
Devil's Imposter Bride

"Just call my name, and I will stop, Lia," he whispered seductively, his lips pressed against my calf.  I felt a shiver run down my spine at his words. He was giving me a way out, a chance to escape this dangerous game we were playing. But I didn't want him to stop. I wanted to feel his touch and lose myself in the passion building between us.  "Call my name, Lia," he whispered, his breath hot against my skin, his passionate eyes gazing back at mine. At that moment, I knew I lost. *** Life was mediocre for Amara until her Master brought a proposal for her or more like, it was an order: she was to marry the wicked Lord Damien. Refusal was out of the question for her, as she was merely a slave —a servant burdened by her parents' debts. Just when all hope seemed lost, and she resigned herself to her fate, a mysterious man shows up in front of her, kills the evil old lord, kidnaps her brother, and gives her certain tasks to complete. If she doesn't, then he will kill her brother. As Amara embarks on her journey to save her brother, she finds herself in the clutches of a handsome prince - a devil prince. Despite the danger that surrounds him, she is instantly drawn to his captivating charms. As she struggles to fulfill the tasks set by the mysterious man, her heart is pulled in two directions. On one hand, she feels an undeniable attraction to the devil prince; on the other, she is determined to do whatever it takes to save her brother's life. Will Amara be able to complete the tasks given to her by the mysterious man? Will she be able to save her brother's life? And what will happen when her assigned tasks clash with her feelings for the devil prince, forcing her to choose between her love for him and her family? *** The cover doesn't belong to me. All credit goes to the original owner.

Anna_k · ファンタジー
177 Chs


My heart was racing as I ran through the dark forest, my feet pounding against the damp earth, sending splatters of mud in every direction. The chilling air pierced through my body, and my breaths came in rapid gasps. The sharp branches of trees scraped against my skin, leaving behind scratches and bruises, but I didn't dare slow down.

I had to keep running, for my life depended on it.

Tears streamed down my face, mixing with the sweat that dripped from my forehead as I thought about the events that had led me here. It all started when my Master came into my room that morning, his voice cold and commanding.

"You are getting married," he said, his words like a death sentence. 

I felt a lump form in my throat as I struggled to comprehend his words. 

Married? But how could that be possible?

I was a mere servant with no family or prospects. Who would want to marry me, and why was my Master suddenly dictating my future?

But my shock quickly turned to horror as my Master revealed the identity of my betrothed. "Lord Damien," he declared, a malicious glint in his eye.

My knees felt weak, and I had to steady myself against the wall to keep from collapsing. I should have known this day would come since the moment that evil old man had set his eyes on me. I should have prepared better because he never hid his cruel intentions, his vile thoughts from me. 

But how? I was nothing but just a servant.

But, Master, why was he doing to this me? I have worked my entire life and obeyed him. And now, he was giving me away like a piece of property to an evil old man who was known for his cruelty and heartlessness. 

Lord Damien had a reputation for mistreating and even killing his wives. The thought of being in his clutches made me shiver with fear. It was almost too much for me to bear.

I wanted to protest, to scream and fight against this unjust fate that had befallen me. But as I opened my mouth to speak, my Master's cold voice cut through my thoughts.

"Do not even think about defying me, girl. Remember your place." His words were like a slap to my face, a reminder that I was nothing more than a servant in his eyes.

But it was the next sentence that sent shivers down my spine.

"Or else, I will make sure that your younger brother suffers the consequences. And let's not forget about the unpaid debts your deceased parents left behind. I have complete control over your fate, and you would do well to remember that."

Tears pricked at the corners of my eyes as I realized the gravity of the situation. My brother, whom I had worked so hard to protect and provide for, would be at the mercy of this sadistic Lord if I dared to defy my Master's orders.

And my parents, how could I ever break my promise to them? My brother was my only family, and I would do everything and anything to protect him and give him a good life. 

Without uttering a word, I slowly nodded, indicating my acceptance.

"Good girl," Master praised. "I will make sure that your younger brother is well taken care of. Now, start preparing yourself. Lord Damien wants to see you tonight. I will send someone to help you get ready for him."

Suddenly, a loud noise startled me out of my thoughts. The sound of men shouting and crashing through the underbrush. They chased after me, their shouts and laughter echoing through the night. They were getting closer, and I could feel the panic rising within me.

My legs were starting to feel heavy, and my breath was coming in short gasps. I had to find a way out of this forest, to escape from these men who were hot on my trail. I pushed myself to run even faster, ignoring the burning in my lungs and the aching in my legs. I had to make it out alive.

But how? 

They were getting closer. I could hear their grunts and curses as they pushed through the dense forest, their eyes fixed on me like a predator stalking its prey.

But the fear and adrenaline coursing through my veins urged me to keep going. I couldn't let them catch me. I couldn't let them punish me for the sin I never committed. 

But just when I thought I had lost them, I stumbled and fell to the ground, the pain shooting through my ankle. The men quickly caught up to me, surrounding me with their sinister grins and dark intentions. 

I knew who they were – the guards of the Lord Damien. They were here to capture me, thinking that I was the one who killed their Master.

"Well, well, well, boys, look who we found - our master's killer," one of them sneered, his voice dripping with venom.

"We've been looking for you, girl," another one growled, his grip on my arm bruising. "You killed Lord Damien, and now, you will pay." 

"N-no... I-I... I d-didn't...," I stammered. 

This was not the truth. I didn't kill Lord Damien. It was him, the mysterious man in a black cloak. 

However, these men were not ready to listen to a single word from my mouth. Instead, one of them pinched my chin with his dirty hand and smiled evilly. "And a pretty liar, too." 

Then he turned to the other guards and smirked. "Boys, looks like we have to punish her for lying to us." 

"No," I struggled. "I-I... I didn't... I didn't kill Lord..." 

"Shut up, wench," the third man spat, grabbing my hair and pulling my head back. "Nobody asked you to speak." 

My heart raced in terror as they dragged me along deeper into the forest. I didn't know what they were planning, but I knew it couldn't be good. And then, the man who looked like the leader of this group spoke. 

"We won't take you back just yet," he said, a wicked grin on his face. "We have other plans for you, little beauty."