

A very hot afternoon.

This is the city of Jakarta, the most populous city in Indonesia, this city is not only the center of government but also as the center of the country's economy. Because as a developing country and has a very large population causing a very serious problem that is a lot of unemployment.

This is caused by the large number of workers and the lack of employment, all of which causes very hard and cruel job competition.

"Huh, son of a bitch," shouted a man.

In front of a tall building there is a scream and curse of a man, well this man is me.

My name is Adi, a man who graduated from an unknown private university. I work at an internet provider, hah this job is very heavy, I work in the marketing department.

I am still 25 years old but I have been appointed as the head of the marketing team, which of course is a very good achievement, usually the people who work to be the head of the marketing team are in their 30s.

Genius or clever, these two words are just nonsense, this is what I feel. I was fired, now I am unemployed !!!!.

Damn, this all happened because of the son of a disgusting director. That damn man, if I could meet on the street and the road was deserted I would definitely kill him. But it's all in vain now because I'm just an unemployed person, no money, no connection, all this is useless.

Walking out of the office yard, I walked to the bus stop.

I was standing at the bus stop, while waiting for the bus to pass by, I took out my cellphone, this cellphone with the SEMPRUL 69X brand is a local brand phone and also a new series, I saw the clock on the cell phone showed at 13:45.

After standing for 10 minutes the bus came and I immediately climbed it.


Walking towards my boarding house well I'm a poor man so I don't have money to rent an apartment or buy a house.

Opening the door I entered into my small room maybe only measuring 5 × 5m, this place is very small only one room if I want to take a shower or wash my clothes I have to get out and outside there is already a bathroom provided by the owner of the boarding house.

Even though this is very narrow but for me it is enough, because there are a lot of expensive needs especially for this meal which is very expensive.

Actually, my salary as a head of marketing was quite a lot, but I still chose to stay in the board because it saved my money.

Now I feel grateful because I used to save money, so now I still have money.

Changing clothes with a black shirt and black drawstring pants, I sat in front of the computer while lighting a cigarette. While smoking I turned on the computer, I opened Youtube and searched for good videos, watching some YouTube content that was not clear.

I feel very bored, now I'm unemployed but for the money problem I don't need in the near future, right now I have enough money to eat for several years if I save it, actually the money I want to use to buy a house.

I opened the M-banking website and saw my bank balance which was Rp. 50,000,000, which is very much actually I save for several years by setting aside some of my salary. Of course I can have that much savings because I'm an orphan.

I don't know who my parents are, who they are, I only know that since I was 3 years old I have been in an orphanage, whether my parents are alive or dead. I do not know who my parents are, actually I also want to find who my parents are but it seems very impossible because I'm a crossbreed.

Well I have a face like a westerner but my hair and eyes are black like an Asian feature.

This made me give up because even if I searched every corner of the world I wouldn't be able to find them.

Even so I still live my life happily, even though I have a handsome face but I don't have a girlfriend, this is very bad for others but for me it doesn't matter because for what you have a boyfriend but you don't have money.

While blowing my cigarette smoke I laughed because I saw a funny video on Youtube, I could only shake my head because this content provider was crazy.

You know right now content creators are willing to do weird things only for interesting content.


Suddenly there is a notification from my email that is very strange, because usually if there is an incoming email there will be no notification.

So I immediately opened my email and saw a message from someone whose email address was named God@gmail.com.

This is very strange because I never seem to send a job application letter and also if it's an email from my friend maybe not because they usually use text messages.



Note: If you are not interested, the message will be deleted after one week. "

"Is this what a new game has been released but it seems like I never registered to become a Beta tester"

This message is very strange because it seems I have never heard of a game called WAR OF LORD and also the name of the company that released this game was not mentioned.

Because human instincts are always curious and want to know, I clicked on the link after I clicked the link directly to the new page.

The page immediately displays a picture of two swords that dipeipang and the position of the sword facing up and there is the words WAR OF LORD.

In the middle position there is the inscription LOGIN, I feel strange because I have not registered so where lin to register.

Feeling strange I immediately tried clicking on the LOGIN text. After clicking the link I immediately saw the words: Name: Adi

Age: 25 years

Nationality: Indonesian

I feel very strange because it seems like I have never written my data but why is my data there.

Then in the lower right-hand corner there is an Advanced message, then I just click because it's already already why not just continue, maybe I can play an interesting gane that can make me happy.

After clicking I immediately saw the page changes and there is writing.

Rules & Requirements

Seeing those two words, I ignored them, because in every game there must be two sentences that are very boring.

So I scrolled down the page and there was a white box, I clicked on the box and a checkmark appeared in the box.

Then I saw the words Done and I clicked.

Suddenly after clicking on the text the computer screen gave off a very bright light and swallowed me.
