
Destiny comes

Madara Uchiha was feared throughout the five nations. Only to die at the at the hands of Zetsu. But this it the story of what comes after.

Alyssa_Eaton · アニメ·コミックス
5 Chs


Getting stab on the back at the same spot from Hashirama from another person, he trusted was a bitch slap. "Is that you, Hashirama? I guess neither you nor I could achieve what we wanted, " he said, sensing his old friend approaching.

"It's never that easy. Our job is to all we can while we're alive and then bequeath the rest for future generations to accomplish. " Hashirama said.

"So naive, cough, as usual. you, cough, were always.. the optimist. But perhaps, cough that is the correct path. My dream.. was squashed. But your dream, cough, still lives on.

"We were both too hasty. we didn't need to fulfill our dreams ourselves. it was more important to cultivate those who would come after us, to whom we could entrust our dreams." Hashirama said with a sad smile, looking down at his old friend.

"Which means I would've failed anyway. Since I've always hated someone, cough, standing behind me, cough. He stopped talking, seeing his eyes blur.

"When we were kids, you once said we're shinobi, and we don't know when we'll die. And that for neither side to die, we'd both have to reveal what's inside of us and pour each other drinks to toast like brothers. But we're both about to die. Right now, we can drink together, as war buddies." Hashirama said with a hopeful look as he pent down.

"War buddies, cough, huh? Well, cough, I guess, cough, that's okay.. It was there that Madara died.


Is this the pure land Madara thought looking around. "No, I doubt I'll be going to the pure land with what I did." Madara stopped talking when a beautiful black hair woman sat next to him. "Why, hello, I am Izanami, the goddess of rebirth and creation." She said.

Thinking for a pit Madara then said. "Then why are we both here I have done many things that are evil. I almost ended the world." He said looking at her. "Nor do I regret doing so. Because now I know that we were all being played! He finished off yelling that last out. 

"That is why I am here" Izanami said. "Zetsu is something that should have never existed but it did the lives it destroyed. You life was never supposed to be like this." She said. 

" But it did, Zetsu used me. My brothers dead. My father ordered me to kill him. I-I tried to kill Hashirama my best friend the only one to ever believing me after Izuna." Madara said with tears.

"I am here to fix that' Izanami said I am going to send you back in time with all your past loves memories." Madara eyes widening. 

"Why me not Hashirama? He said wiping his eyes.

"Because it's something that only you can do." Izanami said. "But of course I can't have you go without a punishment so you would be reborn as a female." Izanami then said with a smile.

Madara eyes widening even more.

"And one more thing maybe in this next life you could follow that crush you have on Hashirama." 

And with that in the Uchiha compound at 3:00 Madara Uchiha was Reborn.