
Destiny (Namjin)

"I will always be the Moon of your world. And be by your side in every situation. I promise ". "I am not what you think. When you will know my secret, you won't love me like you used to. But, it's okay. I will always love you even if it is not reciprocated back. " I won't let you two be together until I am alive. I will make you hate each other to the extent that you won't even tolerate each other's presence ". A pure love between two, their love transcended life. But will the destiny let them have their way or will carve a new path for them? Will be together at the end of their path or will destiny make them apart? A bts fanfic. Namjoon - bottom Taehyung - bottom Hoseok- bottom Includes bts ships ( Namjin, Sope and Vminkook)

Beauty_Devil_4881 · その他
67 Chs

Chapter 41

The next day all had gathered at the dining table but the atmosphere was totally awkward. All of them steal glances at each other but no one have the courage to start any type of conversation. After a good ten minutes, Jungkook's patience ran out.

"Everyone!! I am tired. We can't be awkward all day , right? So lets not talk about what happened yesterday. Just pretend like nothing happened yesterday" Jungkook stated while pouting so as to release the tension of atmosphere.

"Hmm, well no one was serious about anything yesterday. So no need to be awkward and all" Chirped Seokjin.

" Not serious?!! .... " Namjoon looked at Seokjin and mumbled with a confused expression.

" Namie we all were joking. You did not meant anything for real. Right?.. Seokjin looked at Namie while trying to read his facial expressions.

" Yeah, I wasn't. Not at all. Why would I be? I just was in a mood. That's all." Said Namjoon and looked down while concentrating on food in front of him. All others were a little confused but said nothing. Yoongi was still stuck at the words of Namie. He does not want another misunderstanding between them. That's what he hates the most. He was about to ask Namie when he was interuppted by a phone call.

"Hello...Uhh.. Hmm.. Okay... Be careful on the way" Said Yoongi and cut the call with a poker face.

" What happened? Who called? " Asked Taehyung while his mouth full of noodles.

" Park Soo Hoon"

" Ohh....

One second later.

" Uhh.... For real?

"He is coming now?? At our home!! "

All of them yelled together and excitement was evident in their voices. Yoongi covered his ears while Namie jumped a little due to loud scream. Joon- wo looked at all of them while confused as what happened.

Taehyung jumped up from his chair startling Jungkook as he was near to him.

" What happened Taetae hyung ? Jungkook inquired while looking at Taehyung in confusion.

" I need to get ready. Don't you need to? Look at yourself, everyone half naked, only in boxers and hairs sticking to all sides. " Yelled Taehyung as he had already sped off to his room.

" Hmph, he was not so excited when I asked him for a date."mumbled Jungkook but enough for members to hear.

" Huh!! Kook-ah you took us to date, that's right. But the place... A f*cking Game arcade. I never told you before, but now i can. Who takes to a game arcade for date,huh? And what you did their. Enjoyed defeating us in games one after other. " Yelled Jimin in anger. Jungkook gulped but had nothing to defend.

" Don't fight over it now. Kookie doesn't need a date to show love for all of us. And Kook is not the only one to blame. We had more worse dates than Kook" Said Seokjin while looking at Yoongi who purposely looked away and stuffed his mouth with a dumpling.

" Don't bring all of that now. In that only me, you and Hoseok were a little sensible." Said Jimin.

" What did you all do for the dates, tell me.. I want to know" Said Namie while pouting. Jimin was swooned for the cuteness of Namie.

" Namie, we are a gang of mafia but in reality we are a bunch of babies who don't even know where to take loved ones for date. As I told Kookie took us in a game arcade, Taetae in a photo studio where he clicked photos of all but mostly made us do his ,while Yoongi without giving a second thought called us in his room for a sleepover and forced all of us to sleep early in the early morning..that was very weird... Seokjin hyung was better. He made various dishes for us and we enjoyed them. I also took them to a good restaurant and let them have as much and whatever they wanted. Hoseok hyung took us for a shopping where he paid all that we wanted. But we enjoyed all that we did" Said Jimin .

Namie was listening very enthusiastically. Joon- wo also listened but he got bored at the starting so was seeing a cartoon.

" Yoongi hyung said someone was coming. Who? Inquired Namie after finishing his food.

" Park Soo Hoon. He is our close friend and like a hyung. He is elder than all of us. He was Joon-wo papa's best friend. We knew him for a long time. But he lives abroad and rarely pays us a visit. He suddenly came today. We did not knew about his arrival. " Said Seokjin.

" Hmmm... Umm hyung what happened to Joon- wo's parents? " Asked Namie in a low voice.

" They... they were murdered. " Said Seokjin while looking down while fisting his hands. Namie never asked since the start about little one's parents but now he had the chance so he asked. He was shocked and wanted to ask more but Jin's expression tensed up so he did not inquire further.

" Go freshen up Joonie, our Hoon hyung will arrive soon. I will take Joon-wo to dress up" Said Yoongi. But Joon-wo instantly latched onto Namie and looked at Yoongi with puppy eyes.

" You wanna go with Namie."

Joon-wo nods his head slowly. Namie gives a dimple smile and picked Joon-wo in his arms and went to his room. Others also dispersed to get ready.

After two hours all were ready in causal clothes, neat and tidy, well except Taehyung who was dressed in a suit. Jungkook and Yoongi rolled their eyes upon seeing him dressed in suit.

They waited and after fifteen minutes a man entered from the front door.

A tall man in his 20s came with a long beige coat, inner white shirt and dark blue tie with golden brown dyed hair styles up with one suitcase and one bag in other hand. All of them greeted him warmly . Park Soo Hoon looked friendly and all of them were glad to welcome him.

" Hyung, it's been so long. Why don't you bring your business here and work here? You rarely visit us due to work " Whined Taehyung while giving a glass of water to Soo Hoon.

" I came to visit you all and still you are nagging at me for not visiting. And be careful, don't be so clingy to me like before or else I will definitely be dead till I go back. I can't handle Jimin and Jungkook's jealousy." Soo Hoon gave a smile and Taehyung smiled sheepishly at the remark.

" Jin-ah, who is this new guy? Joon-wo seems to be close to him which is a rare sight"

" Ahh... He is our new member of our gang. His name is Nam... I mean Kim Namjoon. "

At this answer, all of them looked at Seokjin as this was unexpected but kept quiet. But Soo Hoon was continuously staring at Namie which made Namie feel uncomfortable. He then says nothing and then talks with others.

" Huh?... No hi.. No hello. When we meet someone for the first time dont we introduce ourselves? Why does he behaves like he knows me but hates me. He can't know me... Right???

Namie's thoughts got interrupted by the conversation.

" Hyung, you must be hungry. Come let's eat. All the dishes cooked today by chief's are your favorite. "Taehyung stated and Soo Hoon followed him. Meanwhile the others stayed behind and talked in whispers or low voice.

" Ki.. Kim Namjoon. My surname is Kim?!! "

Namie just stared at Jin in surprise waiting for an answer.

" I can't tell that you don't have a surname, it will be weird. Plus in your identity card I have put Kim. So it is okay. From now one let's keep your name Kim Namjoon. "

" You made my identity card, put your surname and didn't even bother to tell me"

" You had the identity card before but you require a new one when your get in our team. So I had to put your surname their. You can change afterwards if you want. "

Namie wanted to say more but huffed as doing argument won't solve anything or change his surname. Seokjin also did not say anything further.

"Little Joonie I had brought you lots of gifts. I will give you all that after some time. " Soo Hoon said while eating his lunch.

" Gifts?.. For Joonie!! Thank you big brother. " Said Joon- wo getting excited while thinking of what type of gifts awaits for him.

After talking about each other, Soo Hoon gave presents that be brought for all. And the presents were perfect for everyone. Joon - wo was also very happy with his chocolates that were already in his mouth with a set of legos about to be opened and a plushie brown puppy by his side.

" Ummm.... I did not knew about you, so I did not brought anything for you Namjoon. And i can call you Namjoon, right? " Asked Soo Hoon.

Namie nods his head and gives a smile.

" Thank you Hoo hyung. These chocos are really tasty" Giggled Joon- wo while eating thrid chocolate. Soo Hoon gave a wide smile to him.

All were seated in the living room. Taehyung was forced by Jimin to change into casual which made Taetae throw a tantrum but he changed.

" Ummm.. I heard Jin hyung say that you were best friends with Joon-wo's dad? How close were you two? " Asked Namie.

Hearing this Soo Hoon'face became stoic and his hands fisted.

" I am sorry.... I shouldn't have... "

" No, it's okay. It's been two years since that happened. His name was Park Do-yun. He and I were childhood friends. He came from a wealthy family while I was not so well off. He was always friendly and never boasted about his wealth and status. He was like a hero, a loyal friend and a perfect boyfriend like you see in dramas . He married a sweet, kind girl who loved him the most - Park Chae-Yeong. They were the most perfect couple I had ever seen till now. B-but des-destiny was ve-very ill-fated..... "

Soo Hoon was unable to form words and by his looks he looked like he blames himself for their hapless end. No one wanted to speak about that topic so Jimin changed all of their attention by talking about Joon-wo who had build a tower by joining one block on the other and thus the tower got longer than little Joonie so he was not able to fix the highest block and in his attempt to put, the blocks tumbled down all over. Joon-wo in anger and frustration kicked down the remaining tower as well while stood with arms akimbo with a cute pout. All giggled at the cuteness. Later all went into their rooms. Soo Hoon went to a seperate room that was meant for guests.

" Taetae hyung, when did Hoon hyung got the news about his friend's death and came to Korea? "

Taehyung looked at Namie in a quizzical way

"Umm... He lives abroad so he came to know later. Then he came and visited us. Probably after a year.. I think. Why? "

"Nothing, hyung you have all the documents of the murders and deaths from the police station, right? "

"How did you know that? "

" You are close friends with the police, you only told before. I know you help them in catching people on wanted list. In return they also give information that you want.I know you are not bad mafias. You just bring justice in illegal ways. Now tell me, can you please give me the file of investigation of Joon-wo's mom and dad.

" Okay...sure. In my cupboard. Follow me. "

Taehyung takes out two files from locker which was hidden behind an almirah.

"Here one from police and one our own that we made. But give it to me after you finish whatever work you have. Okay? "

Namie hums in delight and bows as a thanks. Then he goes to his room and spends an hour reading the file.

" Wow!!! This is the reason why all the bad, rich people are roaming free and all. Police have less information and almost no evidence against the murder. Seokjin hyung had gathered , but not so much. One can't tell the exact scenario as to what happened at the night of murder. But!!.... This guy, Park Soo Hoon and the other one Lee Sang-ook who is listed as friend or almost brother like figure of Park Chae-Yeong. They feel weird to me. And their is another guy whose face they don't know. And he is the killer or the partner in crime. Plus he is Byung-ho's son!? I never heard of one. But they don't have a photo of him...Ahh!! ...All this is so confusing. "

Namie takes photos of the three guys and goes out to print their photos for himself. While going he gives the file back to Taehyung.

" Hyung... Umm.. the guy- Lee Sang-ook , he knew about his sister's murder? Did he came to visit? " Asked Namie.

" Hmm., he did . As soon as news spread he came. He gave Joon-wo lots of toys, gave comfort and also came to play with him on regular basis .He is our good friend. Why are you asking all this? " Inquired Tae.

" Nothing. I am just curious about that incident"

Taehyung wanted to ask but he thought what will Namie do. So he just patted his head and went to keep the file back at its place. Namie went to the living room only to find it empty.

"Huh? Where are the others? No way.... Don't tell me they are all in that Soo Hoon's room. They never stayed in my room altogether, hmph!!

Namie went outside to take a walk in the lavish garden in front of the mansion accompanied by swimming pool . While he was checking the plants and vegetables, he noticed that their were no guards present their. No one other than him. He went further taking in note to tell this to his hyungs.

Then mansion is fully covered from all four sides by long cement walls as it is a mafia's house they can't keep it open for intruders. When Namie strolled and reached near the swimming pool he was aghast. His eyes poped out in shock and his hands were trembling. Their was Jungkook and Jimin lying in the swimming pool, but they were unconscious!!!