
One Doctor Fiktor Frankenstein

It was a quiet day at the lab. The Head (and only) Scientist: Fiktor, as he always did, sat at his desk writing out extensive reports on that day's studies until 3 am. To give a little context, in a world full of magical abilities, the Sciences were largely ignored by the world's population. Who could care about how the world functions when you can shoot fireballs out of your hands? Born as Fiktor Heinrich Frankenstein but soon cutting out his middle name to be much neater on his papers, was one of the minority population born without any sort of special abilities. He couldn't utilize magic, he couldn't swing a sword, he had no exceptional strengths, the only thing he had was an inhuman photographic memory. Which sounds impressive if we were to look at it in the real world, but in this world: He was biologically below his peers. His current study was boring and uneventful, and it a boring "How does mana infused water affect the growth of western fauna". But we'll get to his work later. We'll start with a backstory of the Scientist.

As stated before Fiktor Heinrich Frankenstein was born to a very rich family, the reason they were so rich is that they were infamous for producing top tier mages, meaning Fiktor was already an abnormality in comparison. From a young age, he was basically bullied by his five brothers and three sisters. The only thing that kept him sane in a house full of Magic-Loved Lunatics was the house's study, a room that got seldom used because again, not many people care about how the world works when they can focus on shooting fireballs, but alas, mostly for bragging rights, they had a huge study, filled to the brim with hundreds of books, by age 16 Fiktor had read the majority of the important ones and was already at an intellect far beyond most in his family, or without sounding arrogant, his entire natal home. Because of this, Fiktor grew quite prideful, something his (also very prideful) family didn't take too kindly too, eventually disowning him, partially for his misdeeds but mostly so that a Manaless nobody wouldn't stain their family tree. After saving up some money, being forced to join the working class, he moved to a small kingdom in the west branded "Pandem", it's king had a reputation for being extremely horrible but it was the only place he could actually afford. So, make the best out of a bad situation and he decided to use his new life dedicated to his work.




Fiktor, who by this point had his face on his desk appropriately freaked out to the very loud banging, causing him to fall off his chair. His black hair covered his entire face whilst he searched the floor for his glasses, finally, he got up and headed over to the door, opening to a purple-haired and subtly tanned man, Fiktor was freaked out, not by his abnormal hair colour but by the fact he had horns, red eyes, a fur coat and a very large sword on his back, suspended horizontally on his waist. He opened up the conversation with a simple "Yoo there!".

"Uhhhh...." this continued until he managed to bench himself back in reality because of his sleep deprivation, "How may I help you?"

"The name's Kelvin, I'm the King of this place, and you're coming with me on an adventure science man," he said with an ear to ear smile on his face.

These words prompted Fiktor's head to tilt to the right, not in curiosity, but rather, he falls to the ground having fainted at hearing these words.