
Destiny (Will it bring them together?)

Sameera is one of the best psychologists in the Mumbai city. She loves her work and considers it her everything. Suraj is one of the finest actors in the Bollywood's film industry in Mumbai. He is extremely hard working and has achieved here with sheer hard work and perseverance. But that one chance meeting changes everything. A story that started from dislike and hate turns into one of undeniable attraction and love. What happens when Sameera finds herself falling for this famous actor? Someone whose every move finds its way in the news. And what what happens when Suraj finds himself falling deeply in love with her too? Will destiny bring them together? Or does it have other plans for them?

Muskan_Mittal_9928 · 都市
4 Chs

Two- What kind of Best Friends are you?

Sameera opens the door to her house and goes straight to the bedroom. She sighs deeply and falls on the bed, burying her head in the pillow.

Her mother comes after a while, carrying a tray with two cups of coffee and some chocolate chip cookies. She smiles and keeps the tray on the bed.

"Come, Sameera.. lets have coffee." her mom says.

Sameera gets up and hugs her mother.

"Ma! You are the best! You always know what I need."

"I am YOUR mother after all." they both laugh. "Come, lets drink it and tell me what happened. You seem a little disturbed today."

Sameera nods and picks up her coffee mug. Her mother does the same and they both sit comfortably on the bed.

"Ma, you know my work right? I can't share details about my clients but its related to one of them. I felt so bad for that person and why I couldn't prevent something that happened to them which made them come to me." Sameera says sadly. "You know Ma...sometimes I feel that the world should be free.. free from all sorts of accidents and traumas...problems...sufferings which destroy a person's life... they suffer from mental health issues and then...then they have to come to people like me..." she sighs deeply.

Sameera's mother sits closer to her daughter and holds Sameera's hand in hers.

"Sameera.. I know my daughter. All you care about is helping everyone around you and ridding them of their troubles. But... dear, that's not always possible right? There are certain things around you that...you have no control over. And these problems.. they are a part of life, they give you courage and a hope to fight...They make you stronger. Like it made us..." Sameera's mother becomes lost suddenly.

"Ma.." Sameera says and squeezes her mother's hand.

Her mother shakes her head and smiles,

"Anyways, I always told you right, Sameera, that the job you are picking is not going to be easy. There will be days when you will love your job...and days when you would never want it to exist. But always remember that YOU are helping people. Anyone can do a 9-5 job and earn crores of rupees but the real wealth is that.. that satisfaction you get after helping someone. Right?"

Sameera smiles and nods her head in agreement.

"Now, stop worrying my sweet girl. You will overcome every difficulty in your path! Just keep being your kind hearted self." she touches Sameera's chin lovingly.

Sameera laughs and hugs her mother.

"Ma, I love you! I always feel light hearted after talking to you. You talk so well! You should have been a Motivational Speaker!" she says cheerfully.

Sameera's mother laughs it off and hugs her daughter while patting her on the back.


There is a knock on Sameera's door. She is finding her lunch when it happens. Without looking towards the door she says, "Come in."

As soon as the door opens, Sameera says, after finally finding her lunch but still not looking at the door, "Jane, good that you are here. Please tell me which is my next-" she suddenly looks up to the door and sees that it is not Jane, her personal assistant, but someone else.

Sameera is surprised, "Hi Richa! What are you doing here?" She goes to her and hugs her.

"Hi Sam! Nothing, just came to meet my best friend. Why? Can I not?" Richa smiles and hugs her back.

"No..I didn't mean it like that. But- you never come to my office, specially without informing. That is why I asked." she says confused.

Richa smiles and sits on the chair. Sameera sits too but keeps eyeing Richa. She looks a bit sad.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" Richa laughs.

Sameera holds Richa's hand in hers. "Richa... if there is something, then you can tell me.. Please. I can help you.."

Richa bursts out crying. Sameera worriedly hugs her and consoles her.

"Its ok Richa... whatever has happened, I am here with you.. Please don't cry." she says panic-stricken. "Just.. tell me what happened." she pushes.

"Sam- Jay.. Jay" Richa begins to speak but starts crying again.

"Jay? What happened with Jay?! Tell me. Richa!!" Sameera begins to panic more.

"He- He broke up with me." she sobs. Sameera is astounded.

"Wait, what?! Jay.. broke up with you.. how is that possible?! You two are together for the past 10 years, college sweethearts.. You both love each other so much and have also been in a live-in relationship for the past 5 years.. I can't believe..!"

Suddenly a person enters Sameera room, laughing loudly. Sameera looks at him, confused. Then, Richa also starts laughing and hugs the person.

"Jay! Why did you come in so early? I was having so much fun.." Sameera says and giggles.

"Sorry Rich.. I just couldn't control myself anymore, I wanted to see Sameera's reaction." he says grinning.

Sameera looks at both of them vexingly and turns her back towards them. Jay and Richa look at each other and smile mischievously. Then, they run towards Sameera and start tickling her. Sameera laughs and asks them to stop... All three of them laugh a lot. Finally, Sameera says cutely,

"But.. I am still angry at you both. What kind of Best Friends are you? You know, I was so scared."

"Aww.. we are sorry Sameera, we just wanted to have some fun with you." Richa says hugging her. Jay nods and the three have a group hug.

"Ok, leave all this now. Let's go Sameera." Richa begins to pull Sameera.

"But, where?" Sameera asks, confused.

"To celebrate your Birthday Eve!" says Jay.

"Birthday Eve? But why? My birthday is tomorrow so we will celebrate it tomorrow." Sameera says authoritatively.

"Yes, we will celebrate it tomorrow also, but we have surprise for you tomorrow." Richa winks.

"NO...! Please! No surprises.. You always plan something stupid for my birthday that always goes wrong. Last time, you took me to an African safari and I got lost, last to last time, you gifted me a monkey, which broke my favorite coffee cup, destroyed my house and ran away. I hate your surprises!" Sameera shakes her head vigorously.

"Hey.. Sameera! Nothing will happen this time, we promise. You will love the surprise this time." Jay says while grinning at Richa.

"Yes! We have planned something amazing this time." she grins back at Jay.

"Okay.. but I still don't believe you guys." Sameera eyes them both suspiciously.

"Let's go now!!" Both Jay and Richa shout and pull her outside.


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