
Chapter 1


An 18 year old looking woman sat in a comfortable armchair. She had long white hair and was around 1.5 metres tall. Her figure was better than that of most models and her eyes shone in a bright green colour. She had a book in her hand and sighed.

"Okay, I'm officially too bored. Drull, Lilia and Ilza are also already dead. Ilza lived the longest. A lot of things also happened. Aeron is now spanning over the whole planet and the technology made a spurt into a industry time, just without the pollution. Magic and all that", she suddenly said with a laugh.

She then pushed a button and a maid came shortly after inside the room.

"Yes my goddess?", asked the maid with a bow.

"July, do you like to work for me?", the woman asked. This confused the maid. She knew that her master and god was special and had quite a few unusial habits, but such a question was unusual.

"Y..yes my goddess. I really like to work for you, there is nothing that would give a citizen of Aeron more honour than to directly serve you", she answered after a short pause.

"Is that so? Please send a message to the current queen or king. I have something important to tell her or him. And also come along and please inform the other employees", the woman said and the maid left.

"Well then, a new adventure, let's see what it will be like", mused the woman and then waited in silence.

It didn't take long and a man in robes and a dozen other people came inside.

"It's an honour to finally meet you my goddess", said the man and bowed deeply.

"Likewise, I have sent for you all, because I want to tell you that I'm leaving", said the woman and gasps of shock came from each person who heard her.

"Wh..what? My goddess, why?", asked the same maid, who left earlier.

"I'm bored, I want to experience something new and as such decided to step beyond the living", was the answer she got and a few were so shocked that they fell down.

"My goddess..., do you want to say that you're going to die?", asked the king.

"Indeed, I'm going to kill myself. Death is something that always interested me. I know spells that can make death undone, but none that could tell me what happens after your own death. Is it a dreamless dream? Do we get reincarnated? Or is there a place beyond death? No one knows and I want to know", confirmed the woman and a people began to cry in sorrow. They never expected their goddess to leave them. She was always there, for thousands of years. Always there and helping if something too problematic arose.

"Did we do something wrong?", asked a butler.

"No, this is something that I decided long ago, long ago before even the death of Lilia, Ilza and Drull", said the woman and smiled, fond of the memory.

The others now knew why their goddess wants to do that. She changed after the death of her few precious people. They were the only ones who really know her, as far as stories go. They died a few thousand years ago and their goddess did nothing than reading since then. Always sitting or lying in her armchair and reading.

"We...we understand. It will be hard, but we understand", said the head maid between sobs.

"But what about Aeron?", asked the king. He had no contact with the woman and as such didn't know her as good as her servants do.

"Aeron is old enough to work on its own. I haven't done anything in the last seventy years, anything that might come won't need me. You, like most other kings and queens before you have done a good job", said the woman with a reassuring smile.

The king didn't know what to say. On the one hand, his goddess is telling him that he is a good king and that is a giant compliment. On the other hand he is the king who has to manage the problems that will come with her disappearance.

"I have set up a speech for you, that will explain everything. It has my Siegel and the head priestess is also informed that such a thing might happen", was the answer of the woman and the king could only nod.

��Well then, it was nice and keep your heads up", was the last thing before the woman vanished in a bright white light.

She re-materialised a few hundred kilometres outside of the city, far away from any sentient being.

"Well then, suicide like I always wanted to do," mused the woman, before her whole body glowed and runes became visible, before they all vanished.

She then took something that strangely resembled a shotgun out of nowhere and put the muzzle at her ear.

She then held the trigger for a couple of minutes and then let loose. A giant beam of blue light engulfed her head and destroyed everything that came in contact with it. But the beam didn't stop after her head, it continued and destroyed a large part of the forest. Some might want to say that this is overkill, but she clearly knew that this was the least she had to do, if she wants to kill herself in one shot.

Black Space;

"Huh, didn't expect that, a black space with nothing inside. Nothing to feel and nothing to do", said the woman who found herself inside pure nothingness. Only her thoughts were with her.

Suddenly a blue screen popped up in front of her.

System detects the death of the user.

Please wait, the system will check for updates....

The system found an old version(1.0002), do

you want to proceed with the update?


The woman did the only right thing and clicked on yes. A new screen popped up with terms and other things. Naturally she skipped them all and clicked on the "Yes I have read the terms and agree" button.

A new window came in front of her view.

Please read the terms, they are important.

She sighed and did. It was much and most of it was not important. Only things such as "don't copy that", "all rights are with the omnipresent being" and such things. Until she came to the section with new.

Version 2.56 allows the user to select between

a wide array of worlds to be reincarnated in.

These worlds differ in difficulty and game system.

Some have Qi, or Mana and others none or both.

The user is able to adjust the body, the world,

the difficulty and a few extras.

This version also fully acts with the bonus points

system from Version 1.68. Bonus points will be

deducted or granted after death....

The rest wasn't nearly as interesting, but she had to read it nonetheless.

She finished a millennium, at least for her, later and was finally allowed to click on the proceed button. A loading screen came into view and a few seconds later the "download" was finished.

The nothingness then changed into a white room with a computer in the middle. Nothing else was inside the room, so she walked over to the pc and looked at the screen. A blue screen was on it.

Does the User wish to keep his/her memories

after reincarnation?


The woman clicked on yes and had to confirm it three times, before the next window came.

Welcome User.

Please select a world

you want to be reincarnated within.


She clicked on proceed and a new screen plopped up.

The User was lastly in a Very Easy world.

Please choose the difficulty.

-Very Hard




-Very Easy

-Only for pussies

"That might explain much", mused the woman, before she clicked on normal.

A new window came.

The User chose Normal.

Please select a possibility.

-Random World

-SyFy World

-Fantasy World (Mana)

-Fantasy World (Qi)

-Fantasy World (Mana and Qi)

-Fantasy World (No Qi and Mana)

-One Piece World

-Star Gate World

-Bleach World

-Naruto World

-Warhammer World

-Soul Eater World

-Fable World

-UQ Holder World



She briefly looked at Very Hard but closed it after reading things like; Higurashi no Naku Koro ni, Berserk, Warhammer 40K, Dark Souls, Onimusha or Left for Dead. It also had the standart things like Random Worlds.

"I always wanted to be in a Naruto-Universe, so I think I'll select that", she said out loud and did as she said.

A new screen came and showed the possible time.

The User chose Naruto World

Naruto, a world with Qi, there named Chakra.

It is a world in constant war and can be very brutal.

Humans learned to harness Chakra and use it for the

enhancement of their body and for skills that can

be deemed as magic. Like illusions, or fireballs.

The main protagonist is called Naruto, he is a Jinchuriki.

Junchuriki means Human Sacrifice and describes a human

who contains a Biju, a tailed beast or Chakra entity.

Play in the world of Naruto and change the world, or watch

as it goes it's normal ways.

Please chose the time of your reincarnation.

-Kaguya's Reign

-Sage of the Six Path

-Waring Time

-First Great Ninja War

-Second Great Ninja War

-Third Great Ninja War

-Years of Peace

-Fourth Great War

-Great Peace after the Great War


"I choose Years of Peace, which should be the time of Naruto's childhood. I know most of this time and it is the most interesting".

The next screen showed possible characters. Every main character that is born at this time was shown. From Sasuke, over Sakura and Naruto to Hinata and even Haku.

"I choose Naruto. His Biju and Bloodline will be really helpful. Downsides are his childhood and Akatzuki. But I will handle that".

The next screen asked me about the extra difficulty of the childhood. It also informed me about possible alternatives in the story with this choice. The normal setting is on normal. So being shunned and not allowed to buy anything in most shops is normal? What is Very Hard?

Do I want to play Very Hard? I do want some changes in the story, but am I ready for very hard? Well, I can always kill myself and start over^^. Mused the woman in her head.

She clicked on Very Hard and a new Screen came.

The System will now look for any Achievements....

Achievements found, processing granted and deduced points....

Granted Points

1000 Points for reaching Godhood

100 Points for creating a lasting Empire

10 Points for winning a war.

1 Point for Graduation from a main school.

50 Points for Archiving the Rank of

"Destroyer of All Chicken"

20 Points for helping thousands of slaves

and orphans.


- 500 Points for a genocide on a race

- 50 Points for eating Children

- 20 Points for killing Millions of Chicken

- 300 points for Manipulating countless People

- 1 Point for kicking a cat

- 20 Points for torturing people

- 50 Points for fondling countless breasts without

the consent of their owners.


Result: User has 350 Points left.

Does the User want to keep his/her Points?


"I really have Points?", she said with a disbelieving laugh and clicked on Yes.

Again a screen plopped up.

Please choose one or more boni for your next game.

10 Points;

The User is allowed to keep his/her inventory

The User gets a few staring items in his/her inventory

20 Points;

Large Mana/Qi Capacity

Mastery Book about






50 Points;

The User is allowed to keep 5 skills on his/her Max LV

The User is allowed to keep a special trait about

his/her body

100 Points;


- Sharingan

- Biakugan

- Boil Release


150 Points;

Legendary Bloodlines;

- Rinnegan

- Mokuton

- Jügo's Bloodline

- Bone Release


200 Points;

Mythical Things

- Rinne-Sharingan

- Immortality(long livety)


300 Points

Body Pack;

- Body of Kaguya Ootsutsuki

- Body of Resurected Madara

- Body of Fourth War Kabuto

- Body of Ying Sasuke


- Body of Yang Naruto

500 Points

Godly Skills;

- Mastery over all and any Chakra,

- Mastery over all Elements

- Mastery over Natural Energy


"So many choices and only 350 points. The inventory and 5 skills are a must. That automatically kicks the 300 point and above things out. I also like to learn Fujinjutsu, so another 20 Points are gone. That leaves me with 270 points. A lot, I could take the Rinne-Sharingan. It's extremely strong, but would I have my eye on my forehead or would I have two in my normal eye sockets?

I think I'll better decide that later. For now I also like to keep a special trait about my body", said the woman out loud and then clicked on the inventory, the skill, the Fujinjutsu Book and the special trait button.

Four windows came into view. They all asked for a second confirmation, to which she agreed.

And then two new windows came.

Please choose five skills.

1 Distant View

2 Apokalypse

3 No Limits

4 Prodigy over Prodigy´s

5 Sensitivity

6 Calm Mind

7 Math

8 Mana Sensing

9 Mana Manipulation

10 Bodytransformation also partially

11 Bodyenhancement

12 Fly

13 Gardening

14 Drawing

15 Poison Resistance

16 Cooking

17 Petting

18 Coin Throwing

19 Weapon Enhancement

20 Language of Kirk

21 Persuade

22 Liar

23 Actor

24 Eavesdropping

25 Empathy

26 Sneaking

27 Fast Reader

28 Memorize

29 Identification

30 Blacksmith

31 Climbing

32 Aiming

33 Javelin Throwing

34 Throwing

35 3D Movement

36 Insensitivity to Pain

37 Archery

38 More Than one Arrow?

39 Dodge

40 Fist Fighting

41 Sword Mastery

42 Diving

43 Sewing

44 Fine Nose

45 Furrier

46 Voice Actor

47 Poker Face

48 Knitting

49 Painting/Art

50 Dressing

51 Orating

52 Enchanting

53 Lock picking

54 Trap Spotting

55 Trap Disarming

56 Heat resistance

57 Carving

58 Alchemy

59 Traiding

60 Hammer Mastery

61 Axe Mastery

62 Mana Zone

63 Laser of Death

64 Language of Pralara

65 Language of Kirika

66 Ultra ultimate high Mana Manipulation

67 Ultra ultimate high Sensitivity

68 Rune Artificer

69 Lipreading

70 Singing

71 Libido

72 Braiding

73 Perception

74 Abducting

75 Multitasking

76 Teaching

77 Shield

78 Language of Japan

78 Decipher

78 Runes of Summoning

80 Language of Tai Sung

81 Language Comprehension

82 Qi Sensing

83 Language of Driala ....

Please choose a special trait.

- Immunity to any and all slavery contracts

- Immunity to any and all hostile mana

- Above godly mana capacity

- Affinity for all Elements

- Ability to change the gender at all times

- Thought based magic

- A body without a Limit

"Hmm, five skills.... I think [Calm Mind] is a must, I don't want to act differently than I did the last millennia. Then [Acting] for hiding my strength, [Insensitivity to Pain] against all the things that might happen during my childhood and ninja life, [Language of Japan] because that is the spoken Language in Naruto and lastly [Qi Sensing] because I want to start with my cultivation the fastest possible way.

And my special body trait will be [ A body without a Limit]. The others are either useless or can't be used", said the woman, while she clicked on each skill she wanted.

"Okay, I now have 220 points left. I think I'll take the Rinne-Sharingan and Large Qi Capacity. This will boost my Usumaki and Jinchuriki Chakra capacity again, making me an even bigger chakra monster", concluded the woman and clicked on accept after purchasing all things she wanted.

A countdown then came into view and everything went black as it reached zero.

It was suddenly warm and she heard a beating sound that strangely sounded like a heart.

I think I'm inside of Kushina's womb. Thought the now unborn baby.

Suddenly she felt a pull and her last thought before she was born was.

Fuck that feels uncomfortable, when your skull bones have to move and your bones break, because your mother is too slim.
