
Devil's Savage Love

What is love ? For some it's feeling of being together sharing joy and sorrow For some it's an obsession which is carved in bone even if it means destroying themselves to obtain that love. Stella Brown , Badass , bright , cheerful , full of life , best friend with Andrew Wilson Andrew Wilson , handsome , calm , protective , love his family , best friend with Stella Brown Alexander knight , Badboy , handsome , possessive , known as prince , always gets what he wants. What will happen when destiny brings them together ? What will happen when Alexander falls in love with Stella at first sight and will cross any line to obtain her love? Will Stella Learn what love is truly. Can she resist Alexander's love and possessiveness while still trying to maintain her life. Did The love they feel be salvation for them or will it destroy them forever?

Trip_11 · 都市
6 Chs

1. Life

Bright sunlight was shining through the curtain. A beautiful girl was soundly sleeping in the king size bed dreaming sweetly.

suddenly a bucket of water was thrown on her face

"What the fuck" said Stella while weeping her face.

"Mom told me to wake you up . You are going to be late for your classes." Said her 15 year old brother Liam who is 2 year old younger then her giggle like a girl running out of her room.

"Why the hell this Monday come " said Stella walking toward her bathroom to get ready for her classes

After some time

On the dining table a man in his late 30s was reading a newspaper named Christopher Brown , a self made businessman , who loves luxury and his business .

On his left is a beautiful woman Suzy Miller , who was helping her son Liam with his breakfast.

Stella walk down the stairs and said "Good morning mom and dad " and sit down on her chair reaching towards the toast on dinner table

"Good morning Ella " said her mother Suzy.

"Is it any time for you to wake up even your brother wakes up before you? " said her father looking at her angrily.

Without looking towards her father while eating her breakfast Stella said " I was working on my notes late at night".

"Stop giving excuses for your laziness and where are you manners? '' shouted Christopher, seeing her eating her breakfast without care of manner

Looking at her father's face Stella felt like her day was going to be very bad and was ready to reply but her mother gestured her to stop and said to her husband " calm down Chris and eat your breakfast".

Chris said, " Instead of calming me down, why don't you teach your daughter to learn some manners? She is not a child anymore, it's because of you that she is spoiled so much ".

" At least she teaches me something not like you who is always shouting " retorted Stella .

she knows that her father never like her personality and will always find fault in her so instead of fighting with him and she stand up and start walking toward the door

"Elle stop , and finish your breakfast"said Suzy .

"I will buy something on my way mom, bye. Love you " shouted Stella to her mother and ran towards the door.

"This girl..." Christopher was going to say but Suzy interrupted him and said "you are going to be late for your office".

Stella walk out of villa's door thinking of taking a bus suddenly a car stop in in her left sight and greeted her family Butler Qin " Good morning young miss "

"Good morning , Uncle Qin and how many times I have said to not call me young miss please call me by my name "said Stella, still walking.

Uncle Qin is a Chinese man who came to New York with his mother when he was a child. His mother worked as a maid in her family after her death Uncle Qin Start to work at her place.He is very sweet who always support her and protect her when she did some naughty things.

Butler Qin smile helplessly and said " Get in car you are already late "

"You know I don't want to show of that I am rich , I will take bus " said Stella

"Boss order Stella and you know if I don't do my job well he is going to fire me " said her Butler Qin

Frustrated, Stella opens the copilot car door and sits down .

"Fight with father again," said Uncle Qin while starting the car.

"Yes, sometimes I think he has picked me up from some orphanage . I feel that his day doesn't go without shouting at me" said Stella angrily.

Uncle Qin chuckled and said " if they have picked you, how can you look exactly like your mother ".

Listening to Uncle Qin Stella went into deep thought and suddenly excited she said " uncle do you think my mother had an affair with another man and had me ".

Listening to Stella thought Butler Qin almost lost car balance but with his experienced he managed to control the car again and said " Stella you shouldn't make this Kind of joke in car what if I had lost my control"

"Sorry Uncle Qin ,but I still think he should not be my father," said Stella.

"And why is that?" asked Uncle Qin .

"See I am so smart and intelligent and always have a smile on my face and he always had a poker face so I think we don't match each other so he can't be my father" said Stella laughing and thinking of her father's gloomy face.

Uncle Qin shakes his head and laughs at her words and suggest" stop your weird thinking and be ready to face the wrath of your class teacher".

Staring outside of windows Stella thinks her life is really like a rollercoaster. Her family is rich but can't consider as a rich as other whose business is god knows how many centuries have be running.

Her father is a self made businessman and love his business more than his family he is strict and always want everyone to follow his rule and want them to behaviour like they are some kind of young master or miss .

She is just the opposite of her father. Instead of running after money she enjoyed her life. Her parents marriage can be considered as a business marriage. Her mother is sweet and kind but she is timid and always does what her father tells her.

Har brother Liam is a spoiled brat but she still loves him and her mother more than anything.

Sometimes she wants to run away from home and live in far away places so that she can do whatever she wants without care of anyone but running away from trouble won't solve the problem.

Thinking that she is again late and is going to be in big trouble.

Stella sighs and closes her eyes.

Not everyone have a happy family. Sometime we hate them but we still cares about them.

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