

The survival story of a former human—now monster in a world that defies all understanding—a realm where magic and monsters rule. In this harsh and unforgiving land, the danger is ever-present. Reynold faces relentless threats from fearsome creatures and treacherous terrain, each day a battle for survival. Despite these immense challenges, he discovers that he is not just surviving but thriving. The trials that would break others became stepping stones for him, and each challenge met with an unyielding determination. 

SapphireKantCook · ファンタジー
16 Chs

On The Run

I ran.

Gogogogogo. I need to get the hell out of here.

Heart pounding, I turned and sprinted through the forest, my legs slipping on the damp, uneven ground. The shrill screeches of the metal-tailed rats grew louder behind me, their relentless pursuit a chilling reminder of their tenacity to crush me. My mind raced, searching for any answers that could help me escape this situation, while every instinct in my body was screaming for survival.

Of all the times that I could be chased by monsters, why did it have to happen now? Heck, can't they just leave me alone? Not only that, but from what I could gather, each of their levels ranges from 6 to 10. Clearly I have no way of beating them head-on.

[Appraisal's level has increased from 2 to 3.]

Ignoring the notifications ringing in my head, I darted around passing trees, my breath ragged and my muscles burning. The forest ahead twisted and turned into a maze of shadows and tangled roots. The metal-tailed rats were closing in, their glowing red eyes filled with madness piercing through the foliage. I had to find a way to lose them and escape their relentless chase.

Think! Think Ray! There has to be something that I can do about this situation. Anything, as long as I survive.

Quickly, I veered sharply to the right, hoping the sudden change in direction would throw them off. My claws dug deep into the soft earth as I propelled myself forward, leaping over a fallen log and into a dense thicket. Branches scratched at my scales, but I pushed through, ignoring the signals of pain from my body. As the sounds of the rats' pursuit grow fainter behind me.

A quick glance over my shoulder revealed that I had gained some distance, but they were still coming. My mind raced as I tried to recall the layout of this part of the forest. There had to be something—some terrain feature I could use to my advantage, anything. Come on, think...

Then I remembered: Couldn't I just lead these metal-tailed rats into a random group of monsters so that they can duke it out? I mean, it was a risk; there was a high chance that the group of monsters that I was leading the metal-tailed rats into could just join the chase. But if I succeed, I might be able to slip away in the ensuing chaos of monster vs. monster.

With renewed determination, I changed my course, heading deeper into the forest, desprately looking for any group of strong-looking monsters that could take this load off my back.

The forest began to change, with the trees gradually growing larger and more twisted, their branches forming an almost impenetrable canopy overhead. The ground was littered with thick roots, making my progress even more difficult. I could have sworn that I saw some branches and roots moving, but perhaps I'm just seeing things. Regardless, I pushed on, straining not just my ears but any other senses of my body to catch any signs that might indicate the presence of other creatures.

Suddenly, I heard a low growl to my left. I skidded to a stop, my heart leaping into my throat. There, just beyond a dense thicket, I spotted a group of reptilian monsters—drakes, if you will. The drakes were an imposing sight, their armored brown scales glistening dully in the faint light that filtered through the cavernous forest. The scales had a subtle, earthy orange tint, giving the creatures an almost earthly hue and camouflaged appearance against the autumnal hues of the forest floor. Running along their backs were rows of sharp, black spines. Their heads were adorned with two menacing horns sprouting outward like the twisted tree branches, along with four eyes that were arranged symmetrically on their heads, which glowed a faint, deep, menacing red. Strangely enough, I couldn't see their statuses. Were they so strong that even my apprasal skill couldn't gauge their abilities? To be honest, I don't know and I don't care. So long as they are capable of killing these metal-tailed rats, then I'm fine with that. The Drakes were roaming peacefully, oblivious to the chaos that was about to descend upon them.


I feel kind of bad for these drakes for taking on these metal-tailed rats in my stead, but surely my reptilian brothers got it right? Well, let's just forget about that. I'm not in a position to feel sorry for monsters, especially when they wouldn't do the same for me.

I took a deep breath and sprinted towards them, making as much noise as possible. The drakes looked up, startled by my sudden appearance. Behind me, the shrill screeches of the metal-tailed rats grew louder as they closed in. I dashed past the drakes, hoping the rats would be too focused on me to notice the new threat until it was too late.

The metal-tailed rats burst into the clearing, their eyes blazing with bloodlust. The drakes roared in surprise and anger, their peaceful time roaming interrupted by the swarm of smaller, insignificant fodder. Chaos soon erupted as the metal-tailed rats, driven by their relentless pursuit, attacked the drakes. The larger creatures fought back with ferocious power, their vicious attacks turning the tide of the battle.

I didn't wait to see how it would end. The ending of their fight was pointless anyway, since that wasn't my goal to begin with. Plus, I absolutely do not want to waste any of this time that I have to watch them, especially if the drakes soon turn their vicious attention towards me.

With the metal-tailed rats distracted, I slipped away, weaving through the trees and putting as much distance as possible between myself and the fight. My lungs burned and my legs felt like lead, but I kept running until the sounds of battle faded into the distance, not looking back even once.

Finally, I slowed down, my breaths coming in ragged gasps. I had done it. I had led the metal-tailed rats into a fight they couldn't win, and I had escaped with my life. But I knew this forest held many dangers, and I couldn't afford to let my guard down. I needed to find a safe place to rest and recover before the next threat found me.

Scanning my surroundings with my senses heightened to the maximum by the adrenaline coursing through my veins, I was able to gather that there were no apparent threats approaching me.

Good. This is good.

To be honest, I spent so much time running that I didn't even take the time to properly observe my surroundings. The forest around me was dense and twisted, with the canopy above nearly blocking out all light from the ceiling. Shadows danced ominously in the underbrush, making it difficult to distinguish between the natural and the unnatural.

I needed a good place to hide—somewhere the metal-tailed rats and other predators couldn't reach me. Somewhere safe. My mind raced through possible options. A high perch in the trees? No, the branches were too intertwined and unpredictable. I also don't think that I could climb to reach any branches in my current state. With me being injured and tired, and the added bonus of me still being slightly unfamiliar with my body. A burrow? Risky, considering I didn't know what might already be living there. I also don't think that I can dig a burrow on my own. My legs and claws don't seem to be designed for that kind of thing.

Let's move on while thinking of better options.

In the meantime, as I crept further into the forest, I stumbled upon a rocky outcrop partially hidden by a cluster of thick, gnarled trees. The rocks formed a natural alcove, just big enough for me to squeeze into. I approached cautiously, flicking my tongue across the air for any signs of danger. Satisfied that it was unoccupied, I carefully slid into the alcove, pressing myself against the cold stone while still remaining vigilant for any sudden attacks that might occur.

The tight space offered a surprising sense of security. The rocks shielded me from view, and the thick canopy above ensured that I wouldn't be easily spotted during any exit that I made. I took a moment to catch my breath, my heart still pounding from the chase. As the adrenaline began to wear off, the pain from my wounds became more pronounced. My scales were scraped and bruised, and every movement sent sharp pangs through my body.

I checked my HP again. Still dangerously low, but at least I was alive. I couldn't afford to let my guard down completely, but this alcove would serve as a temporary refuge. I curled up as best I could in the confined space, focusing on calming my racing thoughts and slowing my breathing. Rest was crucial if I hoped to recover any semblance of strength.

During times like this, I heard that it was good to perform breathing exercises. If they even help, that is.

Breath in. Breath out.

Breath in. Breath out.


The forest around me was eerily quiet, the silence only broken by the occasional distant sound of the ongoing battle between monsters. These brutes, I tell you, can't they just spend one day without fighting? Alone with my thoughts, I couldn't help but feel a slight pang of guilt for leading the rats to their likely doom, but survival was my priority. In this unforgiving environment, it was every creature for itself. I am in no position to be feeling any of these emotions in such a dangerous place to begin with.

As I lay there, I began to formulate a plan. I couldn't stay in this alcove forever. I needed to find a more secure location; perhaps I might have to leave entirely and locate any tunnels that had safe spaces for me to reside in. I also needed to forage for food, mainly because I used too much of my energy hunting one metal-tailed rat and escaping an entire group of metal-tailed rats. I didn't even have enough time to eat the metal-tailed rat that I killed. While I'm also at it, I need to find water to replenish my strength. The forest was full of resources if one knew where to look, but it was also full of predators eager to claim those resources for themselves.

In short, survival for the fittest.

Great. That's just great.

I shifted slightly, trying to find a more comfortable position against the rough stone. My thoughts drifted to the creatures I had encountered so far—the metal-tailed rats, the drakes, and countless others. Each one was a potential threat, but also a potential opportunity. If I could learn more about them, I might find ways to avoid them or turn them to my advantage.

My eyes grew heavy as exhaustion finally began to overtake me. I knew I couldn't afford to sleep deeply, but a brief rest was necessary. I let my mind drift, keeping my senses alert for any signs of danger. The forest, with all its mysteries and perils, would still be there when I woke up. For now, I needed to gather my strength and prepare for whatever came next.

With that, everything went black.