
Demon Slayer: Rivers of Blood

A boy born from humble origins, Agares. A different name than others but still goes down a different path. No one knows if that path is either a good one or something entirely different. Using a sword that is lethal to all, no matter their race. Be it demon, human, or something else entirely. He will cut them down with Rivers of Blood.

AirHeadMan · アニメ·コミックス
6 Chs


"I'm alive?"

Agares touched his neck and he could still feel the axe cleaving through his neck and the huge pain before it was over.

'Another world. How is that possible? Ugh, there is no point in thinking about this since no one is going to give me answers.'

He looked at the bloody finger on his hand and wondered, "How does this thing even work? I was wondering about it before--."

He touched his neck again and sighed. He sat up from the ground and looked at his finger again before looking at the body of Okina.

"I want to go home. Oh wait, I don't have one ha-ha. Great. Is my mother's crystal worth my life?"

He thought before he shook his head. "There is no point in going back. There is no life there. I'll have to find that noble who wants this crystal. After I get that money, I can live a better life than I have now and maybe find something to help with my missing parts."

He nodded and marveled at his thinking, "Good job Agares, you are one smart boy. Oh, I know Agares. We are very handsome too."


He touched his stomach and gave a wry smile, "I guess I'm hungry after getting killed."

He left the cave and started to look for something to hunt.

2 hours passed.


'A deer!'

'I have to be quiet and get close to it so I can stab it.'

Every step was nerve-racking for Agares since he has not seen anything for 2 hours and mushrooms and berries don't fill him up.

The deer were eating the grass and then--.


He stepped on a branch.


The deer looked up and looked around. Fortunately, it didn't seem that Agares was found out. "Phew." He let out a breath of relief.

He got closer and closer and then he stopped when he believed he got close enough and hid in a bush near the deer.

'I should call this bush camping.' He amused himself.

He gripped his katana in his hand and a drop of sweat dripped down his forehead. He took a step forward and readied himself.

He stayed silent and didn't let out a sound. He pointed his katana toward the deer through the bush. He thought of stabbing the deer's side but changed his mind at the last second. He rotated the blade.


He struck the deer's hind legs and cut them off! It fell and whimpered. He looked down and saw the deer's eyes staring back at him.

'This is the first time I killed another living being. The villagers always hunted and fed everyone cooked food or got potatoes or fruits as well as other products. However, this is my first time killing another living being.'

'No!' He steeled himself.

"I need to survive because no one is going to help me but myself." He sucked that tear back up from his eye and raised his katana.

"I'll remember you, the one that helped me survive."

The deer stared at him until his eyes lost their light as the katana pierced its head.

Agares took off his coat and wrapped his katana and strapped it around his body and used his right arm to drag the deer back to the cave.

As soon as he arrived, he got the appropriate materials to make a fire and cook the deer. As he watched the villagers cook many things, he repeated the same process on the deer.

Hours passed and he finished cooking the deer and used its skin as a cushion for the floor.

After eating the deer, night has fallen, and the glistening moon shined at the world. He used the deer's skin as a cushion for the floor and his coat as a blanket. He grabbed his katana and rested it by his side as he slept.

"Good night <Rivers of Blood>. Our journey is just beginning."


The katana vibrated with happiness and Agares felt it.

The next morning, he woke up and started doing fitness that he was able to do without his missing arm in the way.

After doing his workout to build strength and stamina, he wrapped up his katana with his coat and went back to the cave to say goodbye and pay respects to Okina.

"Thank you. I will take good care of your katana." He took a deep bow and then left.

"Hmm, I should go back to the village for a map and if they want to take the crystal from me, I am just going to have to threaten them."

He took the same path when he ran away from the villagers. Night has just fallen and after quite some time, he arrived but the village wasn't as he expected. It was quiet, too quiet.

He slowly walked forward, and his katana vibrated in ecstasy.

"Ahhh! Help me! Gerard! Don't run away!"

A huge scream of agony reverberated through the village and Agares heard it. He started to run and then came upon a horrific sight.

Bodies. Not just bodies but parts of them too. They were all over the floor and blood was dripping from the houses and puddles made of blood.

He wanted to throw up, but the situation didn't allow him any time to.

He spotted the village head who was using another person to distract the green man and run away.

He looked around to find a way to run away without being chased and he spotted Agares.

"Agares! You're back! You are the hero of this village! I remember you saying you killed many demons before. Here is one now! Save us!" he shouted with spit coming out every time he spoke, and his face turned vicious, and his eyes shined with malice and cowardice.

"What the hell?" Agares face turned ugly as he realized the purpose of what he was saying.

'This guy is trying to put the guy's attention on me!'

The demon held a person in his hand and was holding their throat. He turned his head and looked at Agares. Agares now had a good look at that man, only he was no man.

He had rough green skin and dark brown eyes. His body was skinny, contrasted with his brutal way of killing with his bare hands. His smile grew to his cheeks and had fangs like a shark he heard about in stories. Two small horns were protruding from his forehead, and he had short black hair.

He gripped the hand that was holding the woman's throat and ripped it out. The woman dropped down to the floor while choking on her blood for a couple of seconds before she stopped shaking.

He grinned at Agares and showed his full teeth that were bloody.

"A hero? Interesting. Can you kill me like you did the others though?"

'A demon? The man-eating monsters my mom told me when I was younger as a way to get me to go to sleep earlier?! They are real?!'

'There was no point in running away as he would just chase me now that he took notice of me and that bastard saying that I am a hero that killed demons before!' He grimaced.

'I should have run away the moment I saw him ripping people up.' Agares lamented.

He took out his katana and readied himself.

"That katana has a rich smell of blood. How many people have you killed? Ho ho ho." he laughed and marveled as the stench of blood from the katana was powerful.

'He killed more people than me, though I just became a demon, so I haven't killed many people yet.'

The wind was the only thing that was heard as the silence filled the whole village. The villagers wanted to run but they couldn't help but feel curiosity about what might happen; however, there were some sensible people who ran away as soon as the demon's attention got on Agares. Like the village head.

Agares gripped his katana hard and gulped.

"I might die here."