
Diary of the Elementalist [DROPPED]

He who controls the Elements, controls the world, Follow Leon in his journey, rising from the bottom, fighting enemies and chasing his dream to be the strongest, Welcome to the world of Eritrea.

Lonely_Neet · ファンタジー
18 Chs

Waking Up

As I came to, I found myself on a soft bed, the room has white walls, and a high ceiling.

While trying to get my head straight, I feel movement on my side, thinking it's Lana. I turn around, only to find Little Rat's face way too close for comfort.

"Bro, you are awake, thank god" he said with relief written all over his face.

"You're way to close" i answer

"Hahaha, it's good that you're awake, you've been asleep for almost a week" he said ignoring my words and leaning even closer.

I can only resing to my fate, i tell to myself right when his words hit me

"A week?!?!?, what the hell happened to me?" I asked, perplexed.

"Well, it goes like this" He cleared his throat and started to recount what happened after he managed to leave.

He ran at the top speed he could muster, avoiding every fight and sending those monsters that got close to him to float in the sky.

He ran all the way to the frontline, looking for someone from the school or another powerful person to ask for help.

At the moment that he reached there he was attacked by the Darkness Wolf, luckily for him, Lana's master intervened in time, saving his life. But the wolf managed to escape into the town.

The moment Lana saw him there alone, she knew something bad had happened, she asked her questions in quick succession, and he answered truthfully, she told her everything that had happened.

She didn't comment on what Reginald had done, neither did she tell on him, she just asked her teacher to save me.

His teacher said that he first needed to take care of the wolf, that we should go ahead, and he would catch up to them soon.

So him and Lana backtracked to the last place he saw me. Only to find some blood on the ground, but the two of them didn't know how to follow traces.

Seconds after they heard the screams of baldie and his companion, as they were making their way over, they were surrounded by a pack of goblins, humanoid beasts of 1.5 meters in height, with green skin and wielding crude weapons made of wood or stone. There were at least twenty or so around them.

As he prepared to fight them to the death, Lana started her attack, in a second a ring of ice spread outward from where she was standing, and all the goblins got frozen over, shattering in million pieces a moment after.

Looking at her in surprise, she said

"That was the skill Ring of Ice, it was given to me by teacher"

He was surprised, but understood, the resources that a big organization has is inimaginable to a common elementalist.

They resumed their run toward where the wolf was, hoping that the monster would be killed fast so that the old man could manage to save my life from the two servants.

As they reached where the wolf was, they saw the old man finishing off the beast, and me, laying on the ground, pale faced and barely breathing.

Several wounds covered my body, including four nasty gashes on my back, from where the bones could be seen.

They screamed my name while they approached but when they reached next to me I had fainted. As they start to take care of my wound, Teacher Saras came near them and said,

"His mana pool is on the verge of collapsing, he should have overused his energy to survive this long, even if you heal his wounds if you don't treat the damage done to his pool, he will be wasted"

And as he said this, he took a pill bottle from a storage ring and fed it to me.


"And that's how we ended here, Lana and her teacher already left for Ignis, going back to their headquarters" he informed me.

"By the way, you should look in the mirror" he added with a hint of envy in his voice.

I got up, and walked up to the mirror, only to see an extranger looking back at me.

"It... It's this me?" i asked myself perplexed,

The guy in the mirror wasn't the small, thin guy I remembered, my height had increased, reaching about 1.85 meters. My thin frame was no more, now a healthy amount of muscle covered my body, not a big amount but my back had doubled in size. My green eyes looked more vibrant like a light was hidden inside them, and my brown hair, which used to look like dirty straw, now grew shiny and full of life. And my skin didn't look sickly like it used to be.

"What happened to me?" I asked Little Rat, curious as to why I would change so much in only a week.

"It's because of the pill Mister Saras gave you, it was a Mana Pool Tempering pill, aside from reforming and strengthening your mana pool, the remaining energy tempered your body, resulting in your current looks"

I checked inside my body and indeed, my mana pools were in tip top condition, nothing like what they looked after the fight with the wolf and baldie.

"It's a shame I couldn't say thanks in person, and also couldn't say goodbye to Lana" I say.

"It doesn't matter, we will certainly meet her again" he answered.

As we were talking I started feeling hungry, after not having eaten for a week.

We go out to see that the city is back to its usual liveliness, no signs of the beast horde could be seen anymore.

We stop by a stall to eat some barbecued meat, as we are eating, we hear a disgusting laugh.

"Look who woke up, if it isnt Leon, that pill was really wasted, after all, after offending the Goldstein family, you won't live long" Mark said as he appeared in front of us.

"We will see about that, don't go hiding again, like in the beast horde, I heard you were caught in a brothel while your family was fighting in the frontline. Such a waste of a good crystal" Little Rat spat back.

"You both really like to play with fire, let's see when you will get burned" he said, his face distorted by shame.

After saying those words he left.

"Seems like the little dog is gonna try and bite us" i tell Little Rat amused

"He can try, he's gonna lose his teeth" he answered grinning.

We finished our food and left for the inn to rest for the day.