

Competitive Sports
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WebNovel で公開されている、Emmanuel_okoye の作者が書いた DESTINY CALLS の小説を読んでください。It's basically a story of a boy who Picked interest on football when he was six years old...


It's basically a story of a boy who Picked interest on football when he was six years old

6 タグ

Silverfire - A MCU Fan-Fiction

Silver Walker, burned to death and sent into the MCU on his own behest, has received a new chance at life. Taking over the body of Pietro Maximoff, he plans to show the whole galaxy why exactly you should fear a speedster and add some meaning to his life. The unexpected affection towards his new twin sister wasn't something he expected, but at the same time isn't something he could ever hope to resist. ................................ This story is my take on what it would be like for someone to transmigrate into Pietro Maximoff, partly because I find his ending in the MCU a pity and partly because I am a great fan of his superpower. This story contains incestuous behaviour on the Protagonist's part, as the romantic interest is Wanda Maximoff. So be warned when you read it. There will also be very sexual language, so if you aren't of legal age, you probably shouldn't read this. Violence, death and action are inevitable whenever a story takes place in the MCU or the Marvel Universe, so you can expect a healthy amount that as well. The most important thing to remember though is, that if you are searching for a story with power struggles and face-slapping, you should turn around as you won't find that here. The MC of this story is a mature adult and has his priorities straight. Fighting without a chance of success is a fool's errand, as is taking unnecessary risks. For me this story depicts how a transmigrator should act on his advantages to survive and gain power in a place as dangerous as the MCU. There is no place for immature brats and reckless fools in such a world. If after all this you still want to read my story, I hope you enjoy it very much and leave behind a comment or review to let me know where I could improve or what I may have forgotten. I have no real update schedule, as this story is already finished and on my p@treon account. I will probably only upload it here occasionally, as this account isn't a priority of mine and just exists to stop others from stealing my intellectual property. (My p@treon-acc: www.p@treon.com/GodOfFreedom; Don't forget to change the @ for an a...) Last, but not least, I don't own anything but my own characters, as I do not own the cover image, which I found on the internet. If you are the creator and want me to take it down, just send me a message or leave a comment. Enjoy!

GodOfFreedom · 映画
49 Chs

I can change the core principles

"Where am I" She looked around and shouted at the top of her lungs. "HELP" "HELP" A ball of light crashed into her body. Then she felt suffocated and a screen appeared. [System parasite commencing] She felt pain like never before. [Parasite installing.......Succeeded] [Gaining control of soul.......Succeeded] She suddenly was in a black room and saw a screen. She wanted to move but was stuck as if a mountain was pressing on her. A ball of light suddenly lit and the pressure subsided. [System commencing extermination of soul] Dread washed over her body as she saw a small child about the size of a six year old. She couldn't see through the veil of death as every step the child stepped, she felt closer to the valley of death. "Please have mercy on me" "No" The child suddenly used her arm to cut the woman in half. The women still alive tried to fight back by pouncing on the child but to no avail as the child cut both her arms. Feeling the grasp of death grabbing on her neck. She smirked and chuckled. "Its time for your death" "Oh reall-" The woman blew up with unrelenting force. The power started to disintegrate the child. "How" The last words of the child. The women smiled at the dying child as information flowed through her mind. She fainted. [System 'Law System' has died in a battle of existence] [World System shall give inheritance to relative.......Error] [Law system shall be exiled so that soul shall not gain power.......Error] [Partial Law system is being reabsorbed into world system.......Success] [ERROR ERROR] [Compensation is needed. Transmigration and unparalleled talent is given as compensation.] [World shall be about cultivation as high compensation is needed.] [Unparalleled talent shall be given as title {Unsurpassable martial weapon master}] [World system shall not allow this lowly being to have power so heavy restrictions shall be given] [Lowly being cannot cultivate in anyway.] [Lowly being shall lose everything.] [Processing and implementing...... Success] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "Where am I" A child with a voice of a hourse voice sounded. The child covered her mouth and immediately tried to find something to reflect on as she used a puddle, a face of a child about 3 years old but she knew she was 5 and seemed like this from malnurisment. The most mouth opening thing is that she was ugly, she seemed comparable to a donkey. She was shocked but suddenly information resurfaced and she cursed at all the information she remembered. She looked up and cursed in low murmurs as she laid down on the cave floor and slept as she was exhausted from her mind and soul. (Hi, author here, first time writing, so the farther we go the more story concepts I try to add in the story, leading to this pile of burning stupidity called 'I can change the core principle.' Strap on your big boy/girl pants as you get absolutely violated by my terrible writing so I sincerely advice you to be the M that you never knew you were. Strip down and get whipped.) (On a serious note, this whole novel is just a draft for a larger novel so if you find people becoming concepts being too ridiculous. You know what to do...... Flame me in the comments with one star reviews.) Alternative Synopsis Have You thought about the profoundness of a concept? What is a concept? It's a idea. Are there any limits to an idea? Non but physical. Then, are there ways to bypass the physical boundaries of your limited imagination? Spiritually. This is a novel exploring the idea to live a concept that is intricately tied to infinity. Is a system Ai from all those popular books the manifestation of an AI or are they the sad byproduct? I don't know. What is a Law? A concept fully formed. An idea fleshed out for the world to see. So when a cultivator bends a Law, those it follow the past or the future or the present. After all, an idea is something out the bounds of time and space. A idea is discovered not created. It is already existing.

TANG_YU_PING_Moe · ファンタジー
27 Chs


  • 総合レビュー
  • テキストの品質
  • リリース頻度安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界観設定


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