
Diaries Of Dark Entanglements: Balance and Power

Our story begins on a planet called Gieă in a Continent called 'Eclispe of the Oceans' where chaos slowly unfolds with its influence slowly spreading into the entire world. This is a slow-paced story that follows multiple characters shaped ruthlessly by desires and passion. A young dragon princess thirsty for acknowledgement, A prisoner breaking free from fate, A shadow who would die for his master, A light without a source and a question without an answer. Some fight for power, some fight to destroy, some fight to save, some fight for freedom, some fight for love, some fight for vengeance and some fight from duty. They all bleed, some of them fall, some grow and some lose sight of their purpose while consciously or unconsciously trying to find one thing,.. Balance. In a world riddled by chaos where 'good people and bad people' have been replaced by the terms 'winners or losers', where greed determines justice and vanity replaces passion, where energies conflicts, wars emerge and ruthlessness gets imprinted by experience into the hearts of even the most innocent and brave heroes. They stand for their desire and themselves with a riddle left unanswered from the very beginning of time,.. "What truly is balance?.." Follow our main characters through their dramatic struggles for answers as the choices they make influences themselves and their world. THIS IS A SLOW-PACED STORY AND THERE WOULDN'T BE LOTS OF ACTION SCENES AT THE BEGINNING BUT AS TIME PROGRESSES, SCENES LIKE THIS WOULD BE MORE COMMON. TRUST ME, THIS IS A STORY WORTH THE INVESTMENT OF READING!.

94 Chs


***In one of the Seven arms of the Imperial Court,-The Coastal Clan's territory..

***Within the walls of Lee ThoDanłł Clan's territory..

     The hosting of the Imperials amongst their midst is is done in the Clan's central grounds in a very pristine hall with its walls made entirely from Blue-black moonlight jade and its broad floors made from an artistic combination of tiles that shows the Clan's prestigious symbol.

     There is currently a quiet and noble feast going on in this broad hall and it's theme is to the arrival of the Imperials. Three tables carved from wood and a golden-brown metal are seen on the floors with ten black throne-like Club chairs arranged spaciously on both sides of each long table.

     Sitted quietly and patiently on these chairs were a shuffled yet well thought arrangement of the Lee ThoDanłł Clan's prestigious Core Elders, a select few Concubines of the Patriarch and Monarch, a set of the Clan's rising talents and a select few Young Masters and Mistresses of the Clan. Everything looks so orderly and toned that it's almost animated yet this mood is perfectly maintained by the unmoving people seated around the tables.

     Above the ground floor of this vast hall lies an indoor balcony connected to the wall. A much more elegant table than the ones on the ground sits on this floor and a much more expensive and luxurious feasts sits on this table in a glorious arrangement.

     Four people with heavy identity robes and even heavier auras were sitted behind this table on true throne chairs. With the Biggest and most luxurious thrones and at the Centre of the group lies Imperial Consort Tamara and True Imperial Princess Seflim then sitted by their Sides in much humbled thrones lies the Patriarch of the Lee ThoDanłł Clan(Lee ThoDanłł Sirius Zaki) and the Monarch of the Lee ThoDanłł Clan(Lee ThoDanłł Tylaria Zia).

Behind this PowerPoint of a group or rather, standing seven steps behind Princess Seflim is the Gold Radiant Knight standing like a statue with the eyes of his lion shaped helmet giving a chilling Ruby red glow.

     The roof in the hall is distant -even from the indoor balcony- and the lighting in the room comes from traditional and powerful lanterns that gives a soft glows of light and natural energies.

     Unlike most feasts, every table was completely quiet and nobody was touching the countless foods on the tables as they kept their eyes forward and their expressions calm with their hands to themselves.

     "Your Sincerity, may I propose a toast to your honour?..", Monarch Lee ThoDanłł Tylaria Zia says humbly with her voice echoing across the hall from the balcony as she holds up a small exquisite jade cup forward with both hands.

     "I would be pleased..", True Imperial Princess Seflim responds with a hint of a smile showing on the end of her lips.

     Nodding a bow, Monarch Tylaria and Patriarch Sirius Simultaneously stands up from their throne chairs with a small traditional wine jade cup in their grasp. Standing tall on the balcony, they both look forward and downwards at the rows of table below and then Monarch Tylaria speaks in a calm voice that continues an equal amount or respect and a subtle excitement however fake.

     "Today, the Lee ThoDanłł Clan has been blessed by the arrival of Imperial Royalty. We have had the honour of welcoming Imperial Consort Belisiûm Tamara into our humbled grounds and now we have the honours to raise our cups to the name of True Imperial Princess Andruv-ö- Neil Seflim..", -The Monarch says with her voice spring clear and at this junction of her speech, all seated below rises uniformly to their feet with small golden wine cups held upright in both their hands and their bodies pushed forward in humility.

     "..This moment would forever go down in our history and this grounds would never out-live the bravery of daring to host such prestige. As a toast to this moment, we dare say 'Blessings from the heavens for your Grace your Elegance- and History to your exalted steps your Sincerity..'"- Monarch Tylaria toasts.

     "Blessings from the heavens for your Grace your Elegance- and History to your exalted steps your Sincerity!..", Everyone below echoes uniformly as they stretch their cups more forward and bow a little lower.

     "Blessings also to the hosting myriads..", Imperial Consort Tamara says nobly as she takes up a small and filled patterned jade cup off the table before calmly bringing it to her lips behind the netty veil.

     Noiselessly, she takes a sip of the wine's very rich and fragrant flavours before calmly bringing the cup back to the table.

     Seflim also takes up her cup and takes a small sip before putting it back down.

     "Thank you for your Grace..", Patriarch Sirius says before calmly gulping down his entire cup of wine.

     "We are humbled before your words..", Monarch Tylaria speaks and then drinks her wine down to the last drop then she puts down her small jade cup.

     "Thank you your Grace, we are humbled before your words..", Those below echo uniformly before also drinking their wines.

     The Patriarch and Monarch sits back down and then the people below uniformly sits back down seconds after.

     'Wow..', Princess Seflim couldn't help but be internally impressed with the uniformness and elite 'boot-licking' skills on display.

     Before this visit, she has already attended two other events as far as the Coastal Clan territory is involved yet none of them come even remotely close to this level at anything but this isn't necessarily a good thing.

      They show zero political flaws to exploit and they have shown their strenght over and over again in a subtle but bold manner. Their stance is clear, there are two leaders and the rest are followers. Nothing would work with the approval of only one of them and Everything is settled with both of them in approval.

     Their Clan follows a very strict order where they all rise not in the presence of power but only when their leaders rise and they all sit not when due but only when their leaders do. They speak only the words their leaders speak and she has even noticed that they are all deliberately breathing at the same pace as that of their leaders!.

     The wine she had just tasted has a sweet yet sour taste with a faint spring cherry after-taste. From her politics and spiritual arts lessons, the sweet-sour means in a neutral position but the cherry aftertaste indicate plans of not getting involved till the bloom of their own 'spring'.

     What is this so-called spring they are waiting for before getting involved?.

     It's surprising how much meaning and messages completely subtle things in the setting have passed on to them without words being said and in the reading of all of this, Seflim is just a beginner. She wonders how much more her mother have discovered from thing she didn't notice.

     The toast has been done, the people below have already begun eating in a silent and cultured manner and the people above just watched on not at all touching their luxurious feast.

     Imperial Consort Tamara looked completely indifferent but she silently passes on a message to the Gold Radiant Knight five steps behind her and in the background.

     *HUM*.. A small pulse of energy comes out of the unmoving Gold Radiant Knight's armour and without the knowledge of everyone sitting below, a Rank-Six probe-proof bubble formed around the entire hall balcony where they were sitting.

     No matter what movement or sound is made, those below would hear nothing and only see the indifferent figures of Seflim, Tamara, Monarch Tylaria and Patriarch Sirius and wouldn't even be able to sense the fact that It's all nothing but an illusion.

     Monarch Tylaria and Patriarch Sirius notices this subtle move pulled by Imperial Consort Tamara and turned to her calmly without showing much of their thoughts on their faces.

     "I have read through your Clan's prosperous story and the values that bound you all together and as someone who gives credit when due I would have to admit that It's intriguing,.. exceptional infact.", Imperial Consort Tamara says calmly as she reaches out to a Chill-Berry on the feast table before elegantly rolling it into her mouth.

     "You flatter us your Elegance..", Monarch Tylaria says with a small smile that's anything but genuine.

     "..then I'm afraid I'm passing the wrong message!.", Imperial Consort Tamara immediately responds as she calmly turns her gaze to Monarch Tylaria who couldn't help but lift a brow.

     Six Seconds ticks by with political tension building as everybody around the table tries to figure out as much as they can from words exchanged and tones but the silenceis soon broken.

     *Breaths in deeply*.. "May I ask you Monarch Tylaria about what promises a promising future?..", Tamara asks calmly with a clear and majestic tone while leaving subtle hints in her mannerism.

     Starting the question with a may is a show of respect to their opinions and addressing her as 'Monarch Tylaria' instead of plain 'Tylaria' is a show of acknowledgement.

     Tamara had just put out hints they are sure to grab and this hints are telling them to scrap out the need to be overly courteous from this current conversation and their other possible relations.

     "It depends on what future you ask of, is it as a Cultivator, as a gathering or in plain relations?..", Monarch Tylaria asks calmly. She has obviously gotten the hints from Tamara's last statement as she cuts off the over-exerting salutes and flatters while leaving behind only a very respectful tone.

     "I would rather them all, infact let me give a scenario -One very relatable,.. Patriarch Sirius this question should go mostly to you-. Seventy-five years ago, what factors did you consider to promise the future you now have on your hands?.", Tamara asks while shifting her posture forward to look more intimidating yet attentive as she fluidly adds the Patriarch into the conversation.

     "My own talent, My own foresight and my own will for greater..", Patriarch Sirius answers almost immediately with calm confidence rather than arrogance in his tone.

     "..But not everybody with those things I have made it to my position. Talent without drive and resources is a waste, foresight without direction is a tragedy and will for greater without the mind-set to risk is more than a little pathetic.", Patriarch Sirius continues speaking and one could feel the maturity in his tone as he gives his answer.

     Consort Tamara nods her had calmly in approval though she didn't seem too impressed as such answers from someone of his status is well expected.    

     "..With a mind like yours and a drive like yours then I believe I'm just stating the obvious when I say that you see yourself in an even greater position in the next century..", Consort Tamara says calmly but there's no response this time as she continues speaking.

     "..You became a High Rank Six Alchemist at the age of just two hundred and eight and you with this shocking speed of advancement, you beat expectations by over eighty years!. With the full help of an established alchemist of your level, your gloriously talented Partner(*Looks at Monarch Tylaria*) breaks the barrier most considers impossible and became a High Rank Six Mage at the age of two hundred and fifty-two.", Consort Tamara states the facts while Seflim makes some quick calculations in her head.

     This facts that her mother(Consort Tamara) has stated are what makes this Clan and it's leaders so very important to the political future of the Imperial Court - her future-. Unlike other Clans  that mostly major in martials or mercenary, the Lee ThoDanłł Clan majors in something more distinct and with a value that can't be measured in gems. They majored in alchemy!.

     They are a three generation successful Alchemy Organisation with a bit of martials and they have somehow managed to survive long enough in the Continent without unbreakable bonds with stronger influences. An alchemist worth is indispensable to any influential Cultivation or party talk-more  a fleet of thousands of alchemist!, then talk-more up to a few dozen High Rank Alchemist in their midst!!!.

     Their Current leaders(Patriarch Lee ThoDanłł Sirius and Monarch Tylaria Zia) are even more valuable in the grand scheme than the entire Clan combined. One of them(Patriarch Sirius) is a Rank Six Alchemist!, the other(Monarch Tylaria) is a Rank Six Mage!. Meaning both of them are just one step away from breaking into the legendary and almost impossible Rank known as the Saint Rank!.

     If the value of a loyal High Rank Six cannot be measured then the value of A SAINT cannot even be comprehended talk-more of two Saints and an Alchemist Clan!.

     One would have to know that way less than One percent of talented Cultivator stand a chance of breaking into the High Rank(Rank four) and out of those pathetic numbers, less than 0.1 percent would ever stand a chance for future advancements talk-more going as far as Rank Six!.

     These two leaders although vastly talented may never come close to the impenetrable barrier dividing the SAINTS from the high Ranks but they still have a much higher chance than others on their levels and the mere hope of this breakthrough ever happening makes them invaluable!.

     Thinking of all this and knowing how much of an advantage the loyal partnership of this Clan to her mother's plight can bring made Seflim feel odd with the conversation as she knows it's very unlikely for such 'partnership' to strike home.

     They may be rich but compared to the competitors, they honestly have nothing. The benefits they could offer isn't exactly on a scale big enough to attract the loyalty of such a Clan and the risks involved in a open partnership may earn the harsh fire of the opposition and this flames are something they can't guard against or atleast not without the influence of a Saint amongst them.

     This is exactly the reason for the Cherry after-taste in the sweet-sour wine. They aren't willing to get involved till their spring arrives and this spring turns out to be an almost impossible hope at a breakthrough.

     Sipping lightly on her wine once more, Seflim seems to fade on the background as the on-going conversation between the 'adults' continued.



     "..As long as you stay without compromises from the Court then I acknowledge the fact that you plan to remain neutral.

     "In my current position I'm afraid it's too much to ask for your open alliance but I will ask again and probably much sooner than you may expect and when I do, I promise you wouldn't need to hesitate to give answers because the board would be set for all to see and you would see clearly a bigger but much risky bet and a safer but less rewarding one. Given your history I hope you wouldn't stutter as you make the right choice!..", Consort Tamara says with Majesty and practiced Confidence of a fellow Rank Six Cultivator in her voice.

     "We can drink to that your Elegance..", Patriarch Sirius says as he lifts his small jade cup in the air with one hand while subtly avoiding the need to give a direct response.

     Monarch Tylaria also lifts up her cup with a small smile. Imperial Consort Tamara does the same and the Seflim slowly does the same.

     "To the future!..", True Imperial Princess Seflim calmly toasts in a voice beyond mere nobility and in a tone beyond mere authority and confidence.

     "To the future!..", The rest around the table calmly echoes before taking sips of their wines as the probe-proof bubble around them slowly dissolved into nothingness with nobody ever noticing any word ever being said!.



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