
Starving Devour Gu

Thump! Thump! Thump! 

The Teeth of the Godlike beast shatters out. Spitting a stream of blood all over the place. The Black Blood shakes with Sorrow. It was stuck like that for so many years. 

His Name was Devour Gu, the Number 1 Rank Gu from the beginning. When even the oldest humans ever had not yet existed. Even All Other's fear it.

The Reason being was its power. Simply put, he had the ability to devour and consume the trait's of another's. Making all other Gu worms fear it, for Prophecy and Fate gu had predicted that it would eat them all!

Being deduced the exact location and date of birth he would be born in, all the other Gu worms had sent an agent to butcher him. He was a potential danger to their peace more than that fool Zu Ren could ever do. 

Even Fate Gu himself told everyone! and he is Fate Gu! breaking away his Gu like natures of all knowingness to save himself!

Thus, they all made slavery gu send an Immemorial Beast and 3 other Ancient Desolate beast that were enslaved by Slavery Gu go look in moon. The place where it would be born.

One of them, ate the Devour Gu and Absorbed his bloodline. Gaining the ability to absorb another's traits. 

It somehow broke the grasps of slavery gu and began to eat other beasts to gain more power. 

Within 8 short years, Evolved into a Rank 8 Immemorial Beast and then Rank 9 Venerated Beast! The Oversized brain of his that he got from eating the brains of others increased the speed of learning dao, Only a century later he fully mastered the dao of space becoming a Rank 9 Dao Lord Beast.

Even though the Ultimate Gu, Devour Gu was beyond the realms of rank 10 the limits of the all things! It was devoured at birth! fused into its bloodline.

But somehow keeping its Aura, it used it to break free from the Enslavement Dao within him. Screwing over the 10000 Origins Gu anyways...

Although it's ability has lessened to rank 9, it's ability to absorb all things let the Ancient Desolate Beast all the way to rank 10, and then Beyond That! 

A Couple of Seconds later, the blood of the Ancient Desolate Beast begins to bubble up. It began to expand rapidly untill it reaches the size of a basketball. 

An Eye appears within the Blood Ball, so was the teeth of the Ancient Desolate Beast. Forming a bloodbath with many teeth. 

Formation Complete! Devour Gu has been reborn again! How many years had it been had he see something that is not filled with Red? Flowing through the Veins of the Beast for billions of years! 

A tear well's from its eye. It was Color! he can see other colors again! The Blue Sky! The White Clouds! The Sun! Oh praise the Sun! Everything was immense!

Before he can enjoy the vast color, He has something to take care of! Making sure that bastard is dead and mutilating it's Body! 

It hovers back to the mouth of the Ancient Desolate Beast and began eating it. It was hungry, the billions of years of starvation made him hunger! 

Eating the Beast Corpse, it began to grow skin, a black rubbery skin. then, some tentacles and tendrils. His physique is leveling up to counter other predator's. At least, that's what he thinks he is doing. 

Suddenly... Veins around the Beast Corpse Bulged and Contracts Within. Then Suddenly, it Rapidly Expands as if something was trying to escape this body. 

Just as Devour Gu had finished the Face of the Ancient Desolate Beast. A Huge Mass of Orbs of Lights flew out through the Sky! 

It was Immortal Gus! Anger Gu, Happiness Gu, Friendship Gu, Pride Gu, Lust Gu, Hatred Gu, Vendetta Gu, Mountain Explosion Gu, Hope Gu, Analyse and System Gu! 

More Orbs of Light Bursts out of its body as Devour Gu stares at the Glowing lights, Dazed for but a moment. Are those... Immortal Gus!? 

"They are getting away!" It quickly thought as It Sprints out into the air with its powerful tentacles. 

He needs them now! according to a tiny bit of the Beast's Brain there are humans here! and they have the power to capture him! Being used once again, The thought of that scared him.

Although, many of them are weak they somehow becomes... stronger!? And they can somehow capture us! 

Right now, there it seems the world has many weaker Gu worms emerging as time goes on within his world. He does not even know how many years it had been, but it was an eternity! 100 times longer than when the first Lower Ranked Gu starts appearing.

If that is the Case, he can only "assume" one thing! He must get the Immortal Gu's more than anything! not even the gigantic brain of the Ancient Desolate Beast is worth it.

It flings itself into the Air and Devours the Aura of Greed Gu with a chomp! It's Eyes glows with Greed as the Many Tendrils in his body flies out in many directions. 

Thus began a Massacre of Immortals! Butchering Immortal Gu's left and right! The many Gu worms accumulated throughout the Years was huge! there was at least a Thousand Immortal Gu Worms! Ranked 6 to 9.

While Devour Gu was going on a killing spree, A black disk appears in the sky. Within the Black Disk, An Enormous Hand descends from the disk. The size of the hand was so big that it could put two to three Mountain Ranges within its palm. 

Analyze Gu, System Gu, Venerated Self Gu, Supreme fetus Gu, Dao marks Gu, Strength Gu, all sorts of their corpses fell down from the skies! 

The former body of the Ancient Desolate Beast had a Strength beyond the Skies! No ordinary Rank 9 Gu worms could escape from his grasp.

The Devour Gu was so mad with power, trying to kill all of his former mates, That he did not notice the Giant Hand Coming from the Sky. Untill He stabbed Hatred Gu, Lust Gu, and Hope Gu in one shot, while looking directly at the sun. 

The Little Beast looked into the sky with shock and horror. It backed away for half a dozen breathes untill he realizes that he must leave! now! 

"THE HANDS OF GOD HAS BESEECH THEES." A Booming Voice erupts the mountain. He cannot afford to let out a dozen or so Venerated Gu Worms to run free. 

Saying so, The Giant Hand Sinks itself into the ground. The Entire Palm sweeping into the Entire Mountain Range. It's going to swallow up the entire mountain

A Massive Shock flashes through his eyes! "What the hell is that thing!"

Panicking with fear, It quickly shoots out a long tentacle on a nearby hill. Attempting to grab it so it can get away from this thing. 

It was all done of natural instincts! Now that he had the Body of The Ancient Desolate Beast, he would naturally fear the previous thing that killed it.

He flings out into the Air. Flying towards the mountain with astounding speed. 

But just as he was about to escape, a wierd tunnel of air pulled him backwards! It was as if he fell underwater and was gravitating back up! 

No Immortal Gu, Man, Or thing can escape from this grasp! Every Immortal Gu, Living Things, And Even Humans where shot out straight from their apertures and houses. 


God's angry, and he is fixing his mistakes. He had maybe added one too many Overpowered Gu Worms in the beginning, and screwed it all up. 

He had assumed they developed just like Gu Zhen Ren's. The Lazy God did not manage the Gu Worms well for many years. Instead skipping time for a couple billion years or so. 

The Hand rises up into the Air with a palm full of dirt and soil. A small black bubble appears within the mountain. Air begins to flow through it, as the light distorts. 

It was a Black Hole! sucking up everything within the mountain. The Cows, The Wolves, the Patriarch, all things grey! Transporting them through space and time!

A Boy, burning with green lights from his body flies towards the Black hole. It was Ma Hong Yun! 

With an Unprecedented luck encountering the Luck Consuming Gu. It fills his body with a green aura, while dangerously close to the Black hole. With his luck, the air bubble accidentally pushes him and gu worm way farther than the rest. 

Escaping from the Black hole! All the way into another mountain where he lands on some hay the size of a skyscraper. Now back to the devour gu.

Devour Gu was crying, he had just got out and this happens? Being Mixed within an Ancient Desolate Beast's Bloodline was all he had ever experienced in life, and now he will die just like this? 

But! Luck is still on his side... withered wisdom gu from one of his tendril, finally dies as it explodes into a burst of blue wisdom... It was planning to eat it sooner but forgot to due to situation at hand. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) 

The Inspiration from the Wisdom Gu lights fills up inside his head! An Unlimited amount of Inspiration flows through his brain! Even though those attacks were likely from a great god, even an ordinary gu worm can attack. 

Think through he had decided to do it! He is going to blow himself up and escape from the evil hand! Distort the spatial space and use that time to blow up another Gu once again! 

"Here Goes Nothing! Destroy the Heavens and lead me the way! Wisdom Gu!"

The Space nearby the area Distorts back to color for a split second. Within 0.1 Seconds of the detonation, it had used that time to spread fling itself back into the earth!

Edit: MC is Devour Gu. must made Ma Hong Yun so he can have the luck path inheritance. He will come back later...

I don't think I should do 3 chapters a week... My writing styl is that I write it plainly and boring with little information so as a result I need to edit it and waste more time. OwO I guess I can settle for 3000 words per week ghow about that? last one is 1,499 this one is 1,679. a total of 3,178.

MurderKingcreators' thoughts