
Underground Final

And finally it was the third and final day, of course I couldn't sleep since the others were in a few rooms across.

Good thing I was keeping awake since three of them tried to attack me only to get thier bones broken.

I was standing in the arena with the crowd cheering.

Fredta had said that something intresting had been prepared that the twins wouldn't be able to survive

I wonder what it would be.

"Ladies and Gentlemen!!....."

"Just shut the fuck up and start the fight already!!" Some people shouted as I could see the twisted expression on Herlos' face.

But he forced a smile and continued.

"For today's battle, we have prepared something special!! A minatoorrrrrrrrr!!" he shouted as I saw something clank above like doors and a deafing bellow as the fifteen feet tall minator landed in the middle.

It had some kind of collar with vairous glowing orbs.

"The person who survives the onslought of the minator and is able to break the orbs on the collar wins!! every man for himself!!"

Well it wasn't really useful for me, plus three with broken bones and one sevely injured person would only hold me back in the battle.

Especially since I haven't selpt a wink for the last 68 hours if I didn't have a mana circuit constantly supplying me with energy, like coffee on an all nighter, I would have fallen by today.

The crowd roared and the minator bellowed.

I should be use flashstep now, since I am facing something that is showing up as ???

"FIGHT!!!" Herlos shouted as the match began, I immeidtely went into stealth while the others tried to run away but were crushed by the minator leaving only me.

Best defence is offence there were a total of five crystals to in the front three at the back. I could dodge it all day but we would not get anywhere and eventually I would fall since I am forcing myself with mana.

I shook my head best defence is offence.

I breathed out, I am pretty sure stealth would not work due to the level difference, as the minator charged straight at me.

I dodged the giant arm coming for me, then jumped on it and ran towards the head only for the second hand to come for me.


I felt the time slow down around me as I dodged the hand jumping over it and continuing as I reached the shoulder, First take down the front ones.

The normal sword clashed with the crystal and shattered immeditely.


[Shock crystal - decreases weapon durability according to attack strength]

So this was the reason the siblings wouldn't be able to win.

But I smirked, I had a legendary weapon, it didn't have trivial stuff such as durability.

So I just slashed it with the other one and it broke apart.

As I heard the crowd roar, while I couldn't see his fucking face I was pretty sure that Herlos was bloody fuming.

The minator roared as I went fully on it dodging slashing as I kept using flashstep distroying the rest of the crystals.

I jumped back after slashing the final one.

The minator kept attacking me even after that, I was just about to say something when I heard shouts from the crowd.

"Hey the crystals have been distroyed!! why isn't it stopping?!!"

As more and more people joined in the commotion I caught sight of Herlos who seemed to be fuming as I almost laughed and got caught by teh minator. Flashstep was really saving my ass here, but my mana was starting to run low.

It was then seeing the commotion growing in the crowd did Herlos decided to step up.

"I declare the fight over!!" he shouted as Immeditely the minator bellowed in pain as purple lightning from the crest on its chest started hitting it.

"Participant 93 wins!!!" he shouted giving the audience his best happy face and the arena roared.

I finally relaxed and almost passed out but managed to keep myself awake through getting the prize and getting out of there until I met back with Fredta.

"I won I guess" I smirked as she looked at me she was saying something but I immeditely passed out.

Guess nearly 70 hours without sleep takes its toll.


--3rd Pov--

Fredta caught Adric who had passed out, as she immeditley started using a spell.

[All Zweite Hide Mirage]

Immeditely cloaking them.

'I really didn't think he would pull through,' she thought looking at him as she carried him back to the hotel.

Meanwhile Arna who had watched the fight could clearly see the exhaustion that Adric had by the end of the fight.

On one end she didn't really want to lose, but seeing the end she realised what had happend, they would not have been able to win she wanted to go after him but he seemingly dissapeared from the arena.

Fredta would know, where he would be.

Yes, I guess its time to pay her a visit....hopefully he is alright....since I am his subordinate now would he be abusive to me or something?

Kelin seeing his sister have a weird smile on her face just shook his head, her masochistic tendencies were something he was never able to cure his sister off.

As for the man they had faced before being eliminated in terms of sheer skill. Being under him wouldn't be bad but still it would be better to know him before but they couldn't run from him.

From what he knew he would find them sooner or later, plus he knew Fredta. So if he is half decent he will be able to find them.

Herlos was glaring at the servants keeling in front of him.

"Are you sure he was just a level 15?" eh asked coldly and the servants nodded.

Herlos fell into deep thought he had seen fighters before who are able to fight beings of a higher strength but at most it was difference of a few levels, but what he saw today was someone fight 15 levels above his own, his merchant gene had started to tingle.

He smelled money and a lot of it.

"Find out what you can about him, and report immeditely" the servant nodded and dissapeared.

While all this was happening Fredta finally reentered the sovenier shop, as the fox woman Leta came running up to them.

"Take care of him, I have some things to sort out right now" she spoke as Leta nodded supporting Adric and carrying him to a room in the back.


Adric - POV

I woke up under an unfamiliar celing as I sat up in a soft bed, with an orb lighting the surroundings.

I wasn't wearing any armour and was just stripped down to my underpants as I sat up to see my sword leaning against the wall on the right.

Argh, I had a headache as I sat in the bed

"So you are finally awake" It was Fredta standing on the left near the door as she looked at me,

"How long was I out?" I asked cracking my neck as my eyepatch was missing.

"Around a day give or take" Fredta replied.

"Can you fill me in on what happened?" I muttered as she sat down on the sofa tossing me some clothes.

"Well you passed out from exhaustion and handed over your rewards to me, its about 500 gold coins and some other stuff." she replied,

"What about the two siblings?" I asked putting on the shirt.

"That's what I wanted to talk about, you are clearly not normal and your sword is the same. So who are you exactly?"

I looked at her, she was a friend of Bernard so I think I should trust her.

"Yeah, about that. Remember when I said teh sword hero should walk in through the front door?"



"Are you fucking serious?"


"one of the four Cardinal heroes participated in an illegal fighting arena. That dammed bernard didn't tell me shit!" She sighed rubbing her head.

"Well anyway, can we move on from that"

"Do you even realise what scene would be created if a cardinal hero was fighting in illegal tournaments.

"Nope, don't care either"

"Why was person like you even summoned here?"

"The fuck I know,"

Fredta groaned,

"They are back at the inn," Fredta said as I grabbed my sword.

Guess I will head back to the capital now to get a replacement , plus my armour needed some repairs too.
