
Chapter 144

"Pftt— Hehehe..."

"Russel, stop laughing now."

"Sure, sure."





After he brought Princess Cielo into her room, Gian planned to meet His Majesty today before he goes back to the Cres Val mansion. When the little princess handed him the pen, Gian heard Russel's laugh and he was still laughing up until now. Of course, Russel heard their conversation earlier since Princess Cielo was holding him in her small hands while she was hiding behind Gian's legs. In Russel's point of view, the Prime Minister is just a plain idiot.

Russel heard that Duke Ermintel is the brain of the aristocratic faction. But maybe because of his old age, he was slowly turning into an old idiot. Just because he received news that he was 'missing' does not mean he can use it to threaten their Imperial father. Now look at him, he was still laughing because of his supposed to be a threat.
