
Diary of the Murdered Girl

Tomozuki Hashimoto,a first-year highschool student in an all-girls school was volunteered himself,together with Suzuki Ayumi(the class president)to find out the murderer behind their classmate's death,Aina Chinatsu. Notice:The cover is not mine.I will give the full credits to the right creator/artist.If they wish to take ot down I will gladly do that.

Arisu_Sakayanagi · 現実
37 Chs

Detective And Accomplice

We all gathered in the spare room after discovering Chinatsu-san dead body.On the other hand,Yahiro-san is still not waking up so she is still in the principal office.

Sensei is already reporting what happen in the police.Meanwhile,all of us are stunned on just what happened,especially Hosokawa-san.

"How...how....I can't...I can't...believe...it...."

Said by Hosokawa-san,as she couldn't accept the fate that her bestfriend received

"So does it mean there is a murderer between us?."

The one who said that is Ayumi-san.

"No.no.That's im-impossible.Right?."

Said by Kanakura-san,trembling.

Meanwhile,I looked to Reina-san.It seems like she is now back to her usual self.But of course,the anxiety is still there,since she couldn't believe what happen.That was also the same with the other two gals.

"Maybe it was just an accident?.Remember that there is an earthquake happen?."said by Onodera-san.

By looking from my classmates,it seems like they are trying to disregard the existence of murder and want to give an alternative idea on what really happen.

"Ye-yeah that's right.Maybe it was just an accident." said by Hoshino-san.

"Maybe while holding the knife,the earthquake occurs then she accidentally stabs her-"

"Shut up!!!!."

Just when Ichika-san about to finish her sentence,Hosokawa-san shouted to her.

"Are you an idiot!!?.There is no way that would be an accident!!!.I mean,I mean....."

After saying that,she bow her head and start crying.She must enduring this tragic event all this time.Meanwhile,Ayumi-san go towards her to comfort her.

"That's right.I mean if it was really an accident,then she was too unfortunate and it's too much for coincidence." said by Hiten-san,denying the idea of accident.

"Then if that's the case...."said by Reina-san,talking for the first time for a while.

"She was really murdered.And the suspect is of course,one among us."

Ayumi-san finished Reina-san's sentence.

"How about you,Hashimoto?.What can you say about this."

Tachibana-san asked me and everyone turn their head to my place.I choose the words correctly and answer her.

"I think I will gonna agree to Ayumi-san.If I will gonna choose between an accident and a murder,I will definitely choose the latter."

After saying that,it seems like that they are convinced now.Then I added.

"Anyways,we will be able to find it out who is the murderer since Sensei she already talking this case to the police.We just need to wait her."

Then a silence occur after I said that.

Hosokawa-san was still crying.Ayumi-san is there comforting her.The others looks relieved.Then after some time,Sensei finally arrived to us.

"I'm sorry for waiting for you all.Let me get to the point.I have two bad news and one good news.Which did you want to hear first?."

Everyone was puzzled after hearing the words 'bad news',including me.I'm sure that the good news is that Sensei already talk about the matter to the police and they will arrive here soon.But how about the bad news?.What's

more,two?.So the one bad news is about,

Yahiro-san?.Did something bad happen to her?.No,wait.How about the other one?.

While in the middle of my deep thoughts,

Ayumi-san spoke up.

"The good news first,Sensei."

I like to know the bad news first but since she already take in charge,it couldn't help.But my expectation was broke after Sensei announced the good news.

"The good news is that Yahiro seems alright.Even though she still not waking,we think that she was just sleeping.Maybe recovering her strength."

Everyone,except me,was relief after hearing the news.It seems they didn't understand the true meaning of that news.So if that's the case,I asked Sensei.

"How about the police,Sensei?."

"Ah.About that,it was a little bit complicated.To tell you the truth,it was one of the bad news."

Boom.Everyone drop their jaws after hearing that.

"Wha-what do you mean,Sensei?."

The one who immediately asked that is Hosokawa-san.It seems she already recover from crying.

"When I'm about to call the police,the principal request to me if the whole case can be keep as a secret among us.But-"

"What are.....you...saying?"

Hosokawa-san stand up and immediately said that before even before Sensei finish her explanation.I look up to her.I could see from her eyes.The disapppointment when she heard those words.In order to calm her down,I spoke up.

"Hosokawa-san,let Sensei to finish he explanation.There must be a meaning behind that."

"But Tomo-"


I called her name again but with a stronger tone this timw.After hearing that,she sit down and didn't say any words anymore.

"I know how you feel,Hosokawa but just like what Hashimoto said,there is a reason for that.The principal doesn't want to involve the police to avoid controversy and scandal about the school.If this case was put the public,then we are already done.The school will gonna shut down,since we will receive criticism from other people.Also,this may affect your status as a student.Some of you may already know what I mean with that,right?."

I kinda know what she is getting at.Not the school,but also us.Let say this school shut down.Then we have no choice but to transfer to other school.But of course,since the case was already in public,people around us will gonna ask us what happened.Knowing how society works,that may bother us as a students.

Meanwhile,Sensei continue to spoke up.

"But of course,we still need give appropiate justice for this case.That's why the principal asked if we can solve this case with ourselves.Of course,if we found out who is culprit,we will be confine them to police,but to avoid the public news,the principal will provide hes aid.You see,the principal once a former chief-inspector."

'Principal is a former chief inspector' I muttered.It seems like I was the only one who was surprised.Maybe because the others can't already think properly because of the trauma on this case.

Anyways,solve the murder case among us.Find the murderer.Bring her to the police,with the help of principal to avoid the public news.That's what Sensei want to happen.But....

"That's it.And the second bad news is that the electricity supply cut out.So we will not be able to use electric fans here and water here."

"Oh.I see.So that's the reason why the fan here are not working.It is because of the earthquake,Sensei?." asked by Kanakura-

san,while fanning herself with her right hand.

"That's right.The transformer might damaged while the earthquake is happening."

Well I kinda already expecting it since it was a strong earthquake.

"How about Yahiro-san?.Didn't she need some air?." asked by Hiten-san.

"Don't worry.The principal is there,fanning her with a cardboard."

After that,I short silence had occur.Some look relieved.Some look confused.Hosokawa-san looks both.Then after a while,Sensei spoke up.

"So did you understand now,Hosokawa?."

"Ye-yes.I'm sorry for all the commotion I made."

"All that said,how we will gonna solve this case?."

"I will."

Those words come from my mouth suddenly.

Everyone turn their heads to me.Then I repeat again.

"I will solve this case today,until the sunset.I will found out who killed Chinatsu-san."


Sensei gave an amusement reaction to my sudden declaration.

"Is there any reason why you need to take this case?."

"Well,is there someone here willing to volunteer here besides me?."

I asked everyone and look around.But no one answers or raise their hands.

"So you will be the detective,Hashimoto?."

"You can call it that."

There is another reason why I volunteer myself.After rejecting Chinatsu-san,I said to her that I will lend my hand and eart to her if there's a problem to her.But this time it's a little bit different.As she is not alive anymore.

"Of course,I will gonna ask everyone's testimony about what they are doing before the earthquake,as I'm in the canteen that time,reading a novel until the earthquake comes."

"But can you proved that,Hashimoto?.That you just stay in the canteen for the whole time until the earthquake happened?."

Everyone gave me a suspicious look.Come to think of it,I haven't see anyone in the canteen.Which means no one can prove my existence there.Meanwhile,Sensei continue.

"Of course,it's great that someone volunteer to investigate and solve this murder.But just because you volunteer doesn't mean you already free from suspicion.Anyone here can become the culprit afterall."

After saying that,everyone become intense and some look at me with sharp eyes,like Tachibana-san and Kanakura-san.Hmmmm.

Could it be that everyone are already suspecting me as the murderer?.Anyways,I spoke up to clear this matter.

"To be honest,no one can prove that I really stay in the canteen."

After I say those words,everyone suspicion to me had rised.However,I just ignored that and continue

"But someone at least saw me on what direction I came from when we headed to the basketball court after the earthquake occurs."

That's right.Someone saw me there,and I don't need to mention her name.Because she knew who I'm talking about.

"By someone,are you perhaps pertaining to me,Hashimoto-san?."

"That's right."

The one who asked that question is Ayumi-san.Yes,she is the one who saw me back then.Anyways,she continue.

"He's right.I saw him coming from the canteen.

After she confirmed that,somehow the suspicion to me had decrease.But suddenly,Kanakura-san asked.

"But what if you just pretend to come there,what if-"

She suddenly stopped talking as if she realized something.

"That's right,Kanakura-san.What you are saying may be true.But remember,the canteen is the farthest place to the classroom inside this school."

That's just also means that there's no way I would go to the classroom,kill Chinatsu-san and come back to the canteen like nothing happen.And the most important thing is that I don't have a motive.

"And lastly,I remember that I left the book I'm reading to one of the tables there.That will be also a proof that I'm there,reading a book.Of course,I haven't still get that since a crime happened and we are forced to stay here."

After saying that,it seems like everyone calm down and finally agreed to me.

"Okay.It seems like you have a solid alibi,Hashimoto.You didn't do anything after the earthquake and immediately go to the basketball court,right?." asked by Sensei

"Are you still doubting me?."

"Of course.Everyone here is a suspect,including me and the principal."

"Well that's true.Which is also means I will gonna also ask you some questions,Sensei."

"No problem for me."

Now that settles it.But before proceeding,I need a place to do the interview Also, someone who will might help me here.

"Ayumi-san,thank you very for proving at least my innocence here."

"No.I'm just saying the fact."

"How about you help in this case?."

"Me?.Am I really needed to solve this case?."

"Well,how should I put it."

Isn't always someone there to help the detective to solve the case?Just like in most detective fiction novels.I know that Yahiro-san would be the best choice for this case,but since she still not waking up,I have to choose someone.But then I again,maybe I can handle this with myself.

"Ah.Forget it,Ayu-"

"I understand.I will help you.Of course,I can provide my own alibi before accepting your offer."

Just when I'm about to reject the idea,she immediately accept my request.Since rejecting her would just make things confusing,I will just let things happen

I look around with my classmates.Who is the murderer among us?.Who killed to the girl I just rejected yesterday?.After asking those questions to my head,I proclaimed:

"For starters,how about we check the dead body itself?."