why Leo face became pale just because a drink, so he sat next to emillia and took a sip from the cup

It was like a carbonated drink

"So? what do you think?" Emillia was eager to get a answer

Alter calmly placed the cup and said


"Huh!?" Both Leo and Emillia exclaimed

"Is something wrong?" Alter asked

"Ah nothing, right Alter, did you do elemental affinity test?" Leo asked, trying to change the subject

"Elemental affinity test?" Alter said and tilted his head, to express that he doesn't understand

"Well, it done by a stone with a ability to absorb blood and use the friction between the blood and elements particles inside the blood , then-" Leo was happily giving an explanation, but Emillia appeared next to him, 'slapped' him away and said

"Basically, It dripping your blood on a special stone to test your affinity"

hi! Author here! with a chapter!


Any suggestions or something leave it on comments

(comments or reviews thingsmotivate for chapter being sooner than usual or a additional chapter~)


Kyruucreators' thoughts