

作者: Renji_Isamu
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  • NO.200+

ANGHST HAPPY ENDING || Apo dan Bible berniat pindah ke Italia untuk menikah kemudian menetap di sana. Tapi, Bible meninggal dalam kecelakaan tunggal, sehingga Apo ingin bunuh diri. Namun, setiap kali dia mencoba mati, Iblis bernama Mile selalu menyelamatkan nyawanya. Apa yang sebenarnya terjadi?


<p>~ DEVIL BRIDE ~<br/>BAB 1<br/>"Pengantin Sang Iblis."<br/>by Ren<br/>***<br/>Bangkok, Thailand.<br/>Dua tahun lalu, Apo tak pernah membayangkan akan menikah dengan siapa pun selain kekasihnya, Bible Wichapas Sumettikul. Gambaran pernikahan yang Apo bayangkan juga sederhana. Selain resepsi indoor di sebuah gedung kecil di Milan, dia tak berharap punya moment bulan madu. Model sederhana pun tidak. Dia tahu Bible sudah sangat berusaha saat melamar di alun-alun Sanam Luang, Bangkok.<br/>"Kau suka, Phi?"<br/>Apo memandangi jari manis yang kini bertakhta cincin. "Wah ...." Yang tadinya fokus pada pertunjukkan kembang api di langit, dia jadi teralihkan pada sang kekasih.<br/>"Maaf lama." Bible mengusap pucuk hidung. "Aku tak mau merasa kurang pantas saat melakukan ini. Jadi, rumahnya harus jadi dulu. Begitu pun kerjaan baruku. Aku tak bisa tenang jika pindah ke luar negeri tanpa rencana yang matang."<br/>Apo pun mengulas senyum tipis. Dia kehilangan kata-kata untuk beberapa detik. Antara Bible dan dunia ini, Apo merasa bingung memperhatikan mana karena terlalu bahagia. <br/>Keramaian di sekitar jadi pudar. Parade apa pun yang melintas, Apo abai dengan semuanya. Dia hanya mengikuti isi hati, sementara Bible terkejut saat mendapat pelukan darinya. Brugh!<br/>"Kalau begitu, iya!" kata Apo antusias. "Dan kau selalu dimaafkan, Bible. Pasti."<br/>Mereka sudah memimpikan ini sejak lama. Tepatnya 4 tahun, sejak bertemu di bangku kuliah King Mongkut's Institute of Technology Ladkrabang. Waktu itu, Bible adalah mahasiswa semester 4, sementara Apo merupakan dosen magang. Butuh waktu dan usaha lebih untuk pemuda itu untuk mendekatinya. Mulai dari rajin mengerjakan tugas-tugas, merepotkan Apo dengan beberapa pertanyaan, dan selalu bilang kebetulan saat mereka bertemu di perpustakaan. <br/>Awalnya, Apo ragu Bible juga tidak lurus sepertinya. Bagaimana pun, pemuda itu cukup tampan untuk digandrungi gadis-gadis seumurannya. Namun, setelah Bible mencuri ciumannya diantara rak-rak buku ... Apo sadar motif jujur darinya. <br/>Bagi Apo, Bible merupakan pilihan yang besar. Sejak setuju berhubungan, dia tak berpikir dua kali untuk pindah jenis pekerjaan. Apo juga tak masalah dengan kehidupan samar masa depan. Sebab melihat Bible serius berusaha setiap hari, dia senang.<br/>Apo tahu sang kekasih merencanakan sesuatu. Jadi, meski harus bersabar, dia sungguh menunggu Bible mengatakan segalanya hari itu.<br/>"Aku akan bantu Phi pindah pekerjaan juga." Bible memeluk pinggang sang kekasih seeratnya. Dia tak peduli lagi dengan orang-orang di sekitar. Toh keramaian yang ada terlalu heboh untuk sekedar peduli pada mereka. "Kita urus semuanya sama-sama. Paspor, anggaran pindah, resepsinya ...."<br/>"Iya, tentu," kata Apo sekali lagi. "Pasti akan kubicarakan dengan boss-ku besok pagi. Kau pun tak boleh menanggung terlalu banyak. Kita 50:50, oke?"<br/>"Tapi, Phi--"<br/>"Ssst. Kali ini kau harus menurut padaku," sela Apo. Dia mencubit punggung Bible hingga pemuda itu meringis. "Tidak ada yang boleh sok hebat lagi. Bukankah kita sudah sampai di tahap ini?"<br/>"Tetap saja, kan--"<br/>"Aku tak pernah seyakin ini," cengir Apo. "Lagipula persiapanmu sudah mewah. Jadi, kendaraan dan resepsi biar aku saja yang menanggungnya."<br/>Malam itu, Bible yang tak pernah terlihat lemah bahkan menangis dan tertawa haru di bahunya. Sang kekasih seperti baru memenangkan sesuatu. Dia berhasil! Dia sungguh mewujudkan segalanya dengan sukses! Namun, Apo tidak tahu momen bahagia itu akan berakhir dengan cepat setelah mereka pindahan. <br/>BRAKKKKKHHHHHHHHH!!!!<br/>"KECELAKAAN!" teriak seorang warga Italia lokal. Pria itu sampai menyemburkan hot dog yang dikunyah saat menunjuk-nunjuk sebuah arah. <br/>Di sana, Bible benar-benar terkapar. Tubuhnya berlumuran darah, menimbulkan kemacetan tengah jalan, dan mobil-mobil yang terburu pun berputar arah agar menemukan jalur lain. <br/>TIIIIIINN!! TIIIN!! TIIIIIIIIIIII!!!<br/>Entah apa yang terjadi saat dia pamit mengambil ponsel ketinggalan di kafe, yang pasti dunia Apo runtuh saat itu juga. Mereka bahkan baru dua hari di negara asing ini! Jadi, selain rumah baru dan barang-barang yang belum selesai ditata, Bible tidak meninggalkan apa pun kecuali kenangan yang hitam kelam.<br/>"Kau harus pulang, Apo. Biar kami menemanimu di sini," bujuk Namtan di telepon. Sepupu Apo itu sungguh gigih meski tetap menerima penolakan. "Tapi, dia sudah tidak ada. Dan aku cemas jika kau tetap tinggal sendirian seperti ini."<br/>Apo pikir, dia memang melakukan hal sia-sia. Namun, perasaannya pada Bible masih sangat kuat. Dia tetap tak percaya sang kekasih sudah kehilangan nyawa, meski nyata-nyata tubuh itu kini terbaring di peti. <br/>"Kau ini hanya tertidur, kan ...." bisik Apo. Senyum lelahnya terpatri di wajah. Dan dia berharap kedua mata Bible terbuka lagi jika esok nanti tiba. Seperti sebelumnya. Seperti biasanya. Apo tak pernah serindu ini dengan sentuhan hangat Bible hingga sekarang. "Tapi, kau dingin sekali. Dan harusnya luka fatal itu tidak ada."<br/>______________<br/>______________<br/><br/>Atau seharusnya aku saja yang mati.<br/><br/>____________<br/>____________<br/>Apo pun tertidur di tempat kremasi malam itu. Tiga hari tiga malam, dia tak mau pergi meski didera oleh kelaparan. Baginya, kejadian dramatis seperti kecelakaan sebelum menikah hanya ada dalam film. Sayang tidak. Hal itu memang menimpanya, bahkan sebelum Apo tahu mereka akan menikah di gedung apa.<br/>"Phi, aku senang kita sampai ke sini." <br/>Apo memimpikan hal yang sama beberapa kali. Adalah saat mereka baru turun di Badar Udara Internasional Subarnabhumi, Thailand. Bible menggenggam tangannya begitu erat. <br/>"Aku juga."<br/>Mereka saling berpandangan saat itu. Mata bertemu mata. Senyum bertemu senyum. Lalu bibir bertemu bibir. <br/>"Terima kasih sudah jadi kekasihku selama ini."<br/>Apo pun tertawa kecil. <br/>"Apa-apaan. Kau pun harus berterima kasih aku mau jadi kekasihmu selamanya."<br/>Biasanya Bible akan menciumnya lebih ganas jika mengatakan hal manis seperti itu. Anehnya, tidak. Sang kekasih hanya diam, mendengus gemas, lalu mengajaknya melanjutkan perjalanan.<br/>Selama ini Apo berupikir, moment mirip berpamitan oleh seseorang yang akan mati itu hanya mitos. Toh hal-hal seperti itu magis sekali jika dibayangkan. Jadi, untuk manusia yang standar dalam menjalani kehidupan sepertinya, itu sungguh sulit dipercaya.<br/>"Aku benar-benar ingin mati," batin Apo pada pagi buta. Itu adalah hari ketiga dia tertidur di lantai rumah duka, tanpa mau diganggu siapa pun. Kedua matanya mungkin terkatup, tetapi hatinya sering terbangun beberapa kali dengan begitu lelahnya. "Aku ingin menyusul atau menggantikan dia. Ke mana pun. Atau apa pun pilihannya. Aku tidak mau menetap atau meninggalkan negara ini. Terlalu sakit, tapi dia ingin bersamaku di sini-" (*)<br/>(*) Rumah duka: sebutan di kawasan Milan untuk tempat kremasi.<br/>"Kau akan membusuk jika terus seperti itu," kata seseorang tiba-tiba. Suaranya berat, dekat, dan Apo bisa menghirup aroma hujan dari tubuhnya. "Bangun, pulang sana. Tempat ini bukan untuk orang hidup, Bodoh." (*)<br/>(*) Petrikor: aroma alami yang dihasilkan saat hujan jatuh di tanah kering. Anggaplah ini aroma khas asli Mile si iblis 😂<br/>Awalnya, Apo mengabaikan sosok itu seperti kepada penjaga rumah duka yang coba membangunkannya. Namun, kali ini bulu kuduk Apo berdiri karena sesuatu.<br/>"Siapa?"<br/>Apo yakin dia tidak mendengar suara langkah kaki sebelum membuka mata. Jadi, jika memang ada orang yang menemani, pasti sekarang dia ada di dalam ruangan ini. Tapi kenapa--<br/>"Kau mencariku?"<br/>DEG<br/>Apo pun mengucek mata yang lengket dan bengkak. Dia duduk, lalu berkedip beberapa kali demi melihat apa pun lebih jelas. <br/>Sosok itu tampak nyaman, meski Apo yakin memakai cravat bisa membuat lehernya geli. Ada benang-benang emas yang menjadi motif bordiran elegan di sana-sini. Namun, dengan mata kuning keemasan, kulit pucat, dan senyuman tidak beres membuat Apo yakin sosok itu bukan lagi manusia. (*)<br/>(*) Cravat: Dasi ikat leher pada abad ke-17. Kalian lihat foto Mile di bawah ini. Di lehernya itu cravat, Kawan-kawan.<br/>"Ah, apa aku masih bermimpi?"<br/>"Kau memang masih hidup rupanya," cibir sosok itu merendahkan. "Baguslah. Aku tak perlu repot-repot menyeretmu keluar dari wilayah kekuasaanku."<br/>"Eh?"<br/>Apo pun menatap enigma itu lebih jelas. <br/>"Kenapa?"<br/>Apo menoleh ke guci kremasi Bible yang masih berdiri di tegak di lemarinya. "Aku ini sudah bangun?"<br/>"Tentu saja. Apa perlu kujelaskan lagi?" dengus sosok itu. "Orang-orang memang sering tolol jika sudah ditinggal mati. Cih."<br/>Apo pun meraih tangan sosok itu sebelum berdiri meninggalkannya. "Tunggu, kau bilang ini di wilayahmu?" tanyanya dengan mata berkaca. <br/>"Benar."<br/>"Jadi, kau tahu dimana ruh kekasihku? Namanya Bible. Bible Wichapas Sumettikul."<br/>Apo tahu, dia mungkin mulai tidak waras. Sayangnya Apo memilih sinting jika untuk menemukan Bible lagi. Persetan ini nyata atau mimpi. Apo akan menempuh jalur apa pun untuk melihat kekasihnya sekali lagi.<br/>"Bible? Itu nama pasanganmu?"<br/>"Iya."<br/>Sosok itu mendadak berubah penampilan. "Apa dia terlihat seperti aku?" (*) <br/>(*) Jadi, di sini Mile adalah iblis yang bisa menjelma jadi seseorang. Dia sekarang memakai penampilan Bible di depan Apo.<br/>DEG!<br/>"BIBLE!" Refleks Apo pun berdiri dan memeluk sosok itu. "Oh, ya Tuhan! Bible!" jeritnya hingga didorong beberapa langkah ke belakang. <br/>"Jaga jarak, Bodoh! Kelakuanmu ini benar-benar-"<br/>Apo tetap maju untuk memeluk kembali. Dia tak peduli geraman menolak di sisi telinganya. Dia rindu. Dia ingin memeluk sang kekasih lebih lama, tetapi tubuh itu sudah kembali seperti semula. <br/>"Aku bukan kekasihmu. Minggir."<br/>Apo pun mendongakkan wajah. Dia menghadapi sosok tampan itu tanpa takut samasekali.<br/>"Kumohon. Berubahlah lagi jadi dia ...." Air mata Apo kini mengalir hingga membasahi pipi. "Aku sangat butuh dia. Aku akan menikah dengannya bulan ini. Tolong ...."<br/>Sosok itu kini terdiam. <br/>Mile sang iblis mungkin paham jenis kemelut hati manusia. Sebab jika ini memang wilayahnya, Bible tentu bukan orang mati pertama yang dibakar di sini. Semuanya rancu. Selama ini dia tak pernah ingin peduli kepada manusia, tetapi Apo beda. Dia sungguh tampak mengagumkan meski dalam kondisi terburuk hatinya. Tidak seperti manusia-manusia lain yang melayat kemari, mereka sangat buruk rupa waktu menangis dengan wajah berantakan seperti itu.<br/>"Kumohon ... hanya sekali lagi saja." Apo meremas kerah indah itu. Perlahan, dia merosot berlutut, lalu duduk menekuri diri. "Bible ... Bible ...."<br/>"Kau sangat mencintai lelaki itu?"<br/>Apo menutup wajahnya dengan telapak tangan. "Aku tak pernah seperti ini pada siapa pun."<br/>"Tapi sia-sia jika kuturuti permintaanmu." Sosok seperti tak punya ampun. Rautnya keras, dan dia tetap menjulang di hadapan Apo tanpa rasa belas kasih. "Aku ini iblis. Tidak seperti dirimu. Jadi, kekasihmu takkan kembali meski aku berubah seperti dia."<br/>Apo menjawab lirih. "Aku tahu. Maaf, otakku sedang penuh. Aku hanya sangat merindukan dia."<br/>Mereka kini berpandangan. <br/>Apo tak peduli ini fakta atau bukan, tetapi dia sungguh takjub melihat iblis itu berubah lagi. Jadi wajah pria Italia, perempuan berlipstik ungu, bocah akil balig yang membawa permen, orang tua renta yang cara berdirinya mirip veteran, lalu menjadi lelaki muda Asia.<br/>"K-Kau ...."<br/>"Sekarang percaya perkataanku?" <br/>"...."<br/>"Mereka yang baru kau lihat, aku sudah memakan ruhnya dengan sukarela."<br/>"A-Apa?"<br/>"Termasuk milik kekasihmu itu."<br/>Bersambung ....</p>


Billionaire Mafia's Manny

The footsteps sounded closer, and closer, and closer, until he faintly heard Siri's voice welcoming someone into the house, but before he could open his eyes to see who it was, he felt a large hand gripping his neck, his legs were locked tightly between much larger ones, and, he felt the cold metal of a gun placed directly on his...gun. Zeno quickly opened his eyes from instincts, ready to fight off his attacker, but the moment he did so, he was met with mesmerizing dark grey orbs, staring dangerously at him. The face of his attacker was too close, he couldn't make out his features, but he knew they were sharp, even from a closed look. He didn't bother fighting, he didn't want to lose his junior member down there, and his Nana still expected grandchildren from him. He couldn't disappoint her. "Who. Are. You?" The voice of his attacker was so deep, dark, and commanding. Zeno was a fighter, but he felt a chill run down his spine from the sound of the voice. The hand around Zeno's neck tightened, but he endured it, he was a fighter. Judging by his attacker's looks and actions of confidence, this was his boss. ~~~ After losing his parents and being faced with an unbelievable medical bill; Zeno Evander finds himself working as a Manny for a mysterious Billionaire, but it doesn't last long, after almost being killed by the Mafia billionaire, Zeno swore never to return to that place again. But after a week of escaping the Mafia billionaire, Zeno finds himself kidnapped and Blackmailed into signing a year's contract as the Mafia's Manny and bodyguard. Could Zeno escape his evil and monstrous boss? Or would he be consumed by him? Consumed by the forbidden passion he felt build up between them? Would he risk his life just to experience the burn of forbidden love? After the betrayal from his family, ex-wife and friend five years ago, Sebastian Orion became a totally different being. He became cold, aloof, and dangerous as he rose to become the most feared Mafia king of the underworld, and everyone who heard his name shivered from fear. He distrusted everyone and hated any form of human relationships, building a thick wall around himself. But, not until his son's manny came into the picture. Zeno irritated him in every way, he hated the mere sight of his bodyguard and would have chosen to kill him if not for the sake of his son. Sebastian always tried to push Zeno away by treating him in the lowest way possible. But when the contract was coming to an end, were his feelings still the same? Or did he suddenly realize that it wasn't only his son that needed Zeno? ~~~ "What are you waiting for? Leave!" Sebastian snarled bitterly. He would have to speak with Butler Nicole to find out why he brought back this stupid clown to his house. He had just returned from yet another trip, just to find this nuisance in his house again. He hated Zeno so much, he was classless and looked extremely dangerous to be near his son, who knew if he was sent as a snitch by an enemy? "I'm sorry, boss, but I can't," Zeno said and stood his ground. Leaving would mean he wanted his Nana to die, no, he'd rather stay here and take all punches that came his way, he was used to it. "What?!" Sebastian couldn't believe that such stupid people were still existing in the world. "I can't leave," Zeno repeated.

Rosegold_n · LGBT+
107 Chs

My Mage System (BL)

He had been the best assassin of all time in his world and when he was finally killed, a goddess took the opportunity to send his soul into the body of a boy in another world who was weak for now but who was destined to become the most powerful mage of this world. This young boy was called Kevin and he decided to take his identity as he had kept his memories. The only thing he had in common with him was that they were both orphans, but Kevin had a weak mind and a weak body, in short, everything he hated the most. After successfully entering the Sun Sect as a mage, he managed to open the book Kevin had inherited from his parents and which he had been unable to open. What was his surprise when he realized that this book had turned into a System that allowed him to level up like in the virtual reality games he used to play in his home world. With the help of this System he will fufill his wish, he will become the most powerful humans of this world, not even shapeshifters or demons will be able to do anything to him. ………… Kevin turned his head towards him and seeing that he was still naked he said, looking away again : "Get dressed first, then we'll talk." Axel found some clothes that looked loose and put them on right away, he also took a pair of daggers whose blades were just a little shorter than his forearms, and he then approached Kevin and hugged him from behind. Kevin let him doing whatever he wanted, even though one of his daggers was now very close to his throat, Axel said to him close to his ear : "I want to trust you Kevin, so give me a good reason to." Kevin then asked him : "What do you want to know ?" Axel sighed, threatening Kevin with his own daggers won't do him any good, and he risked breaking the bond they were just making. He then took a decision and planted the two daggers in the ground in front of them, he ran his hands under Kevin's sweater and circled his waist with them, pressing him more against him. Kevin hadn't expected this turn of event and he felt his heartbeat quicken. Axel's hands were warm and he could feel his huge erection against him, one thing was sure, it was that he didn't let him indifferent. …………. WARNING this is not a slowburn romance and it's a R18 BL novel with lots spicy scenes so if you like reading 100 chapters before the mc and ml kiss for the first time just skip this story it's definitely not for you Otherwise, follow the adventures of our two heroes, if you love worlds filled with mysterious creatures, magic, fights, dungeons, a System that allows you to level up quickly, and a unique and powerful love story then this story is for you. ……………. If you like this story give a try to my other novels : The Divine Mage System The Celestial Phoenix and His Guardian (BL) Reincarnated to save the universe (GL/BL) New Update : Sunday/Monday/Wednesday/Friday/Saturday Enjoy your reading time and don’t forget to vote, to comment, and to review :)  

CeliaNaya · LGBT+
710 Chs

Chasing And Claiming My Rejected Omega Mate:Alpha’s Severe Regret [BL]

Born an omega in a time where omegas are rare and unwanted, Rory lived a life whereby he was always a second option in every situation. Omegas couldn’t birth pups, so no one wanted to be mated to them, except to fuck them and move on. He thought he was lucky to be betrothed to an alpha who loved him, but after a shocking betrayal, his heart turned to stone. Fleeing for his life led him into the clutches of Jason, a dangerous, ruthless wolf. He loses his virginity to him and the morning after, he realized that this soulless Alpha is his fated mate. But, once again, Rory is reminded of his curse of always being a second option when he got rejected. As if that wasn’t enough, he soon realized his life is in immense danger. Rory then decides to run away and start afresh in a different country. One thing Rory didn’t expect to happen, was for him to end up pregnant weeks after fleeing! ~~~ Years later, Rory now has an adorable son. He wasn’t the timid omega he once was, because he had managed to rise to the very top. Along the line, he managed to open his heart up to Kenny, a cute Alpha who loved and cherished him wholeheartedly, leading him to live a contented life. But when he collides with Jason this time, he wants nothing to do with the alpha who rejected him in the past. Jason, an Alpha of Alphas, felt his wolf wilt away the day he rejected his omega mate. He tried making things right, but the pretty omega who smelled of wildflowers and vanilla had completely disappeared from the face of earth. Now that he had encountered Rory again, he wasn’t ready to receive ‘no’ for an answer, and he was ready to do whatever it takes to get the omega’s forgiveness. However, Kenny wasn’t ready to let go of Rory either! A fight for the omega’s heart, who’s gonna emerge the victor? And what if they decide to share instead? | - | e x c e r p t | -| “Arch for me, pup.” The dark alpha husked and more color rushed into Rory’s face as the order settled in his stomach. For the first time in his life, Rory was completely nude in front of a man. He had assumed losing his virginity was gonna be brisk, and that it was gonna happen in the dark. He never counted on it going down this way, with an alpha whose dark eyes made his weak kneed and tongue tied, whose voice made his insides clench up, and whose touch made slick gush out of him like he was a faulty faucet. He pressed his flushed face into the sandalwood smelling sheets, limbs trembling as he arched his back even more, till his ass was very high and his chest pressed into the bed as well. “There you go, that’s a good boy.” The Alpha growled out, hands reaching out to knead his hips, and when he delivered a spank on Rory’s ass, a stuttered whimper spilled past the pretty omega’s mouth, muffled in the sheets. Moments later, fingers were digging into the omega’s hair, jerking his head up just as another spank got delivered on his second cheek, and this time, there was nothing to muffle the high pitched sound and it filled the air in a melodic tune. “Don’t muffle those sweet sounds, gorgeous. I want to hear every sound you make, I need to hear you as you fall apart from pleasure in my bed tonight, and that’s exactly what’s gonna happen.” * Cover isn’t mine. If owner requests, I’d take it down.

Bree_Airee · LGBT+
175 Chs

The Ogre Strength Fairy and the Eldest 'Son'

~Updates Daily~ (usually near 8PM ET / 1AM GMT) Other Tags: #GL #Slice of Life #Comedy #TheStrongActingWeak #ChildhoodSweethearts (It counts!) Single love interest Yuri! No lengthy misunderstandings over this fact~ --- After failing to ascend to the heights of Divinity despite all her preparations, an ancient cultivator finds herself not embracing the emptiness of the void - but the interior warmth of a womb. Her memories intact despite her spirit being a merest fraction of her height - and her trusted Astralism unchanged - she carefully starts over from an infant. How to navigate her family: [really easy with only two parents and an estate full of servants!] How to portray herself: [everyone likes 'sweet' kids and trusts (underestimates) 'weak' girls!] How 'quickly' to reveal the power she gathers: [this region is a 'backwater', let's just take it slow~] How her marriage was arranged before birth: [my parents adore me so at an appropriate time I'll just have it cance- oh?] Dealing with an 'amusing' deceit: ['he' looks worried still, but 'he' doesn't have to worry from me!] Confronting the 'boy' in private: [whatever their iffy plan is, I just obtained a husband-wife~] Even in a new life, | Elua er Goltbred | can't and doesn't *want* to change who she really is. A scheming cultivator. A possessive lover. Neither of those things had been a real hindrance to the Peak of Demi-God. Balancing the two in this life - without driving away the young 'boy' she decided would be hers - centers as much around helping | Qatrand er Yecine | find herself... as it is hoping to ease the fiance into how messed up the 'younger' girl honestly is. It's a good thing that the reborn cultivator can improvise with her ridiculous control of an Illusion Astralism - because plans fail and unexpected things happen when you're not *really* a genius. Like her Physique in this life allowing the lightest 'grip' to crack stone... | Qat | (the nickname picked almost instantly!) despite being a little stunted by her family environment early on, finds her future wife to be 'cute' on their first meeting. ... she really shouldn't have let on. It made her | El | kind of vain. Oh, and muscles. | Elua | : I just like looking at them, okay!? Is it so weird? People can have hobbies... - - - > Types of Cultivation // Spiritual (Soul), Physical (Body), Essence (Qi) > Aspect Trinity // Astralism, Physique, Element 'Ranks' Initial - Early, Mid, Late Lower Realms // Enchanter, Primalist, Breacher Upper Realms // Defier, Demi-god, Divinity - Echelons (First -> Seventh[Peak]) - - - Cover Art: AI Text Prompt Generation + title (etc.) added with an image editor. I also tend to do other 'fixes' in post! Potential trigger warnings: > A FL that may seem (to some) like they are being groomed due to 'true age' difference. > A MC that gets a little 'thirsty' a little 'young' but tries to 'keep her own pants on' until the proper age. > A toxic family environment willing to force an unloved child into the role of a crossdresser. A child that grew more than okay with it. > 'Pretty Good Dad' intentionally 'picked on' by his 'sweet daughter' for being a relatively 'minor obstacle'. Seriously, you were warned, average fathers with teenagers. Do not engage your trauma.

Seraphelki · LGBT+
235 Chs


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