
Destiny Choice System: Another Kurta (HxH)

After the annihilation of the Kurta clan by the Phantom Troupe, there was supposed to be only one survivor under the name of Kurapika, but somehow, throw a miracle unknown to all but one, another member left for dead survived the ordeal. Gilthunder, refusing death, hunted life and came back, along with memories of a previous life and a gift. But to gain something you must lose something else, and what lost was his eyes. Now taken by an avid thirst for vengeance, he decided to reverse the roles... Now the hunters shall become the hunted.

TheOneWhoRizzled · アニメ·コミックス
3 Chs


Minutes later, Kurapika left the bathroom, leaving behind a broken mirror. To his surprise when he arrived back in the room, Gil was at the center, doing what seemed to be a stretching exercise.

"Gil? What happened?" He managed to ask while refraining from rushing over. Although he was conscious that Gil was mostly fine, he still couldn't help but think Gil was fragile.

"I made my decision." Gil turned toward the source of the voice, he may not be able to see, but all his other senses were heightened to superhuman proportion.

Not only that even his body, he could tell was much stronger than your average adult... He guesses that was what the systems implied by his body were "strengthened."

"Huh...? No first of all, how about you sit down first?" Kurapika advised as he approached.

Gilthunder started to get annoyed by the way Kurapika was treating him like he was made of glass or something, but he also understood where the older boy was coming from so he did his best to be patient.

"No need, I am fine Kurapika, the only problem with me is my missing sight, otherwise there is no problem. You don't need to treat me so carefully." He wanted the older boy to understand that fact.

"... You are right, I am sorry. Guess I have been overdoing it." 

And for sure, Kurapika understood, in fact, he knew it already, it was just a reflex of sorts. 

"Don't get me wrong, I really appreciate the care but... It is just-" Gil felt like he hurt the man's feelings so he tried to explain himself but he cut off.

"Don't worry, I understand. You don't need to say more." Kurapika shook his head and said 

"And what was that decision you mentioned?" Kurapika asked.

"..." Gilthunder said nothing for a moment as finished stretching.

"I want to take the Hunter Exam too." Gil finally said as he sat down on the edge of the mattress.

"The hunter Exam but you.. you are..." Kurapika had trouble wording it in a way that wouldn't hurt his feelings.

"Blind? Yeah, thanks I noticed." But Gilthunder just didn't care.

"But even so, I will just need to make up for it with my other senses."

"..." Kurapika didn't know what to say, it was rather optimistic of him to think so. And he didn't want to step on his will.

"If I am not wrong, We still have 2 months before anything right?" 

"That's... right." Kurapika was still a bit hesitant, but this was not his choice to make, he knew full well that Gil had as much right as him to do what he wanted.

"Then I think I can put it off... Kurapika, will you help me?" Gilthunder asked with a smile, but his voice was filled with determination.

"I can not... say no to that." Kurapika relented, he couldn't refuse him this.


3 weeks later.

Kurapika shifted his center of gravity along with his body to evade the attack coming at him. Gilthunder realising he failed to stab Kurapika, quickly ducked as he heard the sound of an object going through the air.

Successfully evading Kurapika's bokken, he didn't stop there and went for a low swipe. Though it failed, it forced Kurapika into the air for a second. 

Gilthunder focused on his hearing, he could hear well, in fact, way too well, to some extent it was even detrimental for him, so he had to learn to dissociate and tune out what he didn't want to hear.

He focused on Kurapika and could hear his breathing, even his heartbeat, with that, he pinpointed where to attack and threw one of his knives toward the older boy.

But Kurapika was no slouch in fighting either, he hurriedly deflected the knife away from his bokken, before swiftly closing in. 

Gilthunder heard him approaching and tried to move away, in a direct confrontation he was not really that much at a disadvantage due to his enhanced metabolism but he still fell short in height.

He readied himself for the incoming attack and reverse-gripped his second knife, the moment he felt the attack coming he parried it, but Kurapika's bokken had two blades, with the first one blocked, he used the second and successfully hit Gil in the side.

"Argh" Gil let out a little pained cry but not more, before quickly retreating.

"You have considerably improved, Gil." Kurapika was happy with the boy's progress. 

"It's still far from enough, you are still going easy on me. I can tell." Gil answered with a bit of dissatisfaction. 

"Never mind, let's try again." Gilthunder readied himself for another Go at it.


"Kurapika, we gotta hurry, I think it's almost time for the boat to sail." Gilthunder made the remark as he tried his best not to get disoriented because of the crowd of people.

When there are too many people it messes with his ability to "see", well he wasn't really seeing, but by training and combining all his remaining enhanced senses, he somehow gained the ability to feel his surroundings through minuscule changes in air density, vibrations, and blankets of temperature variations, that are usually imperceptible to human beings.

All in all, he no longer needed his eyes to "see" and could do relatively well even without them, but that didn't mean he didn't want them back.

"A minute, I am almost finished." Kurapika quickly finished with his last bit of preparation before the voyage, knowing the rumors about the hunter Exam, he couldn't go about it carelessly.

After he was done, they hurried toward the port, and easily gained a place on the ship by paying a fair sum of money.

From then on, there was nothing they could do except wait for the time of departure. 

Finding a relatively isolated place on the ship, Gilthunder along with Kurapika chose to sit there. 

Contemplating his situation, Gilthunder thought with regret. 'I really should have listened to them and rewatched Hunter x Hunter.'

He was not that much of an otaku in his past life, just your almost average anime enjoyer. And he remember watching Hunter X Hunter a long time ago. 

So long that he doesn't even remember much of the plot or the name of most characters.

But what still could clearly remember was the power system as it was one of the best ever created in fiction.

That's why he didn't neglige meditating here and there... but sadly it didn't bear much fruit as he still couldn't even get himself to feel his aura nodes.

'It's a bit frustrating.' He rubbed his hair as he thought, he never was the patient kind, so you can guess why it was so hard for him to deal with it.

Even right now if it was not for his maturity and common sense speaking to him, he would have forsaken the hunter exam and run to find the Phantom troupes to get his get back.

Well... still for that he needed to know where they were and be strong enough to kill at least one of them. And currently, he could do neither.

He may have become relatively strong, but he doubted being able to even take on the current Kullua, so let's not even talk about the weakest of the spiders.

"Hm?" He suddenly raised his head, still wearing the blindfolds, reflexively looking in the direction where somebody seemingly somewhere around his seize was being mocked by a couple of other people.

"Is something wrong Gil?" Kurapika noticed the unusual reaction.

"No, nothing, I just feel like this is going to be an interesting journey." Gilthunder shook his head, he was never going to mention anything about his foreknowledge or his reincarnation.

That was the best thing to do, to keep it secret.

"Interesting huh..." Kurapika looked in the direction he was previously looking at and also saw who Gilthunder assumed to be Gon doing his thing.

"Here we go." 

Shortly after, the boat departed, riding along the waves and birds.

For most, it signified the beginning of their journey to become Hunters.

But for Gilthunder... It meant more, it also signified that the conditions of his Selection had been met. 

[The first has ended]

[Path of Vengeance and Ruthlessness:

You have survived a disaster no one else would, and you have fought death for life, until the very end you refused to abandon even when all hope was lost. Due to the additional benefits given by the system you have gained an enhanced physiology and regained your past life memories.

But that's not the end, although you discovered you had lived another life before this one, your past in this life still remains and it's filled with blood, iron, and anger. 

Contemplating everything, You choose to use your past as a motivator, you will put in blood and tears to get stronger, clash iron with your opponent, and pour your anger on the culprits of your suffering. 

You will hunt down the Phantom Troupe all your life if you must.

Condition: Accompany Kurapika to Whale Island and board the ship to the testing site of the 287th hunter exam. 

Rewards: Radar Sense (skill),*5 Special Kunai (Item), Genius Hunter (Skill)]

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"Kurapika, should we get inside?" 

Gilthunder asked, trying to conceal his smile at the same time, but it still managed to make its way on his face as his lips curled upward a bit.

"I guess we should. I can the black clouds on the horizon, a storm is approaching." 

 They made their way inside and made themselves comfortable, waiting for the storm to pass and for the captain to do his job of navigating the boat.

Within that time frame, Gilthunder was hesitating, he didn't know if it was a good idea to reclaim his rewards from the first selection right now or if he should wait a bit more before.

It didn't know what kind of effect it would produce if he were to reclaim them, a burst of light? some sound effects? or some more ridiculous stuff... he didn't want to test it in his current circumstance.

So he decided to wait a bit, anyway, he guessed that his current level of strength was enough for now, he was not weaker than Kurapika after all.

He could reasonably take care of himself currently... no, never mind he just remembered a psycho under the name of Hisoka and another one called Illumi.

He was going to need any bit of strength he could get his hand on.

So he was going to just wait until he was along to reclaim them.