
DevAnsh: The Battle of Kaliyuga

Darkness, corruption, and sins filled the world, resulting in the fourth and final phase of humanity: Kali Yuga. This led to the premature birth of the fated ruler of Kali Yuga, Kali. Kali is fated to terrorize the world until Lord Vishnu, the Preserver, will take the Avatar of Kalki to kill the Asura King and restart the cycle of humanity by wiping the slate clean. But with the untimely arrival of the demon into the world and Lord Vishnu in his 4-month sleep, the gods decide to leave the Fate of the humans in their hands. But, to help them even the odds, they will provide them with an Ansh(Part) of their Dev Shakti(divine power). They gave the humans chosen the task to banish or defeat the Demon and his army. Devansh is an unfortunate youngster who is unaware that he will become part of this battle when he met an accident. He needs to grow his strength along with his comrades in hopes of being able to save humanity from a cruel fate. With crazy fights, unique and complex power systems, interesting backstories, and some dark and light moments, this story has everything that an action-fantasy fan wants.

Sha_Des · ファンタジー
6 Chs

Yama & Shani ?

It was dark and raining. Despite this, there were still a lot of cars racing past people on the streets as they walked by. Because of the worsening weather, most of them were in a hurry to reach their homes as soon as possible.

In between the pacing men was a boy named Devansh, strolling in the rain with no umbrella. His shoulders were slouching, his hands were in his pocket, and he had a downcast look on his face. In a flash, he notices he is standing at a crossroads and looks up to see what direction to take.

It is at this point that he stops to wait for the green light to turn on. As he waits there, he notices some shady figures on top of the roof of the building that he can't seem to identify. There is a glow in the eyes of one of them. It took MC a moment to realize what he had just seen, and he looked away and back at it, but it had vanished. He looked over to notice someone on the other side of the road trying to cross the road.

I covered the person from head to toe to protect herself from the rain, so only her eyes are visible. So, the stance and the look in her eyes conveyed confusion as she kept looking right and left. MC regarded the look as an opportunity and his worry faded away.

The lights turn green as she crosses the road. Devansh tries to look casual as he bumps into the girl and swipes the watch from her hands. "What an idiot. Too easy." He whispered as he hid his hands with the watch back in his pocket. There is a sudden loud thunderclap that echoes in the sky. A loud thud soon follows the thunderclap as he looks back to find the person he just now mugged on the floor.

He's about to turn away when he notices a truck approaching the girl on the floor. At that moment, his mother's voice echoes in his mind - "No matter what anyone says about you, I believe you are a good man. I do." He looks at the watch in his hand and the person in front of him. He turns around as he reaches forward to push her out of the way of the truck.

Almost reaching the person, he realized something. The reason the girl slipped was because of a banana peel he had just now stepped onto. He slips and falls face-first into the center of the road. But not before he pushed the girl out of the way while falling.

When the girl was close to the end of the road, she felt something pushing her from behind and when she looked back; she saw a boy flat on his face in the middle of the road. The loud horn interrupts the girl's screams but the truck rumbles past her.

The boy looks up to see a truck approaching. He smiles nervously, only to find his front teeth missing. He is shocked as he shouts, overlapping with the guy shouting before Truck-kun hits him.

The end?

Not yet.

He opens his eyes as all the parts of his body are singing a different melody as he tries to move. He notices a person dressed in all black with a mace in his hands and a big mustache leaning forward to check up on him.

"Aaaah!! Who are you and am I dead?" The boy asks with a shaking voice.

"I am Dharmaraj Yama (the god of Death) and welcome to Naraka (hell)."

"Yama… Raj…!!" the boy shouted.

"Calm down." said the other guy present, dressed normally in a suit except for the big black glasses, compared to Mr. Yama Raj's traditional look of black dhoti, armor with a buffalo inscribed on it. He also had a helmet with two horns coming out and two horns coming out of his black club, which, along with the pointed tips, formed a trident and a club. The boy experienced a mix of admiration and fear.

He turned around and said, "I have told you not to pull this prank on people when they wake up. Don't worry kiddo, you are not in hell."

"Ha Ha Ha. Nice prank. And obviously, he is not Yama Raj himself, right?" he whispers.

"No kiddo. That one's kind of true. He is Yama and I am Karma Raj Shani (God of Justice). We are humans just like you, but with the powers of gods. What's your name?"

"What is happening?" "Am I dead?" "Am I alive?" "Who am I?" "Are they gods or humans? Is anything real? I am losing my mind." The question interrupted the boy's confused thoughts.

"M... My name? What is my name? Oh yeah, my name is Devansh, but please call me whatever you like." the boy said as he struggled to comprehend the situation at hand.

"Hey, that's a good name. Right, Shani?" Yama asked with a mischievous smile on his face.

"Yeah, now change back into your normal clothes," Shani said with a frown.

"Oh. I will close my eyes." Devansh puts his hand on his eyes.

"Ha ha ha!! I like him. He is funny." Yama said as golden light surrounded him before his clothes changed into a more casual shirt and trousers. Devansh opens his eyes and is now more confused.

He tries to go back to sleep in hopes of this being a bad dream as he remembers the accident. Rising, he gives a nervous smile as he slides his hands toward his lips. He tries to touch his teeth as his finger passes through the tunnel in his teeth. The last strand of courage and sanity snaps as he starts to tear up and cry.

"Hey, why are you crying? You look weird," said Yama with a puzzled look.

"You idiots. Don't say that out loud. Hey kiddo, we will come back when you have calmed down and answered all your doubts. Also, you need to rest after that accident."

"Wait can you... I mean Lord Yama and Lord Shani. Can you please inform me about the girl I was trying to save before?" Devansh asked with concern on his face.

"Hey! No need for honorifics. We told you we were humans as well. As for the person you saved, I am sorry to inform you of this. She died." said Yama as he rubbed his right eye.

" SHE... DIED.....??


Not Fun Fact -:

Two people died by slipping on a banana peel in the 20th century: Once in 1917 and another in 1927. The 1917 case was a chauffeur in Brooklyn; the 1927 case was a 74-year-old man in Tennessee

This my first novel entry on this platform. As a new writer, please write the suggestion, advice, questions and theories in the comments. I will try to reply as soon as possible. This story will keep getting better as I write more. Please give it a chance beyond this chapter.

Sha_Descreators' thoughts